>this demonic trans shit seriously got out of hands
how the fuck you can be sure any more?
Dear Jow Forums
This is just evolution taking another form. These pleasure seekers will not breed and eliminate themselves from the genepool. Don't trust money or technology. Just focus on you and building your own STRONG family and we will be alright/fine, we might even do well.
They look pretty hot to me.
actually all it proves is how facile plastic and fake the majority of western women are
> Just focus on you and building your own STRONG family
how you do that when half of the community are sluts and the other half is trans?
see this is the problem
camile paglia explains this societal collapse well years ago, nobody has said it better since
>just close your eyes and let the Jew destroy your country and your race
kys christcuck
>only Christians recognize demons
Burgerstan education, everyone
>believe it or not it's demonic