The legacy media corporations just want to corporatize the content on youtube and retake the power they used to have...

The legacy media corporations just want to corporatize the content on youtube and retake the power they used to have over the distribution of information before the internet became ubiquitous. This isn’t about anything else. The “hate speech” is just a lazy excuse to destroy independent content creators. You will NEVER get any kind of specific definition of the ideas they’re claiming need to be banned, and that’s by design. It’s a cudgel to give themselves carte blanche discretion to take out anyone in their path. They’re performing a full on blitz against any independent competitor to them.
This is a business strategy. Which would be fine and dandy if Google had any legitimate competitors. But they don’t because they control from top to bottom almost the entire infrastructure necessary to build a competitor. In my opinion the only options are to either nationalize Google/Alphabet and Facebook or force them to split up and regulate their ability to continue to collude with each other against competition.
They also want to remove your ability to properly educate yourself on what a fascist is so that they can use muh fascism as a further excuse to target independents.

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Other urls found in this thread: farrakhan speeches

conservatives are mad they can't troll people with bad faith arguments anymore. Never in a million years would any of them stick up for leftists who get persecuted, they are just lying about free speech to protect their youtube scam income

High IQ post.
I think leftists should be able to preach their leftism.
Nobody should be persecuted for words.
You are arguing in bad faith here, brainlet
Read a book

then why do conservatives never speak up when leftists and liberals are persecuted? They never talk about how Fox News or PragerU is sponsored by corporations but spend all day talking about the "corporate propaganda" of gay pride or whatever. Very dishonest

Actually, I think all leftists should be allowed to speak and share their retarded ideas. Because their ideas are so bad that I’m not afraid of them in a free marketplace of ideas. I will never support silencing people for their politics unless they are actively promoting or organizing violence. And that’s already highly illegal. So we don’t need to do anything extra other than enforce laws against domestic terrorism.

There are two main media cartels right now, the Fox News cabal and the rest. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them say that lefties should be shut down and unable to exist. People like Crylos Mazda actually believe that conservative political commentary should be outlawed.

Leftists persecuted?
Fox News is controlled opposition for the american right, and PragerU is a Mossad propaganda operation.
MSM in general is sponsored by corporations.
CNN and their ilk are all billionaire owned media conglomerates.
The left has no problem causing conservatives to lose their jobs over differences in personal beliefs.
Why would conservatives lift a finger to help the people that want to see them destitute, their sons dead, and their daughters on the street corner?

>implying lefties dont do it too

Have gay sex

>when leftists and liberals are persecuted
Give examples of this actually happening.

>Why would conservatives lift a finger
because in a democracy you stand up for the rights of people you don't agree with? That is literally all the conservatives bitch about "why won't you defend me even though Im accused of being a nazi", and you prove me right by saying you would never do the same for the left.

Thanks for being honest with where you stand.

>This is a business strategy.

Control of information is an essential aspect of warfare. It's not just about money. They want to rule, the alternative would be fertile chaos.

We have a government for that.
It's not MY job to stand up for the rights of other people.
That is what the STATE is for, idiot.

Its that the STATE has become complicit in the persecution of conservatives.
A conservative that is assaulted in public for wearing a MAGA hat will be disregarded unless they live in a deep red county.

fuck you, if conservatives were as dominant in today's culture as liberals are, i would be a liberal because of the underdog factor alone

>Never in a million years would any of them stick up for leftists who get persecuted,
Leftists should be persecuted though.

You're not a better person because you allow someone who wants to destroy you (ex: Leftists, Communists, Jews) to have a say in your nation.

-gay people and human rights activists in russia and east europe
-bds and anti-israel activists
-BLM and black identity activists harassed and spied on by FBI
just a few examples I can think of many more. You could say antifa people getting doxxed or attacked by we'll call that fair play lol

Google and Facebook are not legacy media corporations, so your assertion here is false. It is also bad for business. Maintaining ideological neutrality on content would be the man at profitable stance for these companies, so it is not a business decision.

Your error comes from the false belief that the "private sector" is separate from public sector, when this is not the case. They are doing it because these companies are controlled by the intelligence agencies, just like the old media is, and they are attempting to shut out any dissent that could hinder American imperialism.

