Dont hate brazilian imigrants. Leaving my country and expensive as fuck and only white people can afford it

Dont hate brazilian imigrants. Leaving my country and expensive as fuck and only white people can afford it.
Pic related. My friend who moved to USA. She is whiter than the average american.

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Another white friend who moved to Germany. We are exporting white people. You're welcome.

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>leaving my country is expensive as fuck

Send Brazilian tranny qts with massive fully functional girlcocks

Brazilian girls have big bofundas. Big asses. Hmmm big butts nham nham

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Send some cute trannies while you're at it.


You two could just fuck eachother since you're both practically women anyways

Can I send a pic of my mother?

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Lol americans are ugly as fuck, cry more faggot.

Brazilian trannies.

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Canada is whiter than USA?

In terms of the white people yes, on average no, but there's purer/silkier skin white people here.

>Americans are ugly
>wants to fuck guys in a dress


brazilians are not welcome

you have to go back

Not even white brazilians?

they really do. and tiny waists. i thought it was a meme, but its fucking true.

bump for information

It is. There is this cult for beauty in Brazil. People care a lot about this shit.

>Brazilian girls have big bofundas
That's because they're niggers

No Canada is mostly Chinese, eskimos, muslims and snow niggers. Very few white people in Canada.

American natives, actually.

My sons nanny is Brazilian. Fat ass tiny waist confirmed. She's one of the darker ones though. Still got the gud hair.

hahahaha its funny they did it to themselves. The country was white but now its brown.
White people have high IQ, they said.


The dark ones are pure sex.
The problem is the dark men. Dark women are cool here. Big bofundas.

Can you elaborate? What do you mean a cult of beauty. I understand beauty is appreciated universally but how is Brazil diferente?

Why did you do what you did to the Portuguese language? Brazilian Portuguese sounds fucking vile.

Why not? She is white. Isnt that enough?

We are not blue eyed and blonde like you guys, so we need to overcompensate it. Know what I mean? White people are naturally attractive. But we are not... We need to fight for it.
Our country is one of the biggest market of plastic surgery, contact lenses, etc.

Indians don't have big asses


Our indians have. And big tits. Hmmmm I kiss the tits.

not welcome where ? you using a pirate flag dude, Shtfckp

Gym obsession.

Is that a guy?

At least its a funny language. And triggers the sjws, because we have a lot of unecessary gender rules.

Sim entendi. Do the men care about vanity or is it mostly women. Here I see short ugly goblinos with decent latinas, is Brasil similar?

No. She is cute bro.
She used to be a model here in Brazil.

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No they don't. They're built like asians, with small tits and small asses. Only Chel is thick.

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>She used to be a model
That's cause they like manly faces on girls for some types of modelling.

Here in Brazil, dude, if you have a car, people see you as rich, and you can have any bitch. Im not even joking.

I think she is very feminine. Maybe Im gay, then.

Stop fucking shitting up Japan then. I went to Aichi recently, and you fuckers were everywhere, with your badly behaved children and trashy looking wives. Fucking gross.

Send more Brazilian qt's to Ireland.

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I think you are talking about people from the country India and Im talking about brazilian natives.

You guys dont love west anymore? Pfhahahaha

This brazilian youtuber visited your country a few days ago.

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Let me get this straight. You can be a short fat brown goblino with a unibrow and still pick up a fine bitch? Wouldn't she just leave for Chad ASAP?

If the Chad is veeery handsome, yes. But I still think its hard to happen.

No moron. Chel obviously is an American Indian, but they don't look like her. Indians from India definitely have bigger tits and asses in general.

Im just telling you what I see, my cuck friend. Every indian mixed girl in Brazil that I know has very big tits and very big bofunda.

So Car = Great social life in Brazil ?

Brazil girls are now Indian men's property.
Brazil men are as cuck as white men.

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Don't you need to drive like senna not to die on your roads?

it's not any car of course
Try to get a Tijuca Girl with a 2005 Fiat and fail KKKkkk

Yes. Thats how fucked we are.
And when I say car, Im not talking about Ferraris. Im talking about an average car.

Most Americans are not blonde haired nor blue eyed dumbfuck

Hahahahaha. Nah, our roads are okay. At least this we can be proud of.

But you know what I mean.

That's a good looking White Bitch

Course, dude.
But pick the average car that the american man owns. This car in Brazil will make people think that you're billionaire.

Brazilians are apes they look like mexican brown niglets they are not white people


But we have white people here. And these people are the only ones who can afford a flying ticket to leave this shithole. Thats what Im saying.

She is not white. She is Brazilian. Probably a white women with a Mixed Spanish man.

That's cause they're mixed (with niggers), fool.

They are for sex tourism

Also, we are very more white than mexicans.
Mexicans are apes. We are half apes. LoL.

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not so family is white, and we are struggling hard here to get through...

but that's the Diference .. We Work Hard

>Mixed Spanish man
The guy on the pic looks indian.

How is this girl an ape?

I was talking about parents of the girl .
Off course. Indian men with their ability to make money and superior intellect will get all white girls.

The Brazilians I've seen here are neither white not attractive.

still got a lot home, grab one and cross the pond m9-1

Yes. You work hard. This in Brazil is a very rare thing.

There's a Billion of you in the world user I'm sure if you guys try to go for White Girls some of you would get lucky, nothing to be proud of that.


They're only accepting refugees from central america, mexico and africa by the moment, try again later.

We are just brown Jews. If there will be a pyramid of power we might be put just below White Jews.

Ahem...psst hey uh fagfuck...those "girls" have cocks... ask your mom shes one 2... Hey psst… you're so gross...

They'll pick Indians for beta bucks, meanwhile they will be prude in the bedroom after doing everything with Chad in their youth

Half a billion. Rest are women.

What is the amount of USD I need por semana to live an ok life. Nothing special just a roof, internet, and food near the beach.

These ones are underage. But there is the magic.
Here in Brazil the age of consent is 14. Yes, you heard me right. Me and this 14 yr old girl can have sex and its legal.

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LMAO judging by your words there is no way you are not a nigger

I cant give exact numbers. But a dolar is equal 4 reals. Your coin has 4x the value than ours. Just save some money and come here to visit.
Visit the south of course. Its the most white place, the most safe place with the prettiest beachs and asses. Santa Catarina is paradise.

Im not comitting any crime. Our country is the country of feijoada.

no one here hates you if you're a white immigrant, user

Im being ironic. You are the nigger here.

I hope so. Because brazilians who left our country are mostly whites.

That's good. I often saw brazilian girls taking the thuleanpill and commenting on Varg's vids, almost all of them under 20 and pale. Seems like they're easily impressionable by good messages so the age of consent must be a plus for young natsoc guys over there.

They are impressionable by white men. Thats the real thing. They love white dudes.

Yes. The age of consent is a great plus here. I took off the virginity of 3 white girls and its magical, bro. Feels like you owns that girl for the rest of her life.

Are you White ? If so why ?

I think if I visit I won't come back here. Is it easy to be an illegal if I'm white and useful?

Many people I know are going to Italy or Germany, because they are descendants of immigrants in the south. Meanwhile niggers come to my state everyday. Fuck this.

user... Bolsonaro literally opened the borders for americans. You can be here whenever you want. You won't be illegal.