Say something nice about her, Jow Forums

Say something nice about her, Jow Forums

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She'd look good with her skull half blown off or her throat opened up.

you okay, buddy?

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Didnt mengele save this womans sister from illness?

probably a secret (self-hating) jew. vulgar little rats, heart placed right regardless.

Hahahah oh Jow Forums

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Pics or didn’t happen

theyll all be dead soon and it will reach a point where they can no longer trot out these fake puppets lest the claim they are also the oldest living people on the planet

tho i wager after they are gone we hear from their "kids" because trauma is imprinted genetically or some shit

>Soviets freed Auschwitz
Why an American flag then?

>Kitchen packed with Boost, Mountain Dew, and Tums

She's not in my living room.

I just don't see the need to flip out. Real men don't get angry, they handle shit.

She’ll be dead and burning in hell soon

not so fast Goy!

She's holding up well for somone of her age

That thing is still alive, good for xer.

On nice, black propaganda.

Just when you think they have reached the height of jewishness they strike harder then ever before.

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Get your claws off of my flag.

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Is that Tammy Pool? She needs to get her meds checked, her PCOS is out of control

fake news

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i suddenly feel like boosting my protein, drinking soda and preventing indigestion. Who's managing her twitter i wonder?

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She's a fucking liar.
Her claim is that Mengele liked using twins to experiment on.
BUT, she doesn't know that twins are useful when one is control and one experimental.
She says her and her twin were subjected to identical procedures.

If you're gonna wheel out an old yenta, make sure her bullshit makes narrative sense.

Fake jews

A lot of good people died to save your undermining ass.

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Calm down, feddy.

she would make a good lampshade.

I know her in real life. Not even memeing or joking. Her Holocaust Museum is in my hometown. She's not well-liked by the local Jewish community. She never shows up to temple, even on high holy days.

A lot of local jews call her that. They say she killed her own sister. A bigwig in the local jewish scene even said "he thought her story was exaggerated:

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Auschwitz was liberated by the soviets you ungrateful kike

go away fbi

Should have been turned into soap instead, shame

Low T

I’m still mad at what the Nazis did to my grandfather. He worked 3 years in the Auschwitz guard tower and never got a promotion...

she looks like Soros wearing a wig

is this a Mountain Dew commercial?

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She will probably die soon

Maybe she feels a little guilty sometimes about lying about the holohoax.

>Boost Protein
I'd rather die in the camps

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Came to say this. Stories are never straight.