Also, we don't live in a 'Democracy', which don't exist anywhere.
It's a constitutional republic.
Not that you didn't know that already, you're just a sophist who argues in bad faith.
Again, read a fucking book.

>leftists who get persecuted,
This doesn't happen

Why do liberals never speak up when conservatives are silenced
This right here is your bad faith argument

I know many of you are already aware but just in case you missed it Jews are the enemy

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We know

Why do you think Jewtube said "authoritative sources" on their blog post? Its basically you must obey the jew or we will kill you.

>-gay people and human rights activists in russia and east europe
Not America, not our problem. They have a different culture over their and it's not right to enforce our culture unto them.
>-bds and anti-israel activists
Israel uses the Mossad to silence anyone critical of Israel, left or right. Israel is a terrorist apartheid state that should NOT exist.
>-BLM and black identity activists harassed and spied on by FBI
BLM was responsible for the deaths of countless police officers, especially the mass shooting in Dallas several years ago.
BLM made itself a terrorist organization, and was treated as such. Just like the KKK was infiltrated, or Ruby Ridge was a failed government honeypot

Have sex

>It's not MY job to stand up for the rights of other people.
than you admit it isn't liberals job to stick up for conservatives either? Or you're saying you deserve a separate easier set of rules than what everyone else should follow? Sounds about right for weak-minded conservative children

This is why we are in this situation. All leftists should be summarily executed for treason.

Google and Facebook offer platforms for people to voice their opinions. What’s happening is that corporate superconglomerates like Comcast->NBC->Vox are trying to turn those platforms into corporatized, digital versions of what the legacy media used to be.
They don’t want YOU being able to post your video about your opinion on YouTube because your interest, along with almost every independent person is the general welfare of the American people. And the general welfare of the American people happens to stand in the way of these corporate superconglomerates who want you to be a good little hyper consumer bugman paypiggie who shuts the fuck up and buys their toys

>i would be a liberal because of the underdog factor alone
So you'd admit you'd be anti-White just to stick it to the man?

>because in a democracy you stand up for the rights of people you don't agree with?
When do Liberals do that?

Liberals have no obligation to 'stick up for' conservatives, correct.
But intentionally persecuting them by reporting known conservatives to HR does not happen the other way.

Conservatives want to be LEFT ALONE. I dont care who you stick your dick into at home, or what race you are.
You are a disingenuous person and I would never associated with you in real life.

Only if you want to accelerate the shattering of the Union.

Nobody 'deserves' anything.
People get what they can take for themselves, or are given by the conditional kindness of other people.

>What’s happening is that corporate superconglomerates like Comcast->NBC->Vox are trying
And google has no incentive to listen to them. It's bad for their bottom line. They do it because all of these companies are dogs of the national security state and always have been. Google was literally founded to collect data for intelligence agencies, just as these media conglomerates were all founded to spread state propaganda. National security state learned a long time ago that they can skirt laws and constitutional questions by using "private" fronts for their work.

>Conservatives want to be LEFT ALONE. I dont care who you stick your dick into at home, or what race you are.
Which is ultimately self-defeating because that doesn't actually conserve anything.

If you want to "conserve" anything, then you have to act in the best interests of your society. That means acting in the opposite of "just wanting to be left alone."

I don't know what you "Conservatives" are, but you're not Conservative anymore.

t. not a liberal nor a conservative.

You don’t have to stick up for “conservatives”, you should stick up for people. We are the modern peasantry, except we ultimately do hold more power than the overlords. They know it and that’s why they want to tighten the noose around all of our necks. Ultimately these people in power don’t view you, a leftist, any differently than they view me, a right winger or libertarian. They just see a peasant who needs to be shackled.

I'm not full on NatSoc, but the content of your post is 100% spot on. Tucker did a spiel on it last night. Literal trillions in legal fees are saved for these companies due to a single, solitary law on the books.


