Western whites (not east Europeans) seem to have internalized slave morality. Not only intellectually but also genetically. Whites do not seem to have the mental strength, the necessary will to survive and a sufficient rationality. They seemed completely controlled by their emotions.
Even pol is teeming with weak faggots. Look for example at the Christcuck who wants to protect a nigger baby from abortion at all costs or the beta orbiter who wants to "protect" wahmen, usually from themselves.
Maybe we have to look for hope in the direction of Russia or even China. But whites and above all the northern snowniggers are not only lost, no, they are not even worth saving.
>I given up on white race Well, I didnt. And Im not even white.
Gabriel Barnes
Parker Sanders
wh*toids are destine for slavery. History will remember you for making the Northern lands habitable to the true KANGS.
Jaxson Wood
Kike thread
Juan Smith
It is just an honest assessment. You would have to change ther genes to save them.
Caleb Gutierrez
Still half a billion of us. If one tenth goes full ethno, it's a country of 50 million. That'd be viable especially with nukes
Cameron Ortiz
I kind of agree with you kraut. Even the most red-pilled people on the planet are too pussy to revolt. Gen Z will be milquetoast conservative, before the trend returns to normal. Trans people were the last straw. Once they were allowed, masculinity was finished.
I'm honestly thinking our best bet is the plains states will secede and join with Western Canada and take in any persecuted Europeans. Maybe then we ally with China against PRUSA.
>you make me feel sorry no.. rather embarrased you need a good old drag over the lap and a good old grandma style spanking
Mason Torres
Jus don't give a fuck about it brown boi.
Nathaniel Lewis
>Gen Z will be milquetoast conservative They will progressive actually
Thomas Morris
>so sorry slavery thing I do not mean that when I speak of slave morality. Read Nietzsche.
Carter Watson
*will be
Logan Long
Its just the genetic betas that have cuck fetishes like you that think that way. Ive seen French fags with more backbone than you, but one thing we can agree on is that you can go and die out
Christopher Reyes
>Maybe we have to look for hope in the direction of Russia wat, retard? In what fucking WORLD, why the FUCK, WHYYYYYYYYYYY do you retarded fucking motherfuckers see Russia any different from the West? ITS FUCKING ENTIRELY THE SAME YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT CUNT. All the feminism and matriarchy, all the cuckoldry, all that catering to minorities, all the hate speech laws, all the corruption, all the globohomo jewish elite, its all here! ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND!? We aren't even human to our guberment but fucking slaves.
Not in the USofA you fucking turk rape baby. I've been to germany on vacation and you guys are so fucking cucked we left early. I bet your not even white you god damn jew.
Lucas Myers
>But whites and above all the northern snowniggers are not only lost, fucking WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH
I like the idea of white nationalism when I’m online but then I get around my family members and that makes me hate white people. All for the same reasons as most people do: consumerism, slovenly appearances, obesity, irresponsibility, extreme individualism, lack of community, shitty desert religion, lack of goals and planning, no concern for the next generation, etc.
Aaron Bailey
>feminism False. >cuckoldry If you are cuck, it's your problem. Also what is your picture about? I see 2 people holding hands.
Caleb Robinson
The only people you should care about are extraordinary whites which will lead the taxed idiots. But preserve your own bloodline.
Asher Anderson
Nah. Me and my family have polish background and my siblings are the biggest cucks on the planet. It's probably the instinct to fit in that makes every white person a cuck in Sweden. "I'm gonna be an even better Swede than a real Swede, then i will get accepted "
Sebastian Wood
>women need to be protected from themselves. That's exactly the slave mentality that I criticize. Weak people do not need to be protected at all, only exploited or enslaved. You have to be rational and unemotional to accept this truth.
Angel Butler
To my list I can also add creepy female domination, which seems to have started with the baby boomer generation. The women of the family boss the men around and run things. It wasn’t like that with my grandfather’s generation
Joshua Gomez
Imagine thinking that nukes would solve anything Imagine thinking that 10% of the white race would want to live in an ethno hellstate without any trading partners or any connection outside of those so-called lands
Dominic Stewart
The white race is fine, and if some us get some brown sugar and make some mocha babies so what? and I don't think white guilt is that common
Ian Brown
omg.......that boy on the right is HOT!!!!
