Mass shooters aren't good people

Mass shooters aren't good people

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What a courageous statement.

Most are white devils with a demon in their heart.. I never did figure out why so many white people are evil compared to other races.

Especially when op knows he's wrong.

Depends what they are shooting.
If they shot Niggers , shitskins and other degenerates they are good

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Where we're going we don't need good people.

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Well..... yeah?

Pol is a board of peace and never did anything wrong

So Christchurch good?

Are you with the Nation of Islam, and if so is your name Yakub

fym wrong

Jow Forums is actually the embodiment of digital evil.. a site full of hatred and pounding out a constant sermon of exclusion and white supremacy. It must be destroyed at al costs.

title your thread accurately next time brainlet.

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you can go back to Tumblr now, this time before someone photoshops your selfies onto porn again

That is depends on what masses were shot, actually.

fukken make me

hahahahah faggot freedom of speech bitch.
also, pol is not even majority "white"

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elaborate, I'm very curious to know which demographic I have a blank check to hunt down and end

Niggers, jews, gypsies, and albanians of course.

Flamenwerfed him Jesus Christ

sure as hell dodged a bullet there by being Italian... does this mean serbs too, since they have almost the same genetics?

to be fair you simple mind cannot comprehend mass shootings since rus user got mass a shooting in mw2, which was

That's a tough question, I should consult with my rabbi.


Depends who they shoot.

This isn't twitter

War is hell