Do you consider yourself smarter than other people?

or better yet, does the influence of this site make you believe that you are smarter?

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I am the smartest poster AMA

>the influence of this site is a direct and inextricable result of its (non-bot) constituents...

For the most part I only value my own opinion.

I am actually the most powerful wizard. Ama

I'm smart enough to know you're a dumbass

So smart that I question what it means to be "smart".

i've just had to listen to those race boys banging on about IQ again. Atheists are obsessed with IQ. Why is that?

Jow Forums makes me feel stupider because there are so many PHD shut ins and bitcoin richfags here but it made me wiser than other people.

Genuinely serious.

I think I'm smarter than a lot of people and I like coming here because there are a lot of smart people on these boards. It's always interesting.

Honestly, this site has humbled me if anything. I know I'm bright, but 12 years on Jow Forums sure as shit kicks you in the teeth enough to put you in your place.

I’ve always seen myself as smarter than others even before I was introduced to the chans. I’ve always noticed even from a young age that a lot of people lack the ability to think deeply and critically about their life, situation, and what they should do next. Have you ever seen a woman try and pick a tv show or where to eat? Most people don’t even know what they want from themselves let alone others.

What is “smart”

Is it sheer processing power?

Is it pattern recognition?

Is it breadth of knowledge?

Are we talking in my daily routine? Yes
Are we talking in my visits here? Sometimes

No. I'm of average intelligence. I just know a lot about very specific topics. It's therefore annoying when someone who doesn't know what I know attempts to disagree with me on something which I have vast amounts more knowledge of when compared to them. It's like an astrophysicist trying to remain calm while someone loudly, and angrily, proclaims the moon is made of cheese.

What makes the redman red?
Why does he ask you “how?”
When did he first say “ugh!”

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139 IQ but i know what there a lots of peoples more smart than me.

>do you consider yourself smarter than other people?
some other people, not all.

I do consider myself smarter than most others, but I dont like that I do.

it's not a belief. it's documented through testing and achievement.

I don't consider myself smarter and always try to think critically about the opinions that I hold.
Other people and the IQ testing though, do consider me smarter, much smarter than the average.
I have a problem talking to the regular people because apparently I talk in riddles. The riddles are my way of using analogies to explain shit to other people and they don't get them very often.
People on this board do understand me very well though.
Shortly: I'm not sure if I'm smarter than the normal people but the world tells me I am and I have problems communicating with the normal people.

I know whats happining inside event horizon of a black hole am I smart enough?

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Fuck no, I am sure a lot of the anons here are though. The problem is that normies are intellectually dishonest and intellectually lazy, and ultimately don't like to rock the boat. This isn't just true about politics, but also say the workplace. The way X project is handled is ass backwards, half of the employees will be aware its ass backwards but they wont say shit because doing so just hurts their chances of climbing.
It's worse for "extremist" politics because before you can adopt those beliefs you have to consider them seriously, and what incentives do normalfags have to consider those ideas at all? It's all downsides. The higher your IQ the higher your social status the more you have to lose if you piss off the people around you, and yet the likelihood of having enough resources to isolate yourself from a crisis if shit hits the fan because of dumbass social zeitgeist is also higher. And the chances of convincing anyone is almost nil.
If that weren't enough societal failures are drawn to these kind of beliefs because they have nothing to lose and they have a chip on their shoulder too, which just helps too tarnish the reputation of anyone respectable that tries to express those beliefs.

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Careful on that edge kiddo