Why are Japanese companies based in Japan the only ones not willing to get Woke?

Example: for pride month the Pokemon company considers this "Bug catching" month because they focus on their product rather than any political notions.

Seems strange that all across the west all companies can't help but profess their wokeness this month suddenly.

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>he thinks pride month happens outside of the united states


It happens in Europe because Israel also owns them. Both of us are enforced pride. Never forget the rainbow Brandenburg Tor. I want to die. Or move to Moscow.

Outside of the (((Occident)))*

>Western cuck nations celebrate gays.
>Nips celebrate bug chasing and bug catching.

What's the difference again?

That faggot shit does not happen here.

>He thinks pride month is a one month thing and not 5 out of the 12 months of the year.

It's like you know nothing of the globo homo agenda.

Because you're the last christian country left. Where Christ is degeneracy leaves

Not in Poland because you guys although in the EU fucking resist them and only did it to fight off Russia. Germany, France, Italy, SWEDEN FUCKING FUCK, and England are bad. Never forget british cops in high heels.

Because Asians understand how stupid and vapid liberalism is.

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Asiens are based as fuck. They hate faggotery and know the rule "Go woke get broke"

Gay Month
Bug (gross insect who are stupid and piss off people) Month


Pokemon loves bugs though, the whole thing's based on bug collecting.

>bug collecting
>aids bug
yeah sounds pretty gay to me

What the fuck is a pride month

Bug catching month

Why is Pokemon always so based?

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Ironically there is a subset of gays(actually likely the majority) who get extremely turned on at the thought of contracting aids. They are literally called bug-catchers.

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The commies cannot subvert the Japs.

Slovenia lol

it doesn't, never even heard of it, you're truly fucked if it actually exists in the US

The Tokyo Gay Pride Parade is growing every year. It's huge now. I thought I read that over 150,000 people marched in the Tokyo Gay Pride Parade in 2018. It's disgusting. The usual suspects are funding it - Jews, embassies, publishing companies (e.g., National Geographic, etc.)

>Bug catching is when a healthy person fucks someone with an STD because they want to be diseased... for some reason.
>Nintendo associates gay pride month with bug catching.
It's not that they're not political, it's that they are political in a clever way. Based Nintendo calling fags diseased degenerates.

that is some cosmic meme magic level of irony.