Help with my surname

My surname is Roht (NOT ROTH, IT'S ROHT). My grand grand father came to this country (i won't say what country, since it's a pretty rare surname), he was a volga German.
I have picures of him, he has avery nordic look. I heard from my dad that his surname was from low-middle german origin, and that roht means red
Now, people often mix my surname with the jewish roth, and i fear that maybe his surname was actually roth and someone misspelled it in the port when he came
Help me with this, brothers, it's roht a legit german surname? There were bolga jewish germans?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_137-037542,_Westpreußen,_Russlanddeutsche_Flüchtlinge.jpg (792x560, 81K)

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you're a jew

Just spell it as "Rot" and they'll get it right every time.

You are a Jew.

what does the white flag with a question mark represent? is that sweden, now that they all don't know what gender they are?

I honestly don't knoe, lmao
I forgot to put a meme flag and instead of showing my country i got that
damn, i thought jews were not allowed with the volgas
Guess i', gonna commit no breathing

Fucking jikes, i'm a goddamn kike.

Imagine waking up in the morning and realizing that

Thats 100% jewish name, you are without doubt to some degree jewish.
The volga germans didn‘t practice the religion part tho (don‘t chop off foreskin etc) but they still talked using jewish words (yiddish).

a what degree it matters if you have a jewish ancestor (i've seen my grand dad photos and he looks like a swede, so he probably was already like 1% jew)?

Haven‘t seen him so can‘t accurately tell.
But every % matters, you likely have some Jew traits.

I'm gonna make a genetic trdt then, to be 100% sure. If i got even the dmallest % of jew, well, then i suppose i'll have to search for another right wing ideology

You don’t need to find a new ideology if you’re small part Jew you dumbfuck, the Nuremberg laws state you’re fine as long as you’re 25% or less, just focus on your European ancestry and focus on breeding out your Jewish genes, and possibly change your name to something more German.

Don‘t do this, these test sell your data to 3rd parties who do god knows what with the information. These tests are also not accurate.
Don‘t waste your money.

There is also no need to search for a new ideology, Jews are accepted in the far right as long as they are not working for the Jew tribe.
Did you know that most of the NSDAP ideology was written by a man with a Jewish surname and his name was Alfred Rosenberg?
So Don‘t worry.

ur a kike thru and thru - just convert now and deal with it

Oh, thanks! I'm really starting to get into this, i'm probably still blue pilled in some aspects
Thanks for the info, i'm goingo to look further into the nuremberg law and alfred rosenberg

your name is totally jewish - - I'd be surprised if you weren't actually a mix of jew and muslim - god save you.

Nah, i'm not muslim. Since they were volga germans there's possibly some slav mixed there
Also, my grand grand father was the german one, the others were french

More proof > maybe this is your great great x2 grandfather?

any other names pre Roht? I've got access - all jokes aside, you might not be. But it's definitely Jewish name. Roht, not talking about Roth.

Yikes, it's actually jewish. Well, imagining that he was 100% (he wasn't, but let's imagine) the rest of my familiars are european
So, by nuremberg law, i should be fine

I guess

because jews follow the mothers line, so you really need to know your grandmothers last name.

Except that's not how genetics work, you could still theoretically be 100%

I would do anything to have Roth as a surname

Yeah, might change it then. At least in my country i can do it for "ethnic" purpouses

I'm a catholic kike (by birth), hasn't stopped me from believing whatever I want to believe.

i'll ask my dad then

appreciate your candor.


Because Rothschilds are the elites, I would love to have a connection to them. I descend from British royalty and that's honestly my most proud accomplishment even though it's not really an accomplishment. Rothschilds > Royalty.


Attached: DamnRight.jpg (720x617, 61K)

In Europe, this surname is most common in Estonia. Also known in Scandinavia and Germany.

My french side have also french royalty

Damn, i have connections to the elites and i'm broke af

Yes, i saw the estonian surname
Maybe he was eesti? But i don't think estonians lived among them

Yeah but knowing you have superior genes is conforting.

Roht is likely low german for red. I don't know, since I dont speak Plattdeutsch, but I do know middle German uses Rot, which is extremely close and would be pronounced extremely similarly. Name probably comes from red sunburnt skin or pink non sun burnt skin. You're white (or atleast your paternal lineage WAS)

Everyone is descended from royalty. If you have 1 European ancestor, the chance you're descendant from Charlemagne is basically 99%.

t. Descendent of german royalty (not a big deal tho)

Yeah but my ancestry was really recent. I still sometimes embrace the water running on my body in the shower just feeling it thinking "this is the skin of aristocracy".

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Well, I don't know when your grandfather left Volga, but I do know that both the USSR and the Russian Empire before that shuffled people around with regularity. They came up with the idea of "Russification", which involved both integrating local populations, and breaking them up by moving families to other areas of the realm, which diminished cultural adherence. I know that they did this in Estonia, but I don't know what form it took. It's quite possible they would transplant an Estonian into a German area of Russia.

One of my friends has a similar history to you - a very rare family name, which comes from Lithuania. Her grandfather had been moved from Lithuania to Moscow. Not sure if those records are available somewhere, but it's possible.

Roth is not just a Jewish surname, It was first used as a surname in Bavaria and spread from there.
>t. euromutt Roth with no jewish blood

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Get a DNA test and deal with the results, whatever they are, don't be a piece of shit.

You are south brazilian

You're probably a Midwesterner, and probably originally Lutheran or Methodist. Most Volga Germans settled down in the midwest and just kept farming when they came to the states, bud. We've got a museum dedicated to them in my hometown.

Just spell it backwards and try to act cool from now on. Keep the original spelling a family secret

yeah, i'd love to see that museum
i didn't know thst! Honestly, it would make sense if he was estonian, since he looked pretty damn nordic


Photo shows that White people are beautiful when starved and hardened....not so much when life is so easy.

White people....we need to lose for get our heads right..... toughen up again.

Calm down sperg I can read. I just don't care to answer his question, rather prove to other anons lurking that Roth is not just a jewish last name like so many believe.

Look, gonna lost a pic of him, since i'm pretty obvious, and then delete the thread
Tell me, is he jewish?

Attached: received_421631428277612.jpg (540x720, 27K)

Dubious *

obviously same name, different spelling
you're a jew 100%

My Jewdar is definitely not going off.

who gives a shit? most euros probably have some jew in there