holy fuck this guy is so based
Kevin Davis
Ethan Lopez
>inb4 b-b-but *slurps cum* race mix!!!
Sebastian Evans
Is that Steven Anderson? He had a pretty good video about the holocaust but youtube shoah'd it.
Samuel Gonzalez
link to full video
Easton King
yeah he essentially debunked the whole fucking thing so obviously they shoah'd it
Colton Rodriguez
haha amazing. Fuck Kike shapiro.
America will wake up to the web of lies the Jew has spun. It will be violent. It is necessary.
Luis Myers
>I dont give a fuck about the browning of America
Liam Russell
Twatter is such a pain to make throwaway accounts on.
But anyway, race-traitor, nigger/spic lover, etc etc
Easton Hernandez
Brown guy here. Id bang the hell out of that white princess.
Nolan Davis
I found it archive.org