Connor Morgan
>I gave up on the White Race German flag Your people where conquered by jew lies and bombs and then jewish Russian rape gangs after the war during the jewish hellstorm. Germany has been broken for a very very long time. I'm very lucky, all my Grandparrents escaped to holland during the hellstorm and The Canadians gave us asylum and new names. They even found a un-detonated British bomb in my grandmothers old homes back yard. I feel for you, not as lucky .......
Don't worry, user. The Faux White Nationalism production budget got slashed for this year but I hear that it's going to (((ramp waaaay up))) in 2020 just in time for election season. You might just try to save some money for yourself right now and then you will have loads of travel money for screwing with Democrats. (Try getting videos of how white all the Democrat neighborhood are, especially the non white Democrats. Then show us and their supporters about the hypocrisy.)
Jose Hill
The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))). The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US. Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries. Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco. The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century. Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.
Julian Williams
Even if we lose we should make sure Jews and niggers don’t win.
Isaac Jackson
>whites living with other whites is HYPOCRITICAL! when will you boomers realize that the all-white democrat neighborhood actually doesn't exist?
Liam Brooks
Please dont give up Germany. We need you. Your are an economic and cultural powerhouse of Europe.
German ingenuity and efficiency is unrivaled and the key to Europe's future success.
Now, what i want you to do is stay focused, finish school, get a job, and find a nice German women who wants to be a mother and have babies. You can do this user. We can do this.
Hunter White
Kike detected
Juan Lopez
Hey that's not bad odds. That's a population equal in size to countries like South Korea and Columbia, who are both hovering in the 50mil range.
Kill your actual self. The Ethno "hellstate" would be the next literal Wakanda only with why peepo. The Asians would be absolutely thrilled to trade with a based white country! They love whitey!
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Aussie. Try visiting the PNW before you say stupid shit like that.
Kayden Gray
I don't think you can actually mess with juice muttboi. Even Hitler failed to do so.
Nathaniel Murphy
Whites have to stop letting their women have abortions if they want to be conquerors again. You don't do conquest with well fed slobs. You do it with tough commanders and desperate soldiers (thus they are hard enough to risk their lives in battle.)
Leo Peterson
are you implying demographic replacement isn’t a stated policy of western liberal government’s??
Luke White
That sounded really clever in your head, didn't it?
Gabriel Cruz
I struggle with my faith in the white race too, user. But I'll be damned if I don't go kicking and screaming into a world where nignogs and goblins have overrun the U.S. and the Chinese are now global hegemons.
No, but the PNW is so very White. Once you get outside the cities its basically ALL Whites. We have Trump, and hes trying to fix this. Hes getting so many results im very impressed.
Jonathan Scott
Here is a very good example that even pol teems with faggots: Weeping because of some fucking cows. How will these subhumans dominate their women? How do they want to keep other races under control? They can't because they are too pitifully and weak.
Carson Davis
animal cruelty is unnatural, you must be sick if you find it normal to beat animals. it is the powerless and frustrated who are the betas home at the wive's feeth that misbehave to others and animals, same as rapists actually.
Jacob Torres
Why are you angry? I mean the question seriously, do you have a rational reason?
Btw, calling other people betas when they do something "cruel" is always a sign of a low IQ. We live in a scientific world. The effect of testosterone is well known and it does not make you more empathetic, no, the opposite.
Samuel Myers
You can tell it’s a kike thread because they’re adopting the flags of the people they’re trying to demoralize
let me refrase it for the 1 digit iq brain in your holow head usualy those who participate in animal cruelty where themselves abused and powerless at home while the wives and gfs boss them around and out of frustration they lash out the ones weaker than themselves or to those who are powerless to defend themselves. these people are weak and pathetic. do you compute now or is it still to difficult for you to understand? because you seem to stupid to be troll. you don't even know what alpha and beta means you pathetic little omega
>like that has something to do with it
John Walker
Whatcha doin' Rabbi?
Nolan Wright
>usualy those who participate in animal cruelty where themselves abused and powerless at home while the wives and gfs boss them around and out of frustration they lash out the ones weaker
That sounds suspiciously like the social constructivism fallacy. Genes make people, not the environment. And in your case, they dictate that you behave and feel irrational.