>Section 230 says that "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider" (47 U.S.C. § 230). In other words, online intermediaries that host or republish speech are protected against a range of laws that might otherwise be used to hold them legally responsible for what others say and do. The protected intermediaries include not only regular Internet Service Providers (ISPs), but also a range of "interactive computer service providers," including basically any online service that publishes third-party content. Though there are important exceptions for certain criminal and intellectual property-based claims, CDA 230 creates a broad protection that has allowed innovation and free speech online to flourish.

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Fug. I never really thought about that. That’s blackpilled

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Blocking videos of Hitler will only confirm to people that Youtube isn't a place for free speech and that Hitler was right. Fucking 1984-wannabe faggot libshits.

Hitler was right

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>than you admit it isn't liberals job to stick up for conservatives either?
i will go ahead and admit this. we never expected you to stand up for us. the old american ideal of "i may not agree with what you say but i'll die to defend your right to say it" is long gone. neither liberals or conservatives believe that anymore. we all hate one another's speech now. civil war is inevitable

welcome to Jow Forums btw. start hating women, kikes and niggers

Its a label, just like liberal.
Call me a nigger, I don't care what the label is.
You refuse to address anything I say to you, and instead reply with irrelevant goal-post shifting or 'no true scotsman' fallacies.

So I'm leaving thread, take care, have a good day, and God bless.

10/10 post

>Conservatives want to be LEFT ALONE
patently and totally false , you are delusional. When 95% of conservative media makes propaganda supporting a war on Iran or Venezuela, is that "leaving people alone"? When they make propaganda supporting abortion bans is that "leaving people alone"?

What you really mean is you want conservatives to bully and lie to people without any consequences, and anyone who wants o fight against that is evil or invading your safe space. Very dishonest of you to frame conservatives as victims

>Blocking videos of Hitler will only confirm to people that Youtube isn't a place for free speech and that Hitler was right. Fucking 1984-wannabe faggot libshits.
It's meant to keep people from taking that initial redpill.
Most people are totally ignorant and know everything they know about Hitler from the history channel.

Sure a few might be redpilled by the censorship but by in large, the masses will continue to live their lives as if they think they know the truth.

Youtube and Google do not GIVE A FUCK if creators make money from their platforms. THIS IS ABOUT MAKING THE INTERNET BRAND-SAFE.
just gonna leave this here for anyone that wants to listen to a reading of Mein Kampf

>Its a label, just like liberal.
It is, because there's nothing behind those beliefs.

>You refuse to address anything I say to you, and instead reply with irrelevant goal-post shifting or 'no true scotsman' fallacies.
I'm not the person you're responding to.

>So I'm leaving thread, take care, have a good day, and God bless.
Yeah, don't think too hard about what I said. Can't have that.

>I’m not full on NatSoc
Is what I posted really something a National Socialist would say?
I’m primarily concerned with preserving the rights of citizens, whether they’re being quashed by the government or private corporations. I was thinking my argument is more conservative/libertarian than anything. I just don’t want corporations up my ass any more than I want the government up my ass.

>Never in a million years would any of them stick up for leftists who get persecuted
I wish that the world leftists pretend we live in was real so bad.


The problem with your statement is that there simply isn't a market for leftist views. They are propped up as propaganda outlets for socialism and thought policing veiled as corporatism.

They've learned that they can still rule the "airwaves", as it were, in a culture that espouses the opposite of what their host nations actually do, and the consumers will listen to Rush, or watch Hannity on Fox, and get riled up to the point of exhaustion and inaction.

Everyone knows everything's fucked, and nobody is lifting a finger to do anything about it because they think either DJT's administration, or Jesus, is going to fix it all. Don't get me wrong, I'm hopeful, but we're in a serious lull, and all it took to slow the progress of the swamp drainage, so far, was an investigation that took almost 2 years to complete. The good guy even called it a blockade, over and over.

Think about that a sec.

They're just prepping for the 2020 election. They want to ensure the entirety of social media cannot possibly assist Trump in winning. Since they believe only racists and nazis vote Trump, they censor the racists and nazis.

mainstream conservatives will come next as 2020 nears

I wasn't saying you were, but instead, relating to the picture you chose to make that post with. Call it a "disclaimer prior to agreement".

