I'm fucking proud of the Fatherland. We are small but we can take anything the world throws at us. We have proven this

I'm fucking proud of the Fatherland. We are small but we can take anything the world throws at us. We have proven this.

Attached: suomen_lippu-1.png (460x460, 326K)

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Good on you. I can't say the same about my current country. Try your best to preserve your country. It's one of the best in the world.

>I'm fucking proud of the Fatherland
That's a good thing, man.

Everyone should be proud of their country and should wipe out commies as they come.

>I'm proud of something I had no choice in being a part of and serving a shitty state that would view my death as nothing more than a statistic

USA has the foundations. It will be a bloodfest but it is still there, ready to be revived.

Do your women like BBCs? I feel like you larping to make yourself feel good.

Are they cucked as in Sweeden?

now where did i put that UN report where they said finland can fit over 300 million people...

We have some British police series like Midsommer Murder and they're good. Everybody likes them.

Japan is perfect climate and maxed out in population with same are as the Fatherland. Try garbage bin to look for that UN report.

*ahem*. not so fast

Attached: somali.jpg (649x529, 37K)

Attached: Allophones_in_Finland_1980-2011.jpg (741x458, 34K)