Nigger mail carrier pepper sprays dog in the face for no reason

the psychotic shit your average nigger does when they think no one is looking is astounding

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Yes I'm sure that's the first time that mailman has ever been near that dog.
>didn't do doggie

kek. and i guess this is a thing. if you search youtube for "usps pepper spray dog" you can see other nigger mail carriers doing the same shit.





what's the deal with darkies and their hated of dogs?

I try to bring this up during pit bull threads. Hating/fearing any dog is literally nigger behavior.

Why should the dog be allowed to assault him with air vibrations?

>I try to bring this up during pit bull threads. Hating/fearing any dog is literally nigger behavior.

pit bulls are niggers you retard.

Because the domestication of dogs happened mainly in white countries. Niggers instinctively view a dog as a wild animal like a wolf or coyote because they don't have the genetic history with the animals.

100% Niggers.
I'm fucking dying.

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you can hate dogs but this shit is just evil. they go out of their way to inflict pain on the doggos. you shouldnt be allowed to be a mail carrier if you're afraid of dogs.

i've heard niggers use this same argument against cab drivers not wanting to take them to super sketchy areas, they say "then dont be a cab driver". same shit should apply here.

Pit bulls aren’t dogs

Niggers are eternally buttblasted that their worth is still less than an animal that barks and eats rabbit shit.

full disclosure. way more videos i didnt post. all niggers, 1 white lady, and 1 spic so far.

Dogs can detect evil. If you lack empathy dogs can sense this and will want to stay away from you. Dogs know if you’re an asshole.

i thought i was just posting the OP news story but then i went down a youtube rabbit hole of nigger mail carriers going out of their way to pepper spray dogs.

>Dogs luv me.
>Feels good knowing I'm not the baddie.
>Turns out doggo was after spaghetti that fell out of my pocket.

Why even live?

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Around blacks, ...

This is really weird, all the videos are black people pepper spraying dogs.

My mailman is mexican, he usually will say hello to me. Never had a problem with mail dudes.

In canada, mail delivery is a decent paying job, not sure why they would hire blacks for it.

Compassion toward animals is a white trait. Unironically.

>In canada, mail delivery is a decent paying job, not sure why they would hire blacks for it.
these are us postal service workers. niggers flock to these government jobs because they are good pay and you can basically never be fired. im positive all the postal workers in these videos still have jobs and gave a bullshit excuse like "the dog scared me". here our government jobs are glorified wellfare.

>wahh pepper spraying dogs is bad
>continues to eat steak later that day
uncle adolf spits on your soul, hypocritical TRASH.

link to the article

because when a nigger applies for a government job they have to hire them

niggers all have gov jobs. its safe bet. dmv laquisha is a thing

Mailmen are insane. Everyone knows this.

i would list them as
border patrol
airport security

I don't really blame him, most people don't control their fucking dogs. The ones in the country are much nicer than the ones owned by subhumans living in the city as well

Niggers arent human

animal people are so goddamn retarded

the job drives you insane desu

i worked a fed job and had to leave because i couldnt handle working around lazy niggers for the rest of my life. when i started my nigger boss had a 5 year plan for me and i completed all the projects in like 6 months. you might be thinking, "dude just sit on your ass and collect a pay check that's awesome!" but that is literally the most miserable existence for a human you can imagine. niggers love it though how they can just fuck around on their phones for 8 hours and go home.

Nig Bulls are the Glocknades of dogs

>dog separated by a fence on private property
>completely friendly
>unloads pepper spray for no reason
>"I don't really blame him"
spotted the nigger

kek you canoot make this shit up. known many white mailmen that carry treats for dogs even when the dog isnt even apprehensive or barky

the nose this nigger is spraying pepper spray onto is the dogs most sensitive part by the way

checked, this must be it

Anti social behavior is sortve standard operating procedure for niggers.
Like true dumb sociopaths they will openly lie about or try and justify some heinous shit they do. Dindu nuttin is literally something a sociopath would say when faced with consequences.

Never relax around niggers, even the nigger women.

>known many white mailmen that carry treats for dogs even when the dog isnt even apprehensive or barky
same. if you're so afraid of dogs that you're walking up to them with mace in your hand then you shouldn't be allowed to be a mail carrier. but i didnt even know this was a thing with niggers until i saw the first news story.

there's no way i'll ever trust a nigger alone with anything. if they see an opportunity to fuck with your shit or take it they will. even well-paid mail carriers will fuck with your shit when they think no one is looking.

Dogs know the true nature of niggers. Niggers don't lkke it and they feel uncomfortable being found out. Animals recognize other animals, and niggers know when they're recognized as such.

I used to have my mailbox mounted on my house. My long time mail carrier retired and was replaced with a nigger. Now I have a fence in the front yard and a street side mailbox.

