Is there anything more cringe than Americain hate of French?

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Is that...third rate dipping snuff?
I mean...

well done steaks

I mean, yeah, it's kinda cringe, but also consider this; The French are kinda faggy. And by kinda faggy I mean they all suck massive dicks and sashe around like limp wristed queers.

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All the good frenchman died over 100 years ago. Fuck France

It’s cringe to post this on Jow Forums

French hate of America?

>Burgers in charge of good food

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Someone post the Copenhagen "Cope" meme!

nobody likes the french including the french

americans dont know french is the style of the cut and that they are not actually from france

Those fags literally helped you win against England AND gave you a giant metal chick...

you are the fags for forgetting your allies


Could have stopped right there. That's cringy enough on its own.

Its because they didn't want to join your stupid war in Iraq; forgetting the fact that they bankrupted their nation to achieve american independence.

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We fought the wrong side in the war. The bad guys won.

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Dont care faggot

Also helped birth Marxism, French Revolution was a mistake. Bunch entitled fags still high off their old glory. Kinda like America, but more gay and less black.

Hello roastie

>t. Frenchcuck
The french got a pass because it only took one war to get then to fuck off and play nice.
However, after WW2 they we're complete dicks to Americans for a decade following, they deserve no sympathy

I can't believe they call French Fries "Fresh-cut Fries" now. The pettiness is embarrassing.

Literally half od our food comes from German food since our culture is literally an evolution of yours
Quit being a faggot rape baby

If Frogs weren’t such smug assholes, we’d have never gotten to this point.

what brand is this ive never seen mention france before

Hatred of the french is jewish because the French joined Hitler and refused to fight in the middle east for the benefit of Israel.

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The French are your bros.
can't turn your back on the only people that believed in your dream.

The least you could do is send them a giant metal hamburger

Yes, the overuse of the word "awesome" is right up there

No they didn't
De Lafayette and Benjamin Franklin's dick helped us during the revolution
Speaking of which, Spain made a larger contribution than any other nation to helping us (and the Dutch helped a bit too)
We still remember what you did for us Spainbros, never4get

I remember this being a thing like 17 years ago.
I have not heard of any food having a freedom prefix since.

>less black.

Bongs don't know they aren't chips.

>the only people that believed in your dream.
You know fuckall about the revolution
Do your homework

>Is there anything more cringe than Americain hate of French?
the 4channer hate of Canada


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Nobody likes you Puerto Rico.
You are not even a state.

>1 post by this id

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>implying a castaway beaner knows anything

I would like to remind you that your dirty little shithole is boycotted by a great many AMERICA businesses because you people are fucking scammers

This. The French smiles to your face and sells weapons to kill you with behind your back. HMS Sheffield, never forget.

Amazing how you are still Mad about the Irak war despite the fact they we where right even Trump said it . We even gave you your only monument its truely amazing how Much you Care for us and we don't

Americans who love the English royal family.

Umm, the French were allies to the colony's and sent troops to fight along us against the British.

Might as well wear a sign that says "I'M A DUMB FUCKING REDNECK" desu

They don't necessarily like us either over there goy.

I forgive the French for skipping out on Iraq. It was their loss. They missed out on a great opportunity to show their Muslim citizens that they don’t give a flying fuck about them or where they came from.

Not me. I want to impregnate as many French girls as possible

You sound like you're probably a nigger

I agree, but he was talking about the revolutionary war

Not sure how liking French women and being black are connected but I'll let you have your little nazi fantasy

Yes, you.
Fuck the French.

France helped fight for our nation's existence and if you're a Dixie boy you should know the French were on the Confederate side.


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>he sniffs non european snuff

>t brainlets

The French MONARCHY aided the revolution to fuck with Brits by proxy. Then the French mobs killed them all in the revolution.

Also, we were not the French's first choice for the statue of Liberty. They tried to give it to several other countries first, before dumping it on us. Nobody else wanted to foot the bill to erect the thing, which was paid for in the US by citizen fundraising.

Hop away home you greasy frog fucks.

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boomers turn into petty babies when someone says they don't want to fight for israel so they resort to shitty forced humor like pic related so they can "prove a point"

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We were originally a British colony. It's in our blood to hate the Frenchies.