>When 95% of conservative media makes propaganda supporting a war on Iran or Venezuela
are you seriously holding Jow Forums accountable for what the MSM says? we live to fuck with those faggots

>I’m primarily concerned with preserving the rights of citizens,
Why do you think non-Whites and anti-Whites should be citizens though? Especially when those people won't reciprocate and preserve your rights?

>I just don’t want corporations up my ass any more than I want the government up my ass.
And you're going to get both because people like you have no say and aren't allowed to have a say.

Regarding Section 230, is it possible for a group of reps to just draft legislation to nullify it?

Hitler was a homosexual bitch. It's good if he doesn't influence more children to put their fingers in their bum and LARP online

>Hitler was a homosexual bitch.
Yes, let's trust everything the Jewish owned and controlled media says about their second greatest enemy.

guess I'll be switching to bitchute now
youtube can go fuck itself

>guess I'll be switching to bitchute now
until youtube causes bitchute to collapse.

right but ultimately, the end goal leftists and rightists want is different. Conservatives aren't really educated or interested in politics, they just want to call people homo and as the other person said "be left alone". The left wants to actually hold people accountable and improve the world.

So if we stick up for conservatives, then nothing gets done and the popular opinion in the media will be "who cares you're a fag and I win because Im allowed to say that and keep my job" meanwhile government fucks all of us. If we stick up for leftists (not liberals but leftists) than the popular opinion will be "everyone in government is a piece of shit and we're going to keep fucking with you until the government improves healthcare, jobs etc". That is a much better thing to have, and if conservatives want to, they can sit in the corner and pout instead of helping.


This has nothing to do with your wild-eyed tinfoil crap.

It has everything to do with an insane fucking monster becoming President and running America into the ground and putting immigrant children into literal Concentration Camps.

Sane people have had a fucking nuff.

We are not going to stand by anymore and pat violent white dudes on the head and say, "oh well, free speech!"

We've decided as a society that the "anything goes" model is hideously outdated.

We've decided to severely limit hate speech. Big tech is only doing what the smartest cross section of society is already clamoring for.

By the time hate speech laws are on the books criminalizing the kind of shit that brought Donald Mcfucko to power it will just be a formality.

Skinheads and foreign agents can't weaponize shit if they no longer have a platform to reach ordinary Americans. And psycho white supremacy will fade once it's forced back to the silent, distasteful fringe of society.

What's that, you don't like It? Maybe you shouldn't have fucking elected this shitshow then.

Blowback is going to be a lethal bitch for the far right.

We are not your father's live and let live liberals. We want to see demons put in prison for their evil ideas. We are going to make the social cost of being a sadistic, racist, woman hating piece of shit so high your ideas will simply die.

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Kek well said.

>The left wants to actually hold people accountable
yeah, because the left denounces anti-White beliefs.

>and improve the world.
lolno. they want to ensure their power and push for their cultural marxism.

>instead of helping.
Problem is, leftist "helping" isn't helping. ex: drag queens reading to children.

>We are not your father's live and let live liberals.
There was never such a thing.

>We want to see demons put in prison for their evil ideas
So you want to imprison people for thought crimes?

I think pol picks and chooses whether it is in the minority of conservatives depending on what's convenient to the argument. They claim to hate neocons but supported trump because he "triggers libs" even though anyone with a brain could see he was an easily influenced neocon from day one. That's not really a principled opinion its just trolling

>because in a democracy you stand up for the rights of people you don't agree with?

No. That's not what a democracy is at all. Modern democracy is simply put; your government giving you the choice of picking one opposition it controls or several others pretending to oppose them so you partake in the continuous division of your country on all trivial matters so they can continue to rule over you under the guise you ever had a choice.

>Jow Forums is one person

The true purpose of Democracy is to prevent change.

That's why you see so many Conservatives/Republicans bewildered that Trump isn't enacting the change he campaigned on.

>until youtube causes bitchute to collapse.

wait wut
since when

Have anal sex

It's been the same game even a century ago.

