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What is the cure for violent straight men?
Xavier Perez
Jeremiah Moore
part and parcel
Wyatt Cook
Stop being GAY WOMEN.
Liam Russell
/our guys/
Luis Martin
that is fake blood.
Lincoln Martin
that's hot
Charles Sanchez
Bentley Cook
>things that happened for really real
Ayden Hall
It's real, you retard. So are the bruises. There were witnesses.
Andrew Perez
perhaps they should man up and fight back
Matthew Sanders
>Beat up
>Both have wounds in exactly the same place
>Hold still while I take a photo
Can't believe someone would do this. Ban men.
Leo Walker
I guarantee this was muslims.
You should see the comments from retards on kikebook. Literally "they spoke British they must be white" lmao. How fucking doomed is England.
Chase Cooper
1. Probably beat up by Muslims. If it were by whites, the article would emphasize that.
2. Isn't "gay" now a homophobic word?
Owen Smith
This is the culturally diverse enrichment that they asked for. They should wear that blood with pride.
Justin Campbell
>you will never punch Jennifer Connely right in her Jew nose.
Kevin Sanders
Jordan Watson
>No video
This is, at the very least, partly fiction.
Dylan Gutierrez
also who the fuck responds to something like this with a laughing react??
Nolan Russell
No sympathy for homos.
Elijah Harris
guess that's why they haven't released the cctv video of it
Matthew Perry
>surveillance capital of the world, yet no video
>the women can't remember the skin color of the attackers
does it make you think, Jow Forums?
Luke Miller
No cctv bc it didn't happen
Michael Young
daily mail had comments, then suddenly disabled
Carter Robinson
there’s a reason they mentioned “gang” of men but not race
Bentley Gomez
that look on her face made my dick hard
Landon Clark
it's what all men would want to say
Asher Nelson
>Cameras on the bus
>no description of the attackers other than "male"
fucking pottery
Jayden Gonzalez
>Demand diversity from a culture that kills gays.
>Flaunt your gayness to them.
Jackson Baker
Sensible minded people that understand faggots are the enemy. Especially lipstick lesbians that at a minimum feminist roasties, if not the pioneer troops of the radical fag agenda.
>oh look lesbians isn't that hot?
>you like lesbians right? be a gay ally!
Fuck dykes.
James Howard
Stupid whores should have kissed.
>they thought they could actually fight a gang
>the current state of feminism
Jason Scott
>women didn't do what they were told
>got put in their place
I don't see the issue here
Luke Hall
Seems like they just gave the dykes a cure for their disorders
Dominic Baker
the article doesnt say the men were straight, OP. "kiss for their entertainment" could mean laughing at them
Parker Thomas
Shit that never happened: The newspaper article
Gavin Green
i know fake when i see fake.
just like sandy hook.
Jayden Watson
There will be a point when they will accuse white people regardless and pick a random scapegoat among whiteys, furthering incapacitation of our race.
Anthony Wood
I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $800, alex...
Jose Evans
Any cellphone footage from witnesses?
Gavin Barnes
>Only characteristic they remember of the attackers was that they were male and in a gang
>The article doesn't say what skin color they were
Jonathan Brown
This. I bet the got real uppidy with the nogs and they flipped out and started wildly swinging. Welcome to London, bitch.
Gabriel Collins
Wtf I love Islam now
Gavin Morris
How is skin color important here?
Anthony Rogers
Melania got her eye melanined
Hon hon hon
Jace Gonzalez
Well it sure wasn't a homophobic attack. That we know. The attackers WANTED to see some homosexuality. Must have been some good liberal Jews behind this.
Hudson Lopez
The important thing is if the attackers were white, the article would be raising an alarm about white males.
Jayden Morris
it is another proof that immigration is a mistake and pajeets and abduls should stick to their own countries
Ryan Ramirez
This kind of things make my dick hard.
Dylan Wright
are you saying western media hates white men and have a bias towards gays,muslims and women?
Daniel Hernandez
Part and parcel
David Davis
A pajeet could never do a shit like this. They are a non-violent bunch.
Blake Kelly
Women are equal now. What if a man complained about getting beat up? You'd laugh at him right?
Cameron Powell
Johnny Td My big problem is they say it doesn't affect people but it does. They're trying to turn kids gay and personally I think pedophilia is connected to Homosexuality...why are they letting gay men adopt boys. So they can rape them.
On top of that they shove LGBT stuff down kid's throats in public schools.
We need to make Homosexuality Illegal. I'm sick of this. They want us to be their sodomy slaves.
They are smart people, these gay men are rich lawyers so they always have some reason or debate to justify accepting their sin in our society.
Chase Moore
Ian Ward
>Inb4 at least one becomes straight because of how much being beaten by men turned her on.
