Why aren't you Christian like your ancestors Jow Forums?

Why are you forsaking your traditions?

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But I am.

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I'm a muslim syrian and my ancestors have always been one

Flag checks out.

Can't sell my daughter into slavery, can't stone adulterers, can't throw my wife out to raped to death by an angry mob - what good is it anymore?

>Virgin Mary

Because I know thats not Cristianity

My ancestors were pagans faggot.

Really? What were their names?

That's total bullshit. You're ancestors were more than likely Christians. Syria was Christian.

I'm Greek and injun whiskey feather.
I doubt they were.

>I'm a muslim syrian
Get out and stay the fuck out.

same reason I don't believe in witches or demons like my ancestors

Trying to argue for Christianity with anime icons is some serious cringe

Animu jesus is kawaii
I also want to protecc anime mary

syria and a big chunk of arabia was christian before islamic invasion

Because I'm a reprobate and have blown my salvation. Now it's just a matter of waiting around for hellfire.

reminder that it's lower IQ, on a per capita level, that are religious.

get fucked, you literal subhuman.

And what were they before that?


Fucking based nips. That was kino.


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I've read up on my ancestor's history. He was a farmer (peasant) living in Virginia back in the 1800's.

Reading his journal, he said the Society of Friends (quakers) basically moved into his town when he was a young boy and took everything over. You couldn't do any business, or speak to anybody unless you were a member of the church. He converted out of necessity, and that's what allowed him to get his farm (and also a wife).

This is pretty much what was going on back then.
Also apparently he was denied an education, although he showed some promise (given that he knew how to read and write, he was no moron).

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I never really liked going to church as a kid. When I became an adult and didn't have to go anymore I didnt. I had a while where I went back to the church but there was no pussy there so I left.

You don't go to church for pussy user.

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The traditions of Christianity were lost for me because they didn't help me replicate them. Praying with your family, going to church with your family, and celebrating the Christian holidays as Christian holidays with your family doesn't replicate if you can't start a family.

The most basic and essential tradition of all is reproducing and it seemed like it was kind of an either/or with that and church.

For example the only thing we were taught in church about sex when I was a teenager was to not have it until you were married.

That is probably good advice for women but it isn't very helpful for a young man who wants to start a family. The church didn't give proper instruction for finding and attracting a woman.

I found not being overly tied to christianity was helpful when dealing with women, specifically getting the experience and confidence necessary to eventually attract a spouse.

Now that I do have a spouse and a family, church is just an afterthought. It wasn't very helpful, so why bother with it. I don't see much value in it. The fact that all my parents and grandparents were and are devout christians doesn't bother me. They lived in different times. It helped them. It isn't helpful anymore.


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>Why aren't you Christian like your ancestors Jow Forums?
My grandfather was an atheist.
Also, my ancestors were pagan before they were Christian. Before that, there were cave people.

don't exist, everyone knows God exists
Romans 1
>19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
>20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
>21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

What were the names of your pagan ancestors?

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>ignores the fucking child she's carrying
Mexican intellectual warlocks everyone.

I want to be I really do but I just can't seem to do it. The idea of even setting foot in a church terrifies me as I'm always singled out as a "newcomer" and always get swarmed by the pastor and a bunch of older strangers asking questions that overwhelm me. So I say I'll just stay at home and listen to a podcast of the service from the church my parents used to bring me to but then I get distracted and never do anyways.
My life is riddled with the same wicked and mindless sin it always has with all the porn, hate, and outright laziness it always has only now I'm hyper aware of how what I'm doing is wrong but I'm still doing it and It just makes me hate myself for being a convictionless hypocrite.
How can I possibly call myself a Christian when its beyond me to even love my neighbor. God is loving and just so how can someone like me who feels nothing but contempt and does nothing but evil have the right to call themselves his servant?

>my ancestors have always been

lol top tier muslim education right here

as you say

Because the Jews were a bigger influence on my parents than my grandparents were.

Based Ginyuposter with the fpbp

As for thread question: my ancestors are Jewish

Because we are all sinners.
You just have to turn to Jesus and trust Him to finish the work in you.

Churchianity doesn't save.
Only Jesus does.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

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Here's one for (you)

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My ancestors were being systematically butchered by christians. The only ones that survived were the ones that converted or faked it.

i am and so is my family, ever since the marist brothers brought us the word of God. Samoa is and will always be a Christian Nation

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Where do you think you came from. You weren't born of a virgin user.

Because you're a pedo cult

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>I want to be I really do but I just can't seem to do it.
HEY, this faggot wants his mind raped. Someone quick, fuck his mind and steal his money!

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>: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.



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I'm Chinese. My ancestors were based atheists

>Mexican intellectual warlocks everyone.
pedo cults

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Loli anime christcuc posters...

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greeks have been christians longer than the romans

Catholicfag here I have my doubts about transubstantiation and stuff but completely throwing away God leads society into a degenerate shitter

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i guess Roman architecture and law, along with Greek philosophy and the lyceum, are also part of Judeo-Christian history?

>The idea of even setting foot in a church terrifies me as I'm always singled out as a "newcomer" and always get swarmed by the pastor and a bunch of older strangers asking questions that overwhelm me.
That is part of becoming a part of the community. It is a good feeling user!