I live 35-40 min from my University/ College, it's the closest one around. Because this is (murica) and because (muh freedom muh car) there is no infrastructure to help me, no buses, trollys, trains, metros or anything that I can pay a couple of bucks for and kick back and get there in like 20-25 min with no traffic.
I have 4 different classes per week, with only two classes being on the same day.
So here it is:
>Apply for grants, student aid, and all help available
>But find out that if white, straight and male, you will get no help anymore
>Pay ridiculous amounts of money cause I have a job and don't qualify for student aid
>Tyrone and Shaniqua live with mommy, and don't work, so full ride for them, plus every grant, and scholarship you can imagine
>I want to arrive 15 min early for my classes to go over notes, but it takes me over an hour of driving with standard traffic to drive 30 miles
>Between traffic, gas, fighting for parking, then walking to class, I can't keep doing this shit
>Watch Tyrone and Shaniqua go to college for free cause GIBBS, watch them put in minimal effort and get given passing grades because if you fail them cause their stupid, it's cause yew racizz
>Want to do all this shit online to avoid driving, parking, gas, etc, but nobody takes online degrees serious, WHY THE FUCK NOT

What the fuck anons? I'm going for Mech-Engineering, I see no nogs in any of my core Engineering classes, just in my elective classes like Sociology and Philosophy. What is happening? Have I missed something? I qualify for nothing, no help, but they do. And why do we have to go to brick and motor institutions, what the fuck for? They can put the lectures online in video format, I'll watch, then study and submit my homework. Why are we doing things this way? And wtf is with the gibbs at College, it's blowing my mind how much nogs get, and get away with. They are just given B's or C's even if they deserve an F. I'm going broke trying to get a non meme degree.

Attached: WTFCOLLEGE.png (630x736, 250K)

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Just KYS

What's up Schlomo? Gonna sage my rabbi friend, don't want too much discussion about this do you?

Attached: stupidgoy.png (1326x810, 194K)

So does JIDF do direct deposit? Or does your Synagogue issue the check?

Bumping my own shit

You go to college to get a piece of paper that says you are fit for a job.
If that job doesn't make enough money to pay the cost of the job you get, you were an idiot to go to college.
You don't need college to get educated. You can buy the books and study them.


have you ever considered that you dont qualify for aid because you're a mediocre degenerate that would rather blame others for your personal failures instead of taking personal responsibility? a trumpcuck like you is doomed to be a parasitic genetic dead end, may as well do the world a favor and end yourself now.

t. rich yankee who paid his own way through college and now makes 6 figures

Consdier that some companies, even Walmart (ick) pay college tuition as a benefit.
I got my MS Physics and programming certification and my employer paid for it, and gave me a bonus when I got the (useless) master's degree

While I agree with you 100%, the general public doesn't.

Would you hire a guy to build a bridge that
>Bought the books and studied at home and taught himself, but has no document to show you that he studied what he needed
>Some idiot who has a little piece of paper, and mounds of student debt, but you can clearly see that they took the classes they needed

I mean I completely agree with you, completely. But the problem is, despite you and I both agreeing about teaching yourself, the general public doesn't feel the same way. They want proof, and so that proof is in a stupid piece of paper.

First: find a fucking job that has a tuition reimbursement program. They are out their dipshit. Material handler, customer service, Military Reserves etc.

Second: go to community college to save money and get a transfer degree.

Third: stop sucking dick OP

Of fuck off with your niggering.
It's true. I earned an engineering degree and it's true. The only negroe I saw in engineering school was a retard and couldn't be flunked out. Having taught EE classes and given the list of negroes and mexicans I couldn't flunk I know it's true.
Only de white boiz can be flunked.
Hell, one negro was there in EE 90 when I started, and damned if he still wasn't in EE 90 2 years later when I got my BS EE.

But why cant you just take a test for the class, or turn In hw and do proctored quizes and watch lectures. Obviously they do this for the money, but it should be obvious to everyone that this system is proped up on state money.

lol, hello again rabbi, or are you a different JIDF faggot? Perhaps you're just a nigger.

>Don't qualify for aid because your a degenerate
Ok, I work, I pay rent, I paid my car off, I buy my own groceries and school supplies, I drive myself to school, I take my notes and study and get excellent grades.