William Jackson
True, pajeets are disgusting but not sand nigger tier disgusting
Blake Ramirez
Joshua Hernandez
Gotta love that the way they introduced homos was by having lesbos kiss on TV for male pleasure. Hypocrites
Aiden Parker
Anthony Green
same desu my brother from a browner mother
Easton Lopez
They were wet guaranteed. That might explain why they refuse to describe the attackers accurately.
Jace Taylor
>I guarantee this was muslims.
I wouldn't be surprised if Eastern Europeans did this.
Colton Stewart
Hmmm. Gay parades are this month, this is dubious.
Joseph Edwards
Being beaten as a woman is an integral part of many cultures. True diversity at work.
Blake Smith
Why were the culprits let off the bus before the police arrived?
Liam Long
>Pajeets are disgusting.
Cooper Cox
It’s not we already know they were shitskins. It’s just nice to confirm the press bias
Tyler Ward
FPBP came here to post this.
kys kike
Wyatt Hughes
lol, pajeets are basically slightly smarter niggers. They can somehow comprehend that their actions might have consequences and act more cowardly because of that. However if they believe there will be no consequences they would go full nigger.
I don't think these individuals are pajeets, since there are
Anthony Butler
Probably muslims beating them for being gay. FAKE NEWS. Funny how they don't mention what race the men were.
Samuel Murphy
lesbians kissing is not quite as nauseating as two men kissing but its still nauseating. I don't like homosexual women but these men should be punished.
John Brown
If there ever will be a new black death it will originate in the ganges
Samuel Smith
pure unadulterated kiwi fail
Jaxson Martinez
Its nice to see Muslim Menace backfire on these Faggots who openly invite Muslims and other savages in country.
I bet even after this incident they would not admit or condem these guys that beat them up (Muslim men 99% certain)
They deserve this because their blind hatred thowards White and British people who are by far more civilized than savages they support.
Women are dumb and mindless they support whatever fad is popular without thinking twice, I bet they didn't learn shit even after this incident.
We need to take women rights away.
Tyler Bennett
cameras in the bus
Jonathan Rodriguez
Any average human will act as a nigger, given there will be no consequences.
Your point is invalid.
Leo Sullivan
oh you
Aiden Murphy
It's honestly the only way they'll learn
Parker Hill
Girls hang out all the time together.
1. How did the muzzies know they were gay. I mean girls hold hands hug cuddle all the time and they're straight. WTF were they doing to provoke them.
2. Praise Allah.
Tyler Nguyen
You must be talking about the floating dead bodies.
Justin Evans
Some of us are gay, in monogamous relationships, conservative, and agree with you on most points. What about all the kids who need a stable home, but no one else is available? My husband and I would never harm a child, period. We’ve considered becoming a foster home. Yes, a traditional family is best, but that isn’t always an option, and we have disposable income.
William Brooks
simple. also be a straight man. avoid the violence.
Jordan Thompson
Why someone beat up on lesbians?
At least beat up on a dude pretending to be a lesbian
Owen Brown
Get a dog faggot
Owen Ross
There must be a video somewhere... user..
Nolan James
Homosexuality has been commonplace at varying rates since there were mammals and humans.
Jackson Clark
I really want to try bang
Jackson Diaz
The street shitter has a point
Pajeet boys and no more violent or stupid than white kids at a similar age.
But the fucking pakis are a different story.
Remember poo in the loo
Brody Thompson
Two gay women in a thresome. Duh!
Ian Brooks
That is what sub-humans believe user. Non-niggers do not commit crimes even if no one is looking
Jason Moore
A Georgian, of course
Chase Baker
Problem is that women and Beta cucks will never learn, not even if truth hits them in face.
Even if their whole family is raped and killed by muslims they would still stand on their side as in many cases already.
Their brainwashing is so deep that its really not worth saving, they are indoctrinated to hate West, White people and anything associated with it.
Our only true enemies are White liberal traitors who allow this, they are proxy enemy that Mudslime and other shit skin minorities are waging over.
As I sincerely wish they could be saved and be our true ally I don't see that in real world.They are devoted in their pure irrational hatred towards west. Hope some of them raise above Kike lies
Julian Morales
Go antifa!
Michael Rogers
Pajeets rape plenty pajeet women. They would not do this to white women because they would get their asses kicked.
Elijah Wright
Not everyone is the entirely same, sorry; blame evolution:
Ryder Howard
im suprised these mystery men didnt steal their hijabs before they teleported off the bus
Logan Morales
Not to mention they are very hypergamous and predatory towards straight women.
Ian Mitchell
they are the disease, you can’t cure the disease itself
you cure the society from the disease
Nicholas Cook
>London's mayor, Sadiq Khan, condemned the incident on Twitter, saying it was a "disgusting, misogynistic attack."
now you know its a bullshit story
Camden Collins
whatcha doin rabbi
Alexander Morgan
Oy don't you think that term "gang" is a bit problematic, especially in the UK?