Some people are FORCED to commit crime, you incels

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Well Maybe they should FORCED themselves to get educated, last time I checked college's for black retards is free.

>who cannot find a job
>who are not educated
Have sex.

i think they should be allowed to expunge their records at some point

Not defending niggers, but no one will hire you if you have a record, unless they know you personally


that's the fucking LAST thing they should do.

Technically not wrong. Most people will not give the time of day to people who have done crime, and you can't make laws benefiting these types of people in situations like this, since it fucks over those who actually follow the rules.

They would be able to find a job if all the jobs weren’t in chinkland or mexishit. 10/10 would fucc the negress though

plenty of labor jobs don't even check