I think the degenerates you were thinking of were the NIGGERS. You know? The ones who
>Don't take notes
>Live off of food stamps and welfare
>Get every grant approved because their niggers
>Get given passing grades even when their clearly helmet level autistic because an F on a paper or project equals racism

Try again you colossal fucking moron


What you study (STEM instead of gender studies) is the what matters most. Next are your grades. Where you go really doesn’t matter much. I’m

I'm not sure if they changed it, but you can get a PE (Practicing Engineer) license - a real licensed engineer - without a BS. Or you could.
You self study, take the Engineer in Training test (EIT) at your state level, and then get a job under a license engineer. Then after so many years (and further study) You take the FE test.

you'd have to be really retarded to accumulate that much debt
>Everything I don't like is JIDF and niggers

Many companies have an "engineering exemption" from the law that requires that engineers be licensed.
In general, all engineering drawings have to be signed by a licensed engineer.
When I got my BSEE, the failure rate for the EIT test was something like 50%, because people going to uni only studied for the one specific class and just to pass.
To be licensed, you have to know your shit.

>Find a fucking job
Oh yeah, where? Doing what you fucking idiot? You don't think those jobs are being reserved for nogs you daft moron? Even if there was such a job, it's not around here.

Customer Service -- Tuition reimbursement? Nigger are you retarded? You think I can work on a call line, or some phone directory and get them to reimburse my tutition? Holy fuck your stupid!!

Go to community college and save money? That's great user, like I hadn't thought of that. Your a fucking genius! The only problem is it's harder to qualify for aid at a CC, and the Community College is about 30 minutes further away than Uni. The gibbs are off the charts there, the professors are all lazy sacks of SJW shit that would fail me just cause I'm white.

>Everything I don't like is JIDF and nigger
Unironically true.

Attached: First they came for the blacks then jews then okay.jpg (1067x696, 189K)

>Paying for university
>going into fucking debt for university

Attached: 816.gif (375x375, 160K)


The issue is stems much further than that. For whatever reason there are only a few legit Universities that offer full fledge degrees online. I think UMD is one, but it's prohibitively expensive.
Anywhere else, people just assume it's worthless. They should start offering full fledge legit degrees online. I spend hours and hours on the road every week getting to and from class, hours fighting for a parking space over the course of a week, and tons of money on gas, and other car related shit.

Appreciate it user, gonna check that out.

>Everything I don't like is JIDF and niggers
Actually no, just comments that display nigger IQ or shilling tactics

>Anytime someone disagrees with JIDF and nigger comments I'll accuse them of labeling everything they don't like as JIDF and niggers, even though that's precisely what the fuck it is

Your autism is shining through schlomo


For Engineering degree you are out of luck. But for Business, Education, Computer Science, and Health fields, there is Western Governors University. It is 100% online, and inexpensive. Plus you can graduate fast if you put the work into it.

Rub it in Switzerland, rub it in.. I hope it changes one day.

Literally, I see guys that are smart enough to do all sorts of shit here, especially white guys in STEM. The problem is that unless you're a nigger, you're not getting any financial help, and the other problem is that Colleges and Universites are full on 120% Affirmative Action now.
Niggers and Spics, not so much spics though, but niggers get everything handed to them on a diamond studded platinum platter.
Books, Tuition, Grades, Entrance, Scholarships and Grants, niggers get it all, and still manage to fail the test and classes. If it weren't for this Affirmative Action in the Schools, they would all be flunked or failed out.

The reason you need the degree in spite of the fact that a company could just, you know, give you an IQ test to determine that you aren't stupid, and then give you a test related to the position they want to hire you for, is that doing so was actually branded racist by Griggs v. Duke Power. Since blacks would disproportionately fail the test, it was ruled unconstitutional to allow companies to use these kinds of tests.

I have met some "self-taught engineers" and most of them were fucking retards with barely more than a high school physics background. None of them are worth a damn when it comes to completing a project.

Sure, there is occasionally a brilliant individual who's learning significantly outpaces that of the university environment. These rare few will be fine without that piece of paper because their level of skill has intrinsic value which goes far beyond a certificate. University isn't useful to them because they already have mastery of their subject and are pioneering new ground, which is likely attracting the attention of people who will pay them fat stacks of cash instead of completing their education. These people are such outliers that they may as well not even exist.

The idea of taking your engineering classes 100% online is pretty ridiculous too. The value in a university education (in engineering at least) is not between the pages of a book, but in the hands-on experience you get and interaction with people who know their fields extremely well. If you just show up to lecture and turn in your homework you aren't actually getting any of the valuable stuff out of your engineering education. Labs are a huge portion of engineering education and all the lectures are really just to supplement the hands on work in the lab. The real value in the university comes if you volunteer to work on research projects or join clubs relating to the industry you want to work in, because that stuff can translate directly into private sector jobs.

I would never, ever, take someone with an engineering degree from an online university seriously. May as well just read wikipedia.