Everyone knows that dogs are racists.
That nigger Federal employee din du nuffin rong.

Good thinking

>Dindu nuttin is literally something a sociopath would say when faced with consequences.
that's because niggers are taught denial tactics from a very early age whereas white kids are raised to admit when they have done something wrong. even though the nigger way is probably how a jew lawyer would want you to be the white way is aimed more at correcting bad behavior.

i'd have a neighbor collect your mail too if you leave town.

I watched a Pit maul a collie at the dog park the other day. The thing was a bloody mess but fortunately lived.

The dog’s obese owner ran when the cops were called, “she’s never done anything like this before!”

Pits are not pets. A rational society would mandate neutering until the breed is extinct. Breeding pits should be felony.

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Blacks are fucking scared of dogs. I have a Staffordshire terrier and a German shepherd and blacks always cross the street when I walk by with them. Sometimes I'll come across a black who isnt scared of my dogs and compliments them or talks to me about their dogs but a lot are scared of them.

>genetic history with the animals
Burger science, gentlemen. The Africanization of the population in the USA has made every single one into a noisy, belligerent, ignorant, violent dipshit.

I've heard it can be a pretty shit job if you have a shit supervisor. My USPS cant even keep employees because its run so poorly.

dogs have stopped a lot of crimes in progress.

Cool story bro

dindu ruffin

Annnnd: It's niggers.

That shit is not changeable at a certain age either. It's honestly fucking terrifying that there are millions of those tyoes of people wondering around and they are protected victim class.
Imagine if all the felons (mostly niggers) in the prisons were released tomorrow. Honestly imagine a scenario like that.

Dogs don't like them because blacks are a totally different species. They're humanoids, but they're not homo sapiens. Dogs evolved with homo sapiens.

It was a Siberian Husky you fucking faggot.

Friendliest DOGGO


Dogs hate niggers and they know it. That’s why they try to punish the most loyal animal on the planet.

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>Imagine if all the felons (mostly niggers) in the prisons were released tomorrow. Honestly imagine a scenario like that.
well, we're simply not locking them up now. all you have to do is start your life of crime before the age of 18 and judges that dont want to contribute to "the pipeline to prison" are letting them off. and get one nigger on your jury and they will never convict a nigger no matter what the evidence. probably why crime is still ticking up.

Turns out they all just wanted to be house niggers

shitbulls are to dogs as niggers are to people

honestly the govt might as well just send them their checks and tell them they dont have to work. it would make the environment much more productive and the niggers would be happy because they dont give a fuck. but it is insane how much tax payer money the government is wasting on idle employees.

We already do that for most of them, it's called welfare.

Don't fucking try to conflate nigger dogs with normal dogs for sympathy you fucking faggot bastard.

yea i said that in an earlier post that govt jobs are basically just a higher class of wellfare. you sort of expect it from niggers but the whites that treat their jobs like that truly are pathetic creatures.

Dogs are literally the niggers of the pet world. How can you all worship an animal that loves to eat not only its own shit, but the shit of other animals as well? Dogs are absolute nigger tier creatures.

dogs dont eat shit fucko. they might roll in it but they dont eat it.

Some animals are more equal than others faggot


all the dog haters on here are cat lovers...and probably have a foot in a litter box as they type their canine hate....

They're only mans best friend.

Whites obsess over dogs because it's the last thing that they can control. Cant control niggers anymore so dogs it is.

>Acting Human

Only one choice here desu

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Fuck you ive been on antibiotics for the last 10 days after I got bit by a dog and then got a fever. Dogs are the real niggers by nature. 4.5 million reported dog bites per year in this country that’s more than all the nigger crimes combined.

I'm okay with this. Dogs are shit.

Islam had a lot of influence in black neighborhoods, so a lot of Islamic thought is ingrained into the black worldview no matter what their religion is.

Good job user, lords work and all that.

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I got nigger employees who are scared of cats. Fucking house cats. Refuse to go to clients' doors if a cat is there. Not just one employee, either. Must be racial memory of being stalked on the savannah. Or it's likely just a sandbagging ploy. They're good at that shit.


yea, i've got a feeling the usps tells their employees to use the pepper spray whenever they feel they are in danger but of course niggers are walking around spraying dogs at random. this shit only makes mail carrying more dangerous because the dogs associate mail carriers with pepper spray and are probably more likely to attack.

mail carriers should be required to file a report whenever they discharge their mace to prevent this shit.

Of course they do because they are probably a bunch of diversity hires that dont give 2 shits about the job but must be catered to. While the rest of the employees are probably told they must pay for every discharge of pepper spray out of their next check.

>they are probably a bunch of diversity hires that dont give 2 shits about the job but must be catered to.
they absolutely ARE diversity hires. in government hiring they score your application to keep things "fair" but you get extra points for shit like prior military service or being black.