Why do people on this board try so hard to deny the fact Hitler and the third reich wanted to genocide slavs...

Why do people on this board try so hard to deny the fact Hitler and the third reich wanted to genocide slavs? Why can't you just commit to it? The nazis very explicitly regarded slavic people as subhuman, they subjected them to worse behavior than even american blacks were subjected to in the slavery days. They clearly saw them as even lower than dogs. Yet so many of you cowards are afraid to be upfront about that and wear it as a badge of honor? Why is that?

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Two propaganda engines were running in 1945. One was destroyed and the other continued to this day.

Attached: 1EBB28C9-A393-44F2-93C7-E5128056F532.jpg (396x288, 25K)

Two propaganda engines were running in 1945. One was destroyed and the other continued to this day.

Attached: 14F30BE0-DDDA-4FC0-8BBE-C0B6DB1D4AC1.jpg (1242x1572, 325K)

The holocaust is the most exaggerated and overblown myth ever created. There has never been a single event in history where more wealth, gold, material goods, and political power has been transferred to such a small minority over a single event that supposedly happened.
I'll leave links to sources addressing some of the most common shill myths and questions answered and debunked. Please share these links and resources whenever these retarded holocaust believer shills come on this board:

The best websites I could find addressing the holocaust from an objective and fair point of view:
holocaust debate forum: forum.codoh.com/
Intro to Holocaust revisionism: vho.org/Intro/GB/index.html
Dissecting the Holocaust vho.org/GB/Books/dth/

Common myths addressed:

Forced Confessions - Why Innocent Defendants Admit their "Guilt"

Nuremberg - Fair Trial or Show Trial ?

Do we have evidence of torture to extract confessions?

fact: Torture used to get 'confessions' from Germans

getting the desired 'confession'....via torture

The Value of Testimony and Confessions Concerning the Holocaust
the misleading 'No Nazi ever denied gas chambers'

"But, but, No Nazi ever Denied"- oogah boogah


Nazi’s denying it ever happened:
"Why Didn't Any Nazi Deny" and the scope of the "conspiracy"

Credible people Claiming the lack of evidence:
"Ninety-nine per cent of what we know [about the Holocaust in Auschwitz-Birkenau] we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove... it has become part of our inherited knowledge." (A Case for Letting Nature Take Back Auschwitz, The Toronto Star, December 27, 2009)

"The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence." (Judge Gray, Irving-Lipstadt trial, 2000)

>The London Cage was used partly as a torture centre, inside which large numbers of German officers and soldiers were subjected to systematic ill-treatment. In total 3,573 men passed through the Cage, and more than 1,000 were persuaded to give statements about war crimes. The brutality did not end with the war, moreover: a number of German civilians joined the servicemen who were interrogated there up to 1948.

Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden:
>This solitary confinement proved sufficient in itself in some cases to persuade the Germans to sign prepared statements. These statements not only involved the signer, but often would involve other defendants.
>Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken.
>All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators.

Pick one commie

- U.S. Congressional Representative, Lawrence H. Smith of Wisconsin said:
" The Nuremberg Trials are so repugnant to the Anglo-Saxon principles of justice that we must forever be ashamed of that page in our history."
Congressional Record, appendix, v.95, sec.14, 6/15/49

- All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators.
by Judge E. L. van Roden, "American Atrocities in Germany", The Progressive. February 1949, p. 21f.

- Judge van Roden's allegation of torture to gain "confessions" is confirmed by Texas Supreme Court Judge, Gordon Simpson. He confirmed that savage beatings, smashing of testicles, and months of solitary confinement occurred.
- Congressional Record, appendix. v. 95,sec.12, 3/10/49
Also see: archive.is/tEOFe
>Making Justice at Nuremberg, 1945 - 1946
>By Professor Richard Overy
>[T]hat the war crimes trials... were expressions of a legally dubious 'victors' justice' was [a point raised by]... senior [Allied] legal experts who doubted the legality of the whole process... There was no precedent. No other civilian government had ever been put on trial by the authorities of other states
Iona Nikitchenko, one of the three main drafters of the London Charter and the Soviet Union's judge at the Nuremberg trials, stated before the Tribunal convened:
"We are dealing here with the chief war criminals who have already been convicted and whose conviction has been already announced by both the Moscow and Crimea [Yalta] declarations by the heads of the [Allied] governments... The whole idea is to secure quick and just punishment for the crime."
"If... the judge is supposed to be impartial, it would only lead to unnecessary delays."

Slavs were in the SS.

Germans even married Ukrainians and Belarussians when they took the territory.

The problem the Germans had with Slavs was related to their large Jewish population and allegiance to Communism.

We're not talking about the holocaust. Hitler invaded the soviet union. He predicted it would collapse. Why didn't it even start a civil war? If Stalin was so horrible to his people and Stalin was a liberator why did he lose the war against Stalin?

