The Canadian navy are trying to track down this disgusting racist with an "infidel" tattoo.
The Canadian navy are trying to track down this disgusting racist with an "infidel" tattoo
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they have a Navy?
>can I have my coffee now pls?
hahahahaha fpbp
>Leafs hunt for other leafs they disagree with
In other news, the sky is blue.
>The Canadian navy are trying to track down this disgusting racist with an "infidel" tattoo
the infidel tattoo was extremely popular in the infantry, I'm sure it's the same way in Canada. This is just bizarre.
To be fair, if I found out this fat ass was in my military I would want to get rid of him too.
Yes, two guys, one canoe.
The Canadian Navy sounds like the name of a gay nightclub, fuck off outta here with this shitstabbing faggotry
4 leaky used British subs that like to catch fire on patrol, an ice breaker, a couple frigates and this Capital Ship.
Why be chad when you can larp ethnowarrior and be bitches to criminal scum.
Lol what!?
I've seen people with the "infidel" bumper stickers and veteran plates and just thought it was edgy humor.
This isn't even racist, you fucking leafs are so cucked it's not even funny.
Not to mention in the US military at least all tattoos/body markings are accounted for so they can identify bodies in case they get mutilated.
When I went to meps they put down the tiny birthmark on my neck and a little scar on my knee.
Anyone that gets tattoos has to have them approved by a CO.
This article is probably a lie cause the navy could figure out who it is in 30 seconds with a quick ctrl+F
20 years ago this would be cheered. Now it's decried as racist. Time for the left to die.
It was scuttled to prevent 2 drunk American tourists from seizing it.
Is this your version of "two girls one cup"?
Aren't you glad that we went through all that struggle in WW2, the Cold War, etc to save western values like free speech? If Germany or Russia had won we would live in a dystopia where you could be arrested for having offensive tattoos.
>armed forces treated like a fucking PR stunt
we have to go back
I‘d rather have the Soviet Union occupy entire Europe after WW2 now that I seen what degenerate mutt (((culture))) is pushing on us.
And these same retards think the police/military are on their side.
It's quite amusing.
sure thing muhammed!
Yes. The flagship. Or as we say. The fagship.
I‘d rather stand 50 years in bread lines instead of having gay parades and nigger culture.
Your shithole caused this.
The kaufhalle is called the Supermarkt.
Does a bunch of cucks wearing floaties armed with water guns count as a navy?
We should have never got involved overseas that's for sure, what a waste of lives for fucking nothing.
All the guys on D-Day supported segregation, hated fags, abortion, feminism, etc. And what did they die for? A world where you get arrested for offending muslims?
sorry mumhamhead it all started in Europe
uhm .. why are the navy looking for him>>?
I work with the guy and he’s had it for 10 years and usually goes around with his sleeves down but fucked up one day and is probably going to hang for it. Feels bad man
because infidel is a word muslims use for non-believers (who they believe should either die, convert or pay Jizya) and therefore having a tattoo with that word in the shape of a gun offends them.
What are they gonna do, throw him in jail for a tattoo?
Fuck Cucknada
LOL my unit had dudes with full sleeves saying shit like "fuck islam", "Muhammad was a pedo" and shit like that.
> tfw even my career CO openly liked them.
Hey Canada...
>define "hate"
>define "intolerance"
If you think you can ban natural human emotions then perhaps you should ban your own government for hating its own population and being intolerant of anything that isn't Marxism.
>All the guys on D-Day supported segregation, hated fags, abortion, feminism, etc
They were all intersectional feminists according to the modern left.
That stands for Scout Sniper you absolute tard
this country is seriously fucked. its well on its way to becoming islamic.
they have retconned history
90%+ of troops said they would rather have lost the war than end racial segregation. Eisenhower, the leader in Europe initiated Operation Wetback, a the mass deportation of Mexicans in the 1950s.
>exact same logo as Schutzgestaffel
Sure, user.
Fuck off shitskin
it offends the navy? the navy who practise warfare at sea? that navy? i don't get it .. ?
Haven't edgy tattoos been part of naval culture since forever?
That's a very tame tattoo.
Is that the HMRCS Extreme Faggotry? I hear it's great at attacking from the rear.
It's her Sister Ship: HMRCS Trudeau
Go watch a gay parade you dumb nigger or listen to nigger music.
Degenerate spastics like you should be genocided.
Of course they do. It’s called the US Coastguard.