Cameron Edwards
piss off, people like you are the reason of the decline of our world, you belong in an oven
Unfortunately no argument, Mr. Irrational. Facts are not interested in your feelings. As a wise kike once said.
Jack Thomas
>what is brazil
Cameron Rivera
Simply because senseless abuse and torture is a sign of weakness. If you want to genocide a people or kill a man do it with conviction and efficiency. If there is no rational reason to inflict abuse or torture, then don't do it. It's just you being unable to control your emotions. It is the prerequisite to from a strong nation which you can't built without the existence of compassion. The smallest unit of a nation is the family. Without a tight knitted, cohesive family unit forming a strong lasting nation is impossible. Without going into too much detail, but the necessity for the existence of a strong collective ultimately derives itself from these feelings of love and compassion, which result in an urge to protect what's dear to you. Therefore the default should be to look with compassion at your fellow citizens, members of your race, the soil you live on and the animals that populate your habitation. BUT at the same time every member of society should be ready to commit ANY act if convinced that it is a necessity to protect or strengthen the nation.
You can see what the alternative is when looking at mainland china. A pitiful people that merely has hate and distrust for each other. Children being left in the street after being run over and in general complete apathy for their fellow citizen. And you know what, it makes them weak. I am very sure that within the next hundred years we will again see a throughout collapse of the Chinese society, because no lasting nation can be built upon a rotting foundation.
Noah Davis
ahahah what the fuck is happining on this picture? trhow them in a gaskammer, lmao. OP is right. come here to Russia, we have plenty place for you all. WHITES ONLY. faggots, cucks, mudslimes, leftists you fuck off.
yeah and don't listen to some self-haters here on /pol with Russian flag. absolute minorities and lazy cuck kids. out of 125 million ethnic Russians they are probably less then 1%. we'll send them off. I will trade 100 of em on 1 redpilled conservative white abroad who shares our values any time any day.
Brody Gray
There are many aggressive people from the Caucasus in Russia who are covered by the state and commit lawlessness
and we are very, very patient
Jeremiah Watson
>Simply because senseless abuse and torture is a sign of weaknes I could debate this point, but let's say this true. The question is still open, why are you worried about these cows? Do not pretend that you have any other reason than "muh feelings".
Parker Cox
Sebastian King
>There are many aggressive people from the Caucasus in Russia who are covered by the state and commit lawlessness
time will change, buddy. they all will hang and buried in pigs skin
Jose Gomez
Sebastian Johnson
I have actually did gave up, but hey, at least you care more than me, heh... >Christcuck who wants to protect a nigger baby from abortion at all costs or the beta orbiter who wants to "protect" wahmen, usually from themselves. Jewish Bourgeoisie did a good job into brainwashing you to hate your own race, as well as the other races... Pfft, fucking pathetic, this board is full of retards who take pride in a race that they call "cucked" everyday, holly shit. See: >
Eli Butler
yes, they should come again and kill another 600 trillion sl*vs
Btw, there are no people more nationalist than the Chinese. They want to see their nation win, whites want thers to fail. Blind empathy is not our strength, it makes us weak and stupid.
дa. и ты этo знaeшь лyчшe мeня. пoкa, чepнoжoпый. дo вcтpeчи.
Oliver Adams
I have not read the other thread so I don't know what exactly is described there, but I assume that it is something along the lines of inflicting pain for convenience/profit reasons where it could be easily avoidable. I already explained why that has negative implications for society in the second paragraph of my first post. You just can't built a strong and stable nation upon hatred and cruelty. If you could make a reasonable point why it strengthens or protects society beyond a minuscule increase in production efficiency, which would outweigh the negative implications for society as a whole then I would be all for it.
Eli Bell
>I already explained why that has negative implications for society in the second paragraph of my first post. Whether cows are brutally slaughtered or "lovingly killed" makes no difference. A random stone, a cow, a plant, all of these things existences are ultimately meaningless. It's all just about your feelings. You are too weak to seee them for what they are: Likewise meaningless.
Cooper Davis
As a Northern Italian who lives in a rich neighborhood with tons of nordcucks and anglos I can say that Snow Niggers are the lowest order of whites.