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>Conservatives aren’t really educated or interested in politics, they just want to call people homo
I 100% disagree. I think you’re buying into the division narrative that these people in control of us push in order to keep people from realizing that they’re frogs in pot of water on a stove

What, you think a monopoly like youtube can't do what it wants to a competitor that threatens its cash flow?

Either bitchute will fail on its own because it can't afford the costs to compete with youtube or youtube will crush and/or absorb it.

It's almost as if we need a third position, a system that doesn't allow the current power(s) to have a say in it.

Excellent bait m8

/ptg/ fags are from reddit. Jow Forums is a natsoc board. why would we support the most openly pro-zionist president in the history of the united states?

>The “hate speech” is just a lazy excuse to destroy independent content creators.

That's odd...if YouTube was serious about removing "hate speech," then why do they have videos from Farrakhan up still? farrakhan speeches

I mean its kind of true. Conservatives as individuals might be smart or even kind people, but if we look at the policies that get supported/passed by conservatives vs. leftists and progressive liberals, one side does nothing while the other actually tries to improve the world and hold the powerful accountable.

The conservative mantra now seems to be basically: Im cynical, all the rich people are evil and secret pedos, but there's really nothing we can do so don't touch anything or make any changes because that might make it worse not better. Thats not really productive, and like I said, if you look at polls, lots of conservatives actually support progressive things if you just label it as reform and not socialism. So on some level even conservatives don't believe their own speech, they are just looking to be as pessimistic as possible

Um, Power + PrIvIlEgE sweetie

I guess these assholes have grown way to big to controland we've become way too comfy with them without realizing it
and now there's no end to it
I hate it feeling...

Get raped by a donkey faggot

This is what democracy looks like faggots.

Hi Styx.

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I stopped watching Styx a while ago. He isn’t creative enough with his content

>the other actually tries to improve the world and hold the powerful accountable.
Leftists "holding the powerful accountable," huh?

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>bad faith arguments
lol what. is that another newspeak? saw it yesterday for the firsdt time, never before.

unfortunately yes, because conservatism is based on obedience and status quo. Can you name a single conservative investigative journalist, whistleblower, reformer or protest leader? No, all the effective ones are leftists and left-liberals. Thats the facts

You sound conspicuously like Styx.

What do you think NN was about?

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All fucking libtards will swing from a rope.

Is that honest enough? I also jerk off when you fucks are raped/tortured/killed by your beloved nigger pets.

Big media and corporate monopolies are inherently conservative to reactionary forces, they're already hitting the more independent lefties (i.e.
Taking down actual nazis is just to win political cover for broader purges because everyone outside this board hates nazis, their goal is the use of their political power to defend the status quo and make changing the system impossible - not unlike what fascists wanted in the '20s and '30s.

>because in a democracy you stand up for the rights of people you don't agree with?

Yes of course, the modern left does this all the time.

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>conservatives are mad they can't troll people with bad faith arguments anymore.
>bad faith arguments

You're the ones who can't deal with fact and logic. For example:

>there are two biological genders
>solar output controls the climate.

The leftist responses to those types of observable FACTS always boil down to "raycissss!' and REEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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The smart user researches how many intelligence contracts Google and Facebook own, and what a big role these played in both firms early 2010s hyperexpansion.

I want you dead in an unmarked grave

Try something bitch. I can't wait to throw dead commies into shallow graves

>Try something bitch. I can't wait to throw dead commies into shallow graves

Why not throw them out of a helicopter instead?

This is a very HIGH IQ post.

If (((Conservatives))) and (((Republicans))) want access to video streaming platforms you can embrace free market principles and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and build your own platform and invest your own money.

Video streaming isn't new tech. It's been done 1000 times. The fact that white men were content being good-goy wagie-slaves for (((Shekelberg Inc))) isn't Google's fault--it's yours. The tech revolution has been going on for 40 fucking years and white men sat on the sidelines content to earn a paycheck rather than play with the big dogs.

Raise your own capital from any of the filthy rich white WASPS, build your own Google and your own Facebook, and your own YouTube you lazy white niggers. No one owes you shit.

This is the future you chose.

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Found your problem you cucked faggot. Still believe in mob rule by the dumbest people on the planet huh? You're a smart one.