Two propaganda engines were running in 1945. One was destroyed and the other continued to this day.

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they killed 17 million civilians. could they really tell they were loyal to communism or jews just by looking at the family they were about to execute?

Nobody cares enough about slavs dude

Slavs dont run everything

your country was scared shitless of them for the entirety of the 20th century.

Why were they scared?

military prowess + convincing ideology

Nixon had to go groveling to the chinese. He basically saved america.

I'm not Belarusian but from what I've been told, a lot of people believe that Hitler wanted to turn them into a slave race. They also blame the Jews for the Nazis invading.

lol am half slav and my Slavic side of family has all my bad traits except the Slavs have crazy iq sometimes.


>a lot of people believe that Hitler wanted to turn them into a slave race

I mean that's well documented.

>They also blame the Jews for the Nazis invading.
That's funny. The nazis were definitely jews.

>Nixon had to go groveling to the chinese. He basically saved america.
Bullshit. China was a bigger enemy than the Soviet Union and still is today, we just didn't realize it because Nixon believed the wrong intelligence source.

Attached: soviet joke.png (1366x768, 126K)

Well that doesn't even make sense. Maoist china is indistinguishable from Dengist china. If you know anything about the cultural revolution you know Mao is spinning in his grave.

There's not much love for Poland and Belarusians basically view the county as a prostitute for the Nazis. This is all stuff I've been told over a bottle of vodka and I've not done my own research. Basically the story goes that Jews fled in through Poland and the Nazis followed but the Belarusians refused to surrender and went all rambo first blood on the invading army.

>They clearly saw them as even lower than dogs.
Something is wrong with this.
General Vlasov was a Soviet war hero before he switched sides like millions of other sides did.
They had entire cossack divisions and regiments switching sides.
I don't know how it would've gone after the war in an alternate scenario. But Bulgaria was a Nazi ally.

Victors write history I guess.
And I hate Nazis, both now and then.

Mao was a retard and Deng Xiaoping saved China's international relevancy but that doesn't change Chinese intentions for global hegemony and vengeance for past embarrassments.

Attached: China's day of justice is coming.png (1366x768, 110K)

The nazis didn't consider bulgarians slavs. They claimed they were turkish.

lol who fucking cares

Nah. Mao was a great man who laid the groundwork for future domination. Stalin and Mao fucked up when choosing their successors.

So the ideology was flexible. How did they justify allying with millions of slavs in the war?

I'm half slavic, and i dont wanna say it but slavs kinda are subhumans. Instead of murdering us, hitler should have given us a good purpose, like doing manual labour and shit while ze fine german was working at offices or something.

They never did. Like I said they didn't consider bulgarians or romanians slavs. They were fully intent on genociding russia. Even when times were at their most desperate they hesitated about using russian slav laborers as soldiers. They were true believers.

I guess it doesn't matter if you cause a famine when nobody even has any cookware since you melted it down into useless pig iron girders. Mao was a successful revolutionary but absolute shit as a head of state.

But these were Slavs.


>The ROA did not officially exist until autumn of 1944, after Heinrich Himmler persuaded a very reluctant Hitler to permit the formation of 10 Russian Liberation Army divisions.

lmfao. Good job. Yah they were desperate as fuck by that point.

Maybe thats the reason hitler invaded?

And at this point?

> Irrespective of the political wrangling over Vlasov and the status of the ROA, by mid-1943 several hundred thousand ex-Soviet volunteers were serving in the German forces

We know that was the reason he invaded. He said so himself. Doesn't change the fact he could have allied himself with Stalin. Stalin would have let him keep russia.

>Stalin would have let him keep russia.
Fuck I'm drunk. Stalin would have let him keep germany.

*dabs on german untermensch

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Shit like this

> In October 1942, the Germans established in the Kuban a semi-autonomous Cossack District and were now in the position to recruit Cossacks from these areas, the POW camps, and defectors from the Red Army. Of the latter, the most significant was the desertion of an entire Red Army regiment (Infantry Regt. 436) that had defected to the Germans in August 1941. Its commander, Major Ivan Kononov [ru], was a Don Cossack. He went on to serve under the Germans.

>Stalin would have let him keep germany.
Why would anyone think that when international communists tried to overthrow Germany in 1918-1919?

Bolsheviks and Khazarian Jews genocided Slavs, buttmad about the sacking of Khazaria. This is just classic projection like the rest of their propaganda. Blame your enemy for what you are guilty of.

I'm also slavic and while I reluctantly agree I would not consign our race to manual labor. There are still lots of brilliant slavs. First in space after all (ofc thanks mostly to nazi scientists). Our population does seem to have more dysgenic elements with alcoholism and violence etc.

Half-Russian here. A lot of modern degeneracy can be attributed to what the commies did--look at the difference between mainland chinks and Taiwan, for example. Social and moral structures were deliberately broken down in basically all Slavic countries in the past century, and nothing really took their place.