>wake up
>be this guy
>wat do?
Wake up
visit a synagogue (in minecraft)
Get pozzed and act like a degenerate because i'm mentally ill and possessed by fag demons.
Self immolate on the whitehouse lawn on livestream so we can use the screams for masturbatory asmr
>molest kids on camera
>go to jail
>adpocalypse canceled
make like a bundle of sticks and ROPE myself
an hero
An hero
Poop out aids turds + nigger seen.
Fuck my funny-looking fat tatted pink hair girlfriend with a strap-on over my caged dick.
Admit that I'm using this YouTube controversy in order to further the means of getting a raise at vox and it's all bullshit. I don't give a fuck about Crowder calling me a lispy fag, he's been doing it for years. I just had to wait till pride month to make it a big deal and so I could capitalize on my sexual orientation. Fuck you, heteros.
go back to my island
go after pewdiepie for calling people faggots on stream
Nice thread.
Defy stereotypes and start Bugman Nationalism, an ideology that mixes ethno-nationalism with hyper-commercialized nerd culture.
Laugh at all of you in this thread
That really is it. The right was absolutely blown the fuck out. Yes people will be angry at him for a while but the results will remain. He had a vision of a faggy safespace and the mission objective was to make youtube completely disregard competition and animosity by tightening their policies. By expertly framing one comedian and taking his jokes and jabs out of context combined with pride month pandering, he successfully convinced youtube that instead of ignoring these whines and saying WE WONT LET MAZA DECIDE WHO ARE ALLOWED TO PUBLISH WHAT they would have saved the situation. Carlos even got a öersonal revenge out of it. Absolute masterful planning, framing and execution.
Report this thread for being extremely low quality.
>Absolute masterful planning, framing and execution.
the dumb faggots on Jow Forums don't get that the way you fight back is by promoting individualism.
pointing out that these idiots are stomping the dissenting opinions of independents in their own group, chewing them up and spitting them out, so they can fuel the useful idiot war machine against factions outside of their own.
by pointing out that these faggotty fucks are promoting slavery via the government making decisions for them, rather than giving them the ability to make decisions for themselves. To faggots like Maza, slavery is okay if you treat your slaves handsomely.
That the engine of change is not going to be coming from these faggots who want quotas, and utter, total domination of collectivism and right-think. Why do you think soul-less corporate entities are so attracted to these faggots? They use the same tactics to put people into nice little demographic boxes to profit off of these morons.
The engine of change comes from the independent, the entrepreneur, who says they want to do things their own way.
These faggots cannot allow that. They cannot allow dissent from the collective hive-mind. They must squash the independent, even within their own little gay group.
All for a shallow, petty political power game which doesn't even exist but that they must win.
your dad's semen is low quality bro
Enjoy your ban une fois, fieu :^)
Eat man ass and avacados
I’d probably open the day with a dong in my bum
Take over Jow Forums and become the homofascist leader
that brother fucker
>get an aids test
quality thread's still standing my useless friend. trying to pull a maza on me? go eat couscous with the hand you wiped the shit from your anus with
When arab Muslims and Catholic Hispanics start dominating the West. I will not raise my voice at all. I will allow every kind of insult and tyranny to befall them regardless of what they claim as they are being destroyed. They can stand with us now or die as hated freaks.
Dw they're already on our side bro
Immediately schedule a procedure to remove those disgusting moles off my face
kill kill kill
An hero
Immediately schedule a procedure to get those disgusting moles off my face
breed with my cousin?
Jack off because I'm so aroused by how powerful I am and how white people are so afraid of ostracization that they'll just act like I'm not
I heard that lispy faggot wants to ban all porn
There's nothing wrong with this thread. Neck yourself, my man.
Hi Maza you vpn using lispy pozzed faggot.
>wat do?
Get AIDS because I'm a homo
Do what i'm told. Like I have from the beginning.
I hope someone kills him
(in minecraft)
>figure out if i have aids
>If i do tell everyone on twitter
>kill myself
Make Steven Chowder get a real job.
Haha ecelebs actually have to make change now to get money haha.
I am not condoning deplatforming btw, only demonetization.
Get dabbed on eceleb leeches lmao.
Shit, shower, shave, and drive to work.
R Budd Dwyer.
>slaps your dad's ass
what now waffle?
Probably shove a black dildo in my ass and mainline heroin off a tranny midget before drinking my onions for breakfast. Seems like that's what he's into.
seem i'm missing some information about this man