>literally REEEEE: the posts

you have only proved my point. it's never your fault, right? it's not because you wasted your life playing videogames and shitposting on Jow Forums, no, its NIGGERS. i can only imagine how ashamed your parents must be. do THEM a favor and let them find you hanging by a noose, i assure you they'll be relieved.

damn user, had no idea..

Try again nigger.

20 years old, accepted and doing well and making excellent grades in University Engineering Program...

I think you mean the affirmative action, welfare crybaby niggers (itz duh whyte mane holin us dowen nigguh)

Yeah.. Fuck off nigger.. Nobody wants to hear your gay faggotry bullshit

Just to let you know, you are either one of the following
with a mother who is a whore
can barely comprehend the written language and blame duh whyte mane foe ebery tang

I agree with my geographic neighbour

literally not an argument

>still a student complaining about "muh niggers"
kek, no one gives a fuck queerboy. get a job.

get your electives done online from community college and transfer them to the university. make sure they transfer first though. will save you lots of money.

Reapply to the grants, but say you are a jewish tranny and black. If they deny you because you are not a jewish tranny or black, sue them for discrimination. Sadly, I'm not even joking. We have to start playing their game, but do it even better

>I hang around with retards.
Well, birds and feathers is that right?
>Muh cherry picked experiences.
In my cherry picked experience... I was in a Ph.D. physics E&M class learning about antennas. After thinking I was learning useful information, the prof summed it up by saying that this isn't the way Engineers do it, they're much more practical.
The most brilliant Antenna engineer I've ever met had a degree in philosophy from a Catholic University, and was self taught. He had patents on some very innovative antenna designs, some were made secret by the pentagon because they were so advanced.
On the other hand, I was calibrating some test equipment at work, and some of my coworkers wanted to know how to do it. They called me a mathematical genius... I was doing a two point calibration with the equation of a straight fucking line. It wasn't even a least means square calibration. They all had engineering degrees.
You get out of education, self taught or college, what you put into it.

The professor

Unless you're going in for a STEM degree and training, just go for a trade - boiler maker, plumber, diesel mechanic, etc. Get readily applicable skills. I got a 4-year university degree in the social sciences, and I'm about as useless as tits on a bull. lucky i got a good job. but that was just sheer fuckin' luck.

>Reapply to the grants, but say you are a jewish tranny and black.
Aha. Yeah, they'll be so far up his ass, begging him to take their job offer.

>you have only proved my point. it's never your fault, right?
More niggering? No, I got a BS Physics and then found that there were no good jobs in physics. Went back and got a BS EE with no financial aid, pushing a mop 35 hours a week (company wanted to avoid making me full time) taking 21 semester units and making honor society and deans list in engineering.
all the while Negro idiots were clogging up the seats in the engineering school (impacted program).
No, it's not my fault negroes are 1 standard deviation lower in IQ than whites, and that makes for a big difference when the study requires a standard deviation above normal to achieve.

Thats a feature not a bug. You chose to attend the zog brainwashing emporium despite the fact that it rewards victims over competence. That is how that failing system is intended to work. Its not about teaching you shit, its about shackling you to debt and a set path via certification so that you can be easily controlled.

Congrats of falling for the college jew. The funny part is that you will still insist you are smart despite this blunder.

That's the thing, you can't, and it will put you two years behind when you get to the Uni because you can't get the required Chemistry, physics and math at a community college.
Even if you did, you wouldn't learn crap because community college.

You really want to take a bus full of black people to school?

Stop being so obvious next time dumbass. You're gonna get us both fired.

>Customer Service -- Tuition reimbursement? Nigger are you retarded? You think I can work on a call line, or some phone directory and get them to reimburse my tutition? Holy fuck your stupid!!

This is an extremely common benefit at large employers for all types of employees even the call centers.

T. Call ctr manager

none of the electives or basics transfer? i graduated a long time ago, but i transferred like 2 years of cc courses to a uni and they gave me a good scholarship too because i had 4.0.

>He didn't apply for female only scholarships and bursaries
>He didn't apply for LGBT scholarships
>He isn't scouring the internet for them right now
>He is complaining about school on a Mongolian falconry forum
Get control over your life and take the liarpill, user. You don't control the game. You control the way you play it though.

also before i signed up for any courses i made sure they transferred to universities in the area

Exactly what I always wondered.
For example, I was home schooled my last few years of highschool and never "officially" took any classes.
Then after I "graduated" I had to sign up to take the SAT's which I actually did a couple years after when was like 20
I didn't have to take any class or anything I learned it all myself via internet then went in and took the test.
My results proved my knowledge level. Not sitting through 4 years of "learning"
This is how college should work.
Whether or not you learn it in a classroom or by yourself. If you can prove you know and mastered a certain skillset by acing a test that's all that matters.
Obviously certain things require hands on training but REQUIRING someone to sit through 4 years of moneywasting just to get a piece of paper saying you're qualified is complete bullshit when it's possible for someone smart to learn said skill in a few months with effort.

