Russian white male 27 yo, living in 800 km away from the capital.
any questions?
Russian guy here, ask me anything
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wtf do people actually do for work? I'm talking about people in small towns and such. seems getting decent work is tough if you're stuck in a small here in the us, I can't imagine what it's like in Russia where the only places that actually have jobs are the top three biggest cities that everybody pours into
Why won't Putin nuke California? Side note: I just wanna explore space with our Russian buddies. Is that too much to ask for?
And what is it supposed to slide you brainlet? The fucking varg thread, or the fucking circumgender thread?
Get a grip, take your meds.
What do you think about Russian women?
vodka cyka blyat'
I'm working in waste management company, decent wage for the Russian standards
How many of your women are actually Eurasian? Like pic related.
because Putin rather nuke Voronezh.
Putin's friends have too much real estate in Cali, so forget about this, bro.
how do i get a russian gf
Describe high class midle class low class and ghetto class Russians in your words.
How old are you
Roscosmos is going to die. Old engineers and real professionals are going to retire soon. Young staff know nothing, can't work and that's why we have so poor results last years.
How far from capital do you live
have sex
I have sex more than you faggot
Do you suck dicks?
They are different. Most of them are disguising, especially older than 30 yo. But yes, you still can find a good woman here. It's hard though.
go have sex then and stop fantasizing about mutt girls, queer
>25+ yo
>being on Jow Forums
When I've fucked all the types of women around me including your mom and sister I start to fantasize about different girls, but you wouldn't know anything about that would you, faggot?
Not much. At least in the area where I'm living.
top right one is fucking tasty
interpals dot net
here's a lot of them.
why don't you find a nice white wife and raise some kids instead of being a degenerate? are you even white memeflag faggot?
are there many niggers around?
are young people becoming more conservative like in the west?
in my opinion, russian men are good looking when they are young and disgusting when old (alcool, cigarettes, sport..)
What do you think?
Stoopid stoopid nigger
high class - Putin's friends and their friends
middle class - programmers in Moscow and some businessmen
low class - the rest of the population, except:
ghetto class - alcoholics, hobos, illegal immigrants and so on
Are waste management companies mafia owned in Russia like they are here?
Хyи coceшь? Бoчкy дeлaeшь?
Why is Russian food so disgusting?
Why are there so many Russian tourists everywhere? How does Russia even have a middle class to afford travel? What do people work at?
are you retarded? read the first post.
Is this real?
Bleaching nonwhite women who wish for white babies is so much more fulfilling. That's why, user.
nope, my dick has been sucked though
What do you feel about Bulgarians?
>memeflag = faggot
you don't get white babies by impregnating nonwhites. sorry dude
Do you believe Russia killed Litvinenko and did the recent nerve agent attack in Salisbury or was it a British government false flag?
no niggers
a lot of sandniggers in the capital though
not really, I guess they are becoming more liberal (classic leberalism, not like leftie scam)
you are right
Bleaching Asians are basically how Russians were created
what do you consider sandniggers? do you call chechens sandniggers? heard there's a lot in moscow
if you're talking about big companies, yes, the same
do you love Putin? How could there be true russians that don't?
Shh, I know that, but they don't. Don't tell em ;)
No, it was the other way around. Slav women got RICED, Slav men got killed.
пиздyй нa двaч
how do you say op sucks a fat nigger dick in russian
this sounds like a basshunter song with russian vocalists
Depends on food, I guess. We have good food here.
Tourists? Some people obsessed with tourism, that's why. They ready to saving up money for a whole year to spent them for 7-days trip in Turkey.
chechens are caucasian. A bunch of animals, but caucasians still.
No, it's not real. I have no idea what those retarded women do.
That's why Russians can go to Mongolia and literally be worshipped, right?
Wrong, faggot. White men eventually won out and bleached the shit out of Mongolia and left it a 3rd world shit hole.
Nice try ricedick
Nothing, I don't care about you guys.
When will you restart Donbass war? Current borders which rebels control are disgusting, plus more than half of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts still remain in hohol hands.
