Why do they hate Russia?
Climate hysteria phase 2
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This is several layers of retarded
Pic related
Revisionist illiberal wannabe-superpower.
Mmuhh... She really looks 8 years old old.
In 2019, a 16 years old girl is supposed to look 30...wtf
Because they're "means to the gays" and are also white. That's literally the only reason
shed be cute with the slightest changes to her face but shed also would look like she has downsyndrome with the slightest changes to her face.
Any details on that? What my country is "guilty" of (again)?
She looks slavic enough to me, lol. Mordva probably.
Its the fetal alcohol syndrome.
fake, stop posting this Asiatic potato
We should accelerate the use of military force against climate damaging countries like China and India.
Go trolling twitter with that
> potato boycotts Russia
what did she mean by this
The alien invasion has begun and they want war with Russia for hacking Hillary and her emails.
Jews hate Russians, they can't get over the Pogroms even though they were totally justified.
Climate change (I remember when it was Global Warming) has always been bullshit used as a proxy by loonies. They have no real interest in Environment.
Someone please just send her that
Global warming - Its secret Putin's plan.
She’s got the oblivion npc eyes
she doesn't want to be turned into vodka?
Seems like disinfo from the Ruskies. Everyone knows Putin wants nuclear winter, not global warming.
Downs syndrome
wtf why would she say something like that?
Niggers are polluting our atmosphere
>Yurop buys metric fucktons of oil/gas from Russia
>Send in some FAS afflicted puppet child
Because Russians are based and alpha as fuck
>Strong men who fight bears bare handed
>Can actually drink alcohol without instantly puking
>Treat women like they should (aka in the kitchen)
>Don't give a shit about puny UN, invades Ukraine anyways
>Terrorises Europe's local superpowers (France + UK)
>Have a shit ton of natural gas
Bad idea. Chinks are based
I'm in. Let's do this
Okay what
Liberals are baby-eating demons.
>Globalists hijack food and medicine, sending rates of autism and ADD through the roof
>create a trash class of single mothers who drink during pregnancy
>Use the ensuing retard class as foot soldiers in your propaganda wars
Just get to WW3 phase alaready. I want to see everything get nuked and hope I get to go first because I'm sick of everything.
thank u eva, very cool! have some faggit gold
IF that pic is real she's a Soros plant confirmed.
Is she trying to take Friday off from work? Is that what all the fuss is about?
Okey so Russia is the problem, not Africa and Asia that has like 90% of all world pollution. Just take the river in India that is so fucking dirty and filled with trash, same with china and all other countries around there. Jesus fucking christ. It's like "We only understand things that is within our borders but NZ attack was closer than home than denmark is to Sweden" I hate Swedish media so fucking much why would they push this girl so much?
And every adult I've argued with over her on kikebook they will always respond with "oh how can you be cruel to a young girl you women hater" like I need to argue against her and it's YOUR FUCKING FAULT it is a kid that you brought into the MSM light. So just because it's a kid we can't argue against what she says. I hate this world so much I hope every leftist cunt would be skinned alive and made to watch every stupid shit they have done before they get killed.
Soviets messed up Karelia I think but I doubt she can point out Karelia on a map.
look at this fucking sami goblin shilling agenda 21
she can barely point to her own asshole let alone karjala
Fuck this squarehead kike and her puppet masters.
She is not 8 years old?
16 years old are like pure adults
This here is kindergarden
Her face is too round to be Karelian imho.
Its brain numbing
I wasn't saying she was Karelian it was just all I could think of Russia as an example of hurting the environment. It would be a lot more productive to try to clean up the environment rather than shoot missiles at you though.
based women beaters
Why do I care about a FAS kid making retarded statements?
agreed, Greta thunberg is a puppet for globalist governments. they wouldnt want teen to protest something serious.
Wtf is going on with her eyes? Is that some pseudo mongolid influence?
Oh, I see. Shooting missiles will definitely won't help.
But. If we manage to wipe out all of the humanity, that might actually work in a long run.
You are trying to shill for the KGB manlet regime by connecting it to something Jow Forums hates.
Russia is a degenerate shithole, fuck off.
What phenotype is this?
Down syndromeoid
Sounds like a plan, nukes in three minutes.
Funnily enough, Angela Merkel suspects Putin as the mastermind behind it
Let's get this seen by everyone TOPKEK
Climate change was invented to creat a one world order. This is why they shot bill cooper to death
no that's actually asperger syndrome
>russia cuts of gas to europe in winter
>tens or hundreds of thousands die
>European economy collapses
Yes please do it
this is some Goebbels tier propaganda
Out of all major shitters causing environment problems in this world (China, India, Japan, Bangladesh, USA, Canada, Germany, Turkey, Pakistan) they target RUSSIA?
>high rise cities
Is that real? Sauce or fake & gay.
it's a f-shop, genius
I wish this downy would shut the fuck up already
What a psycho bitch.
Go on little down syndrome piece of shit climate nigger dick sucking girly kid.
I hope she gets assasinated from oil industry hitmans
pic rel mandatory