Say kind words to a LGBTQA member near you

Just a friendly reminder :)

Attached: crop635w_lgbtq-community-scholarships.png (635x418, 53K)

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where is the P shitlord?

Attached: LGBTQP.jpg (576x576, 154K)

fuck you faggot

is every fucking month pride month? how long has this shit been going

pride is a sin.
homosex is a sin.
let sinners be sinners.

Friendly reminder that most LGBTQ do not wear ballistic vest to pride parades

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Thats gross user. Don't disrespect the lgbt community with that slippery slope argument


Attached: ItsOKtoBeStraight.gif (2550x3300, 76K)

The LGBT end game is pedophilia

Based. Very disrespectful and bigoted by the lgbt community not to be inclusive to all genders.