Le saviour of white race was extremely bad for russians

le saviour of white race was extremely bad for russians

that's mean white race is bad for russians

hence white race's disappearing is a good thing for russians

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This is a Pajeet on a proxy who posts concern trolling threads like this 20 times a day

Germans have nothing to do with Aryans, or Northern Europeans for that matter

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Extremely low quality.

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We all know Russians died in 1917

>getting rid of the people who slaughtered millions of Russians

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Fair enough.

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I unironically believe that many russians are braindead enough to think this way, and even more Poles.
You Slavs are some special sort of retarded I swear

You are disappearing too Ivan you guys are the 56%ers or Europe

what did he say that was incorrect krautnigger

fuck g*rmany, if slavs are the problem then we do not want to be part of your "white race"

Slavs were fighting for the Jew, Slavs are still jewed to this day

Not being able to spot the Jew
just kys brainlet

23andme would have singlehandedly btfo the reich

stfu hans

Racetraitor Rainer

Germany isn't about race you low IQ Untermensch.
High-ranked nazis knew: far too few Überrmenschen in germany :( germany was angle and epicenter of countless migration movements throughout history, germany is about doing your homework and you just didn't.

Wtf youre not just a Kike
Youre a turkish negroidloving ÜberKike

Nordicism failed when Sweden didn't join Italy and Germany and the rest had to be occupied.

Literally worthless snowniggers other than the Finns.

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I just told you about your genetic setup, have fun
t. whole family was waffen-ss

Russian women = blacked

notice how 90% of new threads on Jow Forums are D&C threads trying to get Europeans/whites to hate each other more.

>you're not understanding dna

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>was extremely bad for russians
was it?
He made the commies turn into patriots, without it the liberal commies might have won and turn it all into lala homo land.
They couldnt because the war forced Stalin to let illiberal ideas take hold again.
It's called the great patriotic war, not the great war for homo rights.

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>not the great war for homo rights.

Ironically in the west WW2 is now retconned as the Great War for Feminism, Fags, Niggers, Trannys, Muslims, and Jews.

Funny isn't it, one hand they whine and moan how everyone was a sexist racist bigot back in the day(which they where in a way)
And the next moment they cheer that those same racists and sexists won a war, proving that they're not relevant anymore, somehow.
