Is this happening more often? Or is it just coincidentally being more reported on recently?
What does this mean? Is Russia empowered to start poking the sleeping giant? If Russia and China start working together, do they stand a chance of displacing America as top dog?
Not nearly as often as in the Soviet times, but more often than even just 5 years ago.
Cooper Wood
No. And no. It’s not happening more often it’s just reported on more. Go figure the same media pushing “muh Russian meddling in election” push other escalation Pravda. And no Russia and the chinks can’t take on the US. Of course the ME would burn because we would have to withdraw from that theater to attend to the bigger problem.
Ryan Sanders
The US Navy just re-established the second fleet. The (((Media))) isn’t making that up.
Charles Clark
if we're going to do it let's do it already. i think the ruskies are based but fuck 'em if they're going to side with the chinks. let's do another world war. i'll sign up now.
Leo Mitchell
USA is already falling apart, their economy will implode soon from reckless Jew banking and everything will go down the shitter. The wealth will move to other countries in europe and asia while US niggers tear each other apart and balkanize into small shitholes.
Evan Reyes
What would you even be fighting for? What exactly do you want? Their land?
Or do you just want war like a mindless animal?
Tyler Rogers
could this simply be a result of the increasing number of women and minorities in the us navy rather than russian provocation
Dominic Hall
The US navy is always crashing their boats into stuff by accident. It happens non stop.
Tyler Stewart
>when you just trying to chill but mutts don't let you