Oberlin College Lawsuit


Three students from a private liberal arts college attempted to shoplift from a local family bakery that had been around for generations. Students get arrested and the college is whipped into a frenzy and protests with claims of racial profiling. Police investigated and determined 6 out of 40 calls to the police from the bakery were regarding blacks. The bakery sues the college and is awarded $11 million in damages with an additional $33 million possible.

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The rift between the bakery and the college began in 2016 when a student tried to buy alcohol with a fake ID and shoplift from Allyn Gibson, who is the son of the bakery’s owner, David Gibson. Allyn Gibson followed the student out of the store and the two got into a physical altercation.

Two other students got involved, and police have said when they arrived the three students were hitting Allyn Gibson while he was on the ground.

Allyn Gibson is white and the students are black, and the incident became racially charged. All three students pleaded guilty in August to misdemeanor charges and read statements into the record acknowledging that Allyn Gibson was within his right to detain the shoplifter and that his actions were not racially motivated.

These are exchanges college officials had in regards to the developing student protests that were later read in court:

>“We should just give all business to Leo at IGA. Better donuts anyway,” Jones’ email said. “All these idiots complaining about the college hurting a ‘small local business’ are conveniently leaving out their massive (relative to the town) conglomerate and price gouging on rents and parking and the predatory behavior towards most other local business. (Expletive) ’em.

>“I wanted this to work out in a restorative way with shared responsibility (albeit generous on our part) because it’s what’s best for the town. But they’ve made their bed now…”

>“(Expletive) him,” Raimondo said in a text message. “I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”

Niggers... (sigh)...

Woah woah woah that's very offensive. I'm sure you and the administrator who referred to keeping them on leashes would have a lot to talk about.

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>The bakery sues the college and is awarded $11 million in damages with an additional $33 million possible.
seriously, the best news I've heard all day

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>“I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”

This statement. This statement right here is what's fucking wrong with modern colleges/universities holy fucking shit. The mentality of these professors really is that of some powerful mini dictator with an axe to grind and they're indoctrinating their students to manipulate them to their own selfish ends.

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College got woke.
Now going broke.

Four generations of white males in that picture.