They are so fucking domesticated it's not even funny. Zero hate. Zero anger. This putrid, effeminate, conflict averse mentality where they cucked themselves out and then try and peer pressure everyone else to be as weak as they are. They are a completely passionless people.
The men literally behave like sneering, pretentious women. They are passive aggressive, effeminate, and deeply insecure. Most of them are pathologically selfish too. They have no instinct for altruism or sacrifices made for the good of the tribe.
Whites in general seem to have forgotten that life is a competition and that survival of the fittest ALWAYS comes back into the equation and they are paying dearly for it.
someone's butthurt, remainder that vast majority of Germans considered you subhumans and Hitler only had plans to keep you around as serfs, it's the most natural position of a Russian.
Nope. Nigger and spic gen Z'ers are leftists but white Gen Z's are going hard in the other direction.
Nicholas Ramirez
No you are incorrect if you believe that is how strong nations are built. Your nihilistic approach will fail, if you ever come to be in a position to design a nation you will notice this.
Aaron Brown
>piss off, people like you are the reason of the decline of our world, you belong in an oven
that is a rational argument, deducted from all the shit you blabber and anger? lol no, you are confusing it with disgust. and still remains the same you belong in an oven, but first, let us torture you to death, don't expect emotion comming from me while i hammer every bone in your jewish body to splinters, you're gonna wish for a dr Mengele instead lol. no just quietly and clinical torture untill you beg for it to end, pushing you further untill you give in and beg for more. or better yet, why not strap you on a chair making you watch the torture of all the people that know your name while we repeatedy ask you why we should care of all these people that know your name. that would even be more fun and rational and a great experiment for you to learn to realy know yourself.
I don't consider myself one, but how many ethnats existed before 2012? Be honest. The explosive growth of farther right ideology just started, and you're already giving up. It's pathetic. We've been temporarily lulled into thinking that the world is inherently a good, safe place by decades of relative peace and prosperity and media propaganda, and it's lead to the adoption of more limp-wristed, liberal modes of thinking. Once that veil is lifted, and it's very close, people are going to splinter worse than you thought possible. Things will soon get very, very dark.
Landon Foster
There is no such thing as "Cultural Marxism" you retarded meme. Marx never created full theory regarding races and nations, yet retards jumped on the fucking gun and thought he legit thought that there were no "races or nations", but then again, what do you expect from faggots who never read all of his four books about Socialism?
Tyler Jenkins
How do you think that strong nations are being built? And what means strong in your eyes? Is a man guided by irrelevant feelings, which are based on the female nature, strong? It's just ridiculous.
Christian Reed
First of all, there aren't "white people", there are different european ethnicities and there are further differences even within those ethnicities. Second of all "nordcucks" aren't done, they've just fallen for the protestant meme and fall further for the secular meme, that's really what got them open to subversion by jews and countries like italy aren't.
Jaxson Bell
Yikes. This.
Easton Miller
That logic should also apply to your own "genocide", hypocrite.
Zoomers make fun of faggots and their faggot flag quite a bit. t. have zoomer cousin
Michael Cooper
What the fuck is wrong with those guys?it serves no practical purpose, its just embarrassing. It's not like they're abolitionists or civil war soldiers.
Josiah Gray
Those white faggots in the picture (a real life version of the Positive Acting Teens from Beavis and Butthead,) will probably get their wish from their Arab, Russian and Chinese masters in the future.
Charles Baker
Nigger your best bet are the roman apostolic catholics, specially if they're sedevacantists, they have objective morals that come from God (as opposed to the 60000 sects of protestantism, so prevalent in gercuckmany) Himself
Nicholas Sanders
what genocide
Andrew Evans
What? Didn't he kill like a huge chunk of them?
Daniel Turner
No things are not so easy, political opinions are genetically determined: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4038932/ >The combined evidence suggests that political ideology constitutes a fundamental aspect of one’s genetically informed psychological disposition You Italians are better off, but you are also less white.
Brody Bailey
>without any trading partners or any connection outside of those so-called lands Why would everyone break contact with an all white ethnostate country? It's their choice to be like that. I think trading would be just fine with most countries.
Adrian Ortiz
Did very gay books.... also do you have any idea where the term even comes from