No, you simply can't get into the classes because this "advise" to go to a junior college is given to everyone. Yes, they transfer but a class that you can't get into is worthless.
Then you get the class after getting a lot of units and guess what? It's dumbed down. You're going to have to take engineering level math at Uni and you'll be ill prepared by junior college level calculus.

Are you still white?
I mean, you're telling him to do shit an honest man wouldn't do, like you are some sort of jew or negro or something.

Do they still let you "challenge" classes?
When I appled for the Engineering degree, stupid bimbo said I was short three units.
"BRB!" I said. I went to the business school and grabbed a professor.
"I want to challenge your computer class!" I said. He balked, but the rules were on my side.
He gave me the final. I got an A. 3 more units in a day.
Business prof was pissed.

Go for a trade you dumb fuck, far less debt no shortage of work and depending on the field of work can either be easy or as backbreaking as you like. Cost vs effort trades win every time.

>No, you simply can't get into the classes because this "advise" to go to a junior college is given to everyone.
i didnt realize this. when i did this it must not have been that popular because everyone i knew went straight to university and very few were planning to take the cc route to university.
You're going to have to take engineering level math at Uni and you'll be ill prepared by junior college level calculus.
you didnt take calculus in HS? i did and was able to test out of it for college and start with the more advanced math.

>MS Physics and programming certification
shoulda just wentr cosci.
physics degrees are meaningless unless you go PHd and do research

You have peaked my interest user!

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Here's some education for you
>I live 35-40 min from
is a rather useless statement.
But that said, a brisk 40 minutes walk, twice a day, will be good for you.
Heck, after a year or so, you might only live 25 minutes from your Brainwash Indoctrination Center

You probably shouldn't be in college

>brick and motor
I can see why you missed out on these scholarships bud

>you didnt take calculus in HS?
Nope. My 8th grade math teacher hated Catholics.
I took calculus in summer session in college.
Had calculus 2 with a high school buddy in spring semester. He took calculus in High school.
My buddy didn't have the background to pass Cal 2, so he had to take it over. Next semester I was in Cal 3 when he was in Cal 2.
I didn't rub it in, even though he made a big deal about being a year ahead of me in high school.
it's more than just passing someone's class, you have to learn it, somewhat.

That's 30 miles bro.

different times i guess. when i was in HS very few students actually made it to calculus but i've heard that since then students are taking advanced math at younger and younger ages. i thought it meant kids were getting smarter at math but it's probably more like they're just getting pushed through to the next level when they're not ready. when i was in HS there were lots of kids that had to retake algebra courses and i think you only needed algebra 2 to graduate but i cant remember exactly because it was never a concern for me.

either way, if you can't take online cc courses to save time and money then i guess i don't really have any good advice for you.

but you're working FT and not a dependent on your parent's taxes and still can't get financial aid? sounds odd.

You may have me confused with Op.
I've been to college, got two bachelors and a masters.
Masters was all expenses payed by my employer. Even the parking pass.

yea, i thought you were the OP this entire time.....i still find it strange that cc is considered worthless cause the transition to a major private school in my area was basically nothing and then graduate school at a state uni wasn't much of a change either.

all that time i had a gf at an ivy and i can say for certain that she was doing way more intense work than me cause i was often helping her with her hw. she had to do all her math by hand whereas our professors were basically telling us what buttons to press on our calculators.

Helmet level retard

"Brick and mortar" is a description us educated individuals use to describe a physical building. It's far less strenuous for people with little pea brains such as yourself to comprehend rather than listing each specific material in its entirety, this would likely result in your nigger brain exploding.

Pointing out a minor grammatical error
rather than the intended

You sure showed me user..

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>style over substance
kek. it's the "sware" faggot from the other thread. just kys already.

Why is that a
>rather useless statement

You don't think commute time is relevant when attending school or considering an education?

Maybe if I was in a humanities program, but I'm studying for Mechanical Engineering, so it's not applicable.

When I mentioned the commute time, I was indicating that traveling to University is far too long, on MapQuest it has the distance as being 30-40 to travel. But when accounting for traffic, getting ready for class, parking, it's more like over an hour and a half. This means that to drive to school, park. The turn around and go back home will take me roughly 3 hours.

so you work FT and are not a dependent on your parents' taxes and cannot get financial aid?