Our Israeli overlords tell us not to like France because they gently opposed the Iraq War.

>he thinks the iraq war was for killing sandniggers for no reason
nice cope boomer

>"Tradional" more than once
>mfw everyone else is right about American education

but they aided us in the revolutionary war and were the first major power to recognize us dipshit, what has israel done for us that can rival what France has done?


Having the desire to go impregnate a bunch of random women is a nigger behavior.
Being unable to understand simple statements is also very niggerish....

i like the french, not arabs though. we don't really have any french here. it's dutch and german.

My fucking sides. Can't believe someone is insecure enough to create such a childish thing.
Hope it's not real.

the result of the french revolution and rise of napoleon led france to sell us their north american territories in the louisiana purchase so we still benefited after their regime change greatly. also the statue of liberty is kino you boomer mongoid. go cry about one western country not defending israel actively somewhere else.

you dont need to be american to hate the french.
Belgium only exists as a buffer zone so we're not adjacent to france.

Everybody hates french people but the funny thing is that french people really don't care, you could be from england, the us, germany, italy or japan they will treat you with the same disdain, which is probably why everybody hates us.

Hating the french is as American as Nascar and John Deer.

No shit. Doesn't mean things can't change. Also, fuck Israel too.

The French are our brothers and sisters (since Fashoda). America, as one of our offshoots, should fall into line and show some respect to our sibling nation.

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>boltons hate boner for Iran can no longer be satiated without blood
>France says it's gunna be another Iraq*10
>suddenly France hate is back in popularity

Nah. Only for butthurt good Bush 2digits iq goys.
Lots of burgers come here, i often speak with some since not that many frogs speak english.


Lol nice proxy, Pierre.

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More French people died from Allied bombing than were killed by the Germans. I wonder why they disliked America after getting their women "liberated" by thousands of nigger soldiers.

only early 2000s neocons were caught in this fad because France didn't join the coalition to re-invade Iraq because they (correctly) pointed out that the intel was a puff piece so some GOP congressman decided to rename the french fries in the congress cafeteria

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Everybody hate france, they are honorary jews

> the French mobs

you're right about the monarchy/republic dichotomy but be serious about it, french revolution was not a popular thing. It was an uprising of the bourgeois (people with new wealth, acquired by trading mostly, helped by liberal policies pushed by giant faggots after the crown got too much (((debt))) ) against the established aristocracy, they felt the regime was too restrictive economically for them.

Is France even known for growing Tobacco? I’ve only ever seen southern US and Turkish tobaccos used in advertising.

>Mitterrand and Thatcher
Reminder she sucked his dick to get the disarmament codes for the Exocets :^)

Mamma Mia 2

I bet you don't even know why you hate us.

As did Prince Charles.

>french revolution was not a popular thing

It was, whether it was led by bourgeois or not, the french did support the revolution.

Modern hatred of the French literally comes from a Zionist Jew by the name of Ken Keeler who coined the term "Cheese-eating surrender monkeys" because he was angry the French wouldn't play ball with some Zionist bullshit (It's been a while I cant remember exactly what it was they didn't want to do) and started talking shit to get Americans to hate France and the French in general as a punishment, and to just sew division because, Jew. Conservatards went along with it because they are DESPERATE to have a socially approved group they can openly hate as a surrogate for non-whites.

what I meant was the power switched from monarchy to money, no democracy. It would be like blaming "the french mobs" for colonizing africa, they were part of it but never took any decision.

The French that exist now murdered those people.

Because you're a bunch of limp wristed fags.

No, it's because you're retarded

and the french who murdered their elite sold us their land in north america in the louisiana purchase so we can colonize everything west of the original 13 colonies

this. it's classic Divide and conquer propaganda aimed at americans to get them to view one of the few nations that helped turn america into a superpower.

In all seriousness, France is our oldest ally with a noble and proud military tradition. They just got btfo by Hitler just like every other European country and boomers like to make fun of them specifically for some reason.

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I'm ok with sending you guys a metal hamburger. That seems fair.

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Is that a good one? I stick to Korovka iz Korenovki.

>anything more cringe than hating French
Yes, loving kikes and dying for them
Also read books

yeah the French

I've met French people. That's all it took.

Memefags' opinions are irrelevant tho.