Sounds like you are still going through the phase of loving capitalism and not traditionalism.
Same shit here. Libertarians and Anarchocapitalists are spreading like wildfire.
I hoped for at least more orthodox people though since Dugin is shilling it (although he is not a conservative by any means)
Yes, I believe that our government is stupid enough to do those things. That's fucking disgusting
chechen, dagestan, tajick, etc
they are caucasian in its original terminology as they are from the caucasus, yes.
in actuality they are turco-persian rapebabies
Is Russia any good ? Always admired the Architecture there and are there other places worth visiting ?
Only very stupid Russians love Putin in 2019.
His rating is very low right now. 30,5%.
Most of people who still believe are old people who watch only federal TV channels full of propaganda.
Which are both technically Caucasian, have demonstrable Caucasian skull structures
Now the argument is whether or not Chechnnens should be considered white
why don't you guys have a sort of modern pale of settlement for chechens, dagestanis, etc in their respective republics so you don't have them shitting up cities like moscow and st petersburg?
Arabs are technically Caucasoid yet they are still sandniggers
I don't give a fuck, I hope Ukraine eventually take those areas back. Why? BECAUSE LUGANSK AND DONETSK SUCK MY TAXES. I don't want to feed those fuckheads.
What alternative would you like? Yeltsin 2.0 or some faggot like Navalny?
btw, I guess Russia and Brazil are similar in many cases. I talked with Brazilian girl before, after that I started thinking we're rather close to SA countries than to Soviet Union now.
So you are really becoming a liberal shithole like the west? sad.
What do you think about the traitorous russians emigrating to the west? Can you forgive them? How can this brain drain be stopped?
in your opinion, is russia controlled by (((them))) too ?
I come from a Ukrainian family so at least to me, anything from the Atlantic ocean to the Mediterranean to the Volga is 100% white.
Exclude the gypsies and the Sami
Saint-Petersberg, Moscow.
There's a lot of gorgeous places.
Why Putin's support is plummeting?
It's really similar.
From geopolitics to even stupid shit live squatting depression and alcoholism.
Booze is cheaper than water or bread where I live kek
They want more money, that's why they settled in Moscow. Most of chechens live in Chechnya still.
based fellow хoхoл
some chechens are "white", some aren't. their culture is pretty foreign though due to islam
Does ordinary russians hates lithuania/baltic states? Or they don't even give a fuck about us? I'm simply curious because of a local media here most of the lithuanians are under impression that muh duh entire russia hates us
can i have your sister?
Geez, maybe because he is corrupt as fuck and has killed a lot of people?
>the pic is only a meme, finns are Aryan
What is the most authentic Russian city to visit? I hear Moscow is just full of oligarchs and wannabe oligarchs in suits and BMWs
lahta, go fuck yourself.
we actually want ANY alternative, because than more Putin is a president than worse things around are getting.
We need to change our president every 4 years like in many other countries. We don't need a king, you faggot.
Have you seen “A Happy Life”? Russian fur trapper family. Looked hard but extremely cozy.
How big is Christian Orthodoxy in Russia? Do many people attend mass or are the majority atheists?
not like the west.
They aren't traitorous. They want to work and have a life, I guess it's pretty stupid to judge them.
The only way to stop it is make Russia great again. But I'm pessimistic about it, I don't believe in that at all.
бoчкy дeлaeшь?
How many Russians are actually anti-semitic and blame Jews for 70 years of Communism?
Also how is awareness about Putin being a Kike puppet?
Of course. Putin is Jew's asses licker.
it isn't the 70's anymore, boomer. we don't let crime run rampant for movie ideas.
800km in which direction.? What is your city?
democracy is a big no no.
Revive the Czar, get a conservative constitution and that's fucking it.
Democracy was never compatible with slavic culture. Even here in Brazil it's incompatible, monarchy suits our culture better
a lot of very bad reform since the middle of 2018
even Putin's fans got very angry
Are you proud of helping elect Donald Trump?
I know your feelings bro
they don't give a fuck of them.
nope, I don't have a sister, but if you have a sister I would colonize her, my JAP friend