>I'll take religious discrimination for $500 Alex
Hating other religions is religious freedom
"Hello, I'm here for the job interview."
Any action or behaviour that demonstrates intolerance or shows a lack of respect towards people or cultures here in Canada or elsewhere in not acceptable, so whenever these types of incidents or issues are brought to our attention, we look into it to see what needs to be done to address it,” Gough said Thursday afternoon.
Any intolerance, will not be tolerated, including our intolerance of your intolerances.
We will investigate.
^^ the guy argues like a kike
"It stands for Scout Sniper! I didn't know it would turn out like that!"
So motto of Canadian Navy was changed to: "If you kill your allies, you win"?
>have an ironic infidel tattoo
where were you when the west turned into a dyatorpian caricature
Maybe I’m just retarded, but the light parts on this kind of camo just stick out like a sore thumb to me. Why not darken them? You can still dapple it with different greens and browns, but take out the part that’s almost white.
Dyatorpian culture sounds way more rad than dystopian ngl
What about white supremacist culture?
Not even surprised. If someone breaks into your home, you're supposed to let them kill you or else you get charged.
Canada is such a fucking shit hole. We are going to need a northern wall to protect ourselves from the fallout of their suicide
Everyone knows what two lightining bolts are and thats why they chose it...dipshit
especially if theyre stabbing you in the head, just do nothing and lay there to die.
really strange.
What about it?
If you are not accepting of intolerance of people or cultures in Canada or abroad by definition you are intolerant of yourself. The whole thing is fucking retarded.
N-nazis watch out!
it offends people who pretend to be offended for other people
It offends Muslims. A big no no. He fucked up spelling it out in English. I got the Arabic script under 2 crossed rifles and you'd be shocked how many people just say 'thats cool' but have no idea that it might as well be a swatzi tat.
>It offends Muslims
it doesn't though
it offends people who pretend to be offended for muslims
It has to do with depth perception.
It seems more obvious atm of the picture because they are wearing camouflage but on a kayak. If they were sitting in the bushes it would be significantly different
they guy who took the picture is the absolute biggest faggot who deserves to be sued and have his accounts deleted, what a human piece of fucking dog shit.
you still have enough money left for a navy after giving Israel their share of your tax money?
These comments are gold
post picture or drawing please
Those replies are 95% based.... im honestly shocked.
Stupid Chinadians .
Why is it even edgy? It's no different than "heretic."
yo I've been looking for a source on that poll
I think your founding father never intended america to be but a save heaven for the European race all working together to improve itself,and not getting itself involved with others america lost its way when it became interventionist i think the war against spain is what triggered the whole "let's join wars or start them for reasons"
We gave Russia an aircraft carrier does that count?
you canadians are pussies
>72 cm
lol a fascist midget?
After years I just realized his forehead says “property of Jolene”. Jej
If your not allowed to call yourself the same discriminatory name in your own country that a particular religion has named you, it might be a sigh that the takeover of y9ur country is almost complete. Will muslims still be allowed to call us infidels? of course. but we can't use it on ourselves? i think we have gone so far past the point of no return that people see articles like this and know what it means but are in a state of denial.
Talk to anyone who was in the wars faggot. Those old people you disregarded like used up trash and sent to the care home so you can play Fortnite without having to deal with a burden? Take your "citation needed" bullshit back to led-dit.
>Marines were so friendly to Nazis that they earned the nickname "The devil's dogs" ...
kys kike
Just annex it, lots of,oil and rare earth minerals they will make it worth your while.
Better than letting the Chicoms annex it, which they have been attempting.
The right side is in inches you retard.
If you aren't a Jew then don't use a fucking memeflag. Everyone using these is assumed to be a JIDF kike
assume what you want and ignore what I'm saying if you want
You've obviously never muscular forearms before.
Imagine the north wall gets built before the south.
>You've obviously never muscular forearms before.
I have muscular forearms before, it was extremely painful what they did to me
maybe he means he is infidel to his wife
Imagine having the second worst military in history and making fun of anyone else's capabilities.
Absolutely American. Imagine how you'd perform in your weight class:
nah, I remember reading it before, I know it's legit, but I got in a conversation about it last night and tried to find the source and couldn't
I know it's out there, but I want the link proper
also demanding proof of verifiable claims is as Jow Forums as it gets - I didn't get angry when it was asked of me, I know you can measure up
absolute clown world
You can tell he is fat by his hands, retard.