When torturing...

When torturing, is it best to inflict extreme pain early on or will that cause a desensitization and it is better to slowly ramp up the discomfort to pain to extreme pain/ dismemberment etc?

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digits and best torture is being buried in sand

worst torture is uh being filleted alive? get confirmed


im out of /gif/ ideas... maybe ask ISIS bro

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>What Jews dream about.

The blood eagle ia the single most painful torture method. It is also the most morbid due to being alive when your ribcage bursts open. As the executioner you also get the most out of it.

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Depends on your end goal, the conditions under which you acquired the patient, and how much time you have.
Torture is a very unreliable information gathering tool.

You treating yourself this weekend, Ted?

Dremel tool and dentistry work is pretty effective because the direct access to the nerves and small holes don't destroy the ability for the person being tortured to answer questions.

These are execution methods and weren't used for information gathering.

Torture always needs a personal touch. You might get the toughest son of a bitch that made the other guys in SERE look weak, but if he has children, he'd have to be an unbelievably cold bastard to listen to them scream.
On the other hand, you can run into complete and total cowards that will be able to handle watching it happen to literally anyone else, but cave the second you begin with them.
Finally, physical pain can be risky since it can destroy the informant before they yield. Things like humiliation, fear, anxiety, even rewards all can play into wearing an informant down without even causing direct injury.

yeah idk i dont even kill bugs user, i caught a fly today and let it outside

That my friend, is real humanity, only subhumans kill insects and animals unless its for survival, food or if the animal is in pain

webm an example

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ya i agree. you have to experiment with seductions of all kinds before you implement pain.

at the point when youre ready to implement pain, assume youre done gathering valid info..this is your last resort. it may be worth following up on, but many subjects will iust start spewing nonsense with a martyr's conviction

You only do it to fallen friends really. If they don't scream, they are redeemed and go to Valhalla. But you could use it as a torture method.

Why? Have you captured a jew?

A slow ramping up in society.

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imagine being that much of a faggot. classic scandinavian

If you read Kubark interrogation manual, you'll find that pain isn't the best choice, nor the quickest.

The fear of pain is more important than the pain itself. All pain is unpleasant and past a certain point it maxes out people's senses. More inventive and more cruel forms of torture don't promise better results. I've read accounts from torturers where they talk about how the prisoner loses his fear of pain after repeated sessions, and the torture becomes less effective.

Torture itself is not a very effective tool anyway. People will say anything to make the pain go away, and so it becomes a game of figuring out what the torturer wants to hear. The torturer thinks he wants the truth, but humans are full of biases that impair out ability to recognise the truth - often people are tortured just to reinforce the beliefs of the torturer. For a good example of this, consider the Soviet Union.

Lastly, torture is morally wrong. Good people do not torture others and they do not condone torture, and I want to be a good person. Or, at least, the best person that I can be.

It is best not to torture at all.

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If you want info, start removing fingernails, didgits, and parts of the genitals, if you know of their loved ones or have them captive too, threaten their lives or abuse them in front of your prisoner. But if you just want to torture the bastard, you could fuck them up with strong psychedelics, flay them, burn them, sodomize them, or kill their loved ones.

Some subhumans are confusing execution method with torture.
As for OPs question, yes and no. There's not really a less or more painful torture methods , and what might seem like the easier one is often the one most uncomfortable. Reminds me od a story where the prisoner was asked to choose between eating 50 raw onions or 50 whippings. Naturally the guy chose to eat 50 onions. He broke down by the 17th onion.
As for tested methods, use pliers to crush knuckles. Waterboarding is not as effective as it might seem. Sleep deprivation,however, is one of the best.
In movies and Vidya they show shocking the person, not very effective. Using pliers to pull out nails, again, very effective. Beating them, not very effective.
Ultimately though, a man only fears harm to his family, or at least that's what i have understood as someone tasked with info gathering from islamic terrorist.


>t thinks Jow Forums is society

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He is right though.
Wasted digits.

By any chance have you captured a pedo?

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What does that even mean. You are just as incompetent on this website as you were in primary school.

Physical pain is small time, put them in solitary confinement without them knowing who put them there or why, leave them in there for a month with no contact to them whatsoever beyond putting food through a slot. If you want to interrogate them, only do it after the month is up. Don't even remotely hint at their freedom being exchanged for any information.

no he is not. of course you just don't go indiscriminately killing animals and shit, but fucking insects? especially flies, they're disease vectors

If they are a disease vector it falls into survival category you absolute fucking retard.

Cut off all limbs, eyes cut out ears plugged mouth gagged paralyzed and leave him like that for a month then see if he wants to talk.

If he don't talk then you keep him alive forever.

not sure if you missed the fucking part where he cited fly, where the entire conversation began, nigger

Dear god, leaf, just use the dentistry aperture, no need to be a monster like that.

Shooting certain predators and varmint is okay too.

At the moment he caught the fly the danger was removed. At this point killing it or letting it go makes no difference.
If you think humans hunting flies is a good fly population control mechanism i suggest going back to school.

Btw, put a mesh over your food and flies are reduced to just an annoyance, they are no longer dangerous.

Pain is no more reliable or effective than psychological techniques.
Just put them in a box for 24 hours and play loud audio like a baby crying. If they won't talk, do it again. If that doesn't work after a week, he's extremely determined. You can work on making threats about his family etc and moving onto things like waterboarding. There's really no point getting all gory and psychopathic.

Ideally you just threaten them with it but you'd need an example to show you're serious.

Imagine having no limbs, paralyzed from the neck down, incapable of hearing or seeing or tasting or speaking. Sensation is entirely gone, and all that is left is you and your thoughts hanging suspended in the blackness for 50+ years until you die.

That kind of shit would make even the bravest men spill all their secrets.

Slow torture

Classic Brazilian

Why would any mature non-animal not have empathy for any non-annoying (at the bare minimum) other animal.

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So does putting needles in their nervous system and drilling their teeth. And its easier on your psyche to do that to another person. What you described is an overkill for what you would be trying to achieve.

You should stop jerking to asanagi, user.

Cheese grater and some rubbing alcohol.
Why get complicated?

the smaller the initial stimulus, the more sensitive to a small change in physical stimulus it becomes, so to enjoy the torturing for long period you need to slowly ramp up the intensity.
Personal preference though. I dont like torturing.

What if they go dumb because of the shock and become vegetables

Dear god, people formulating these laws call themselves scholars.
On the left sample the number doubled, on the right it increased by small percentage. No shit it will look different.


This is my fetish. I'm not sure why anybody would bother with it as actual torture these days when you can just waterboard somebody.


People don't know the first thing about torture if they think of primitive pain induction and waterboarding as the worst.

Sensory overstimulation and sensory deprivation are Guantanamo staples. Along with inducing severe confusion, disassociation, and disorientation by depriving sleep, constantly moving surroundings, and rapidly switching between extreme sensations. Do it enough, and the person will begin to lose all faith in his values and himself without so much as giving him a tiny scratch, if not be reduced to a babbling wreck.

Sedation during the surgery would probably work. It's not about inflicting pain it's about fear. Being suspended like that in your own head for years is such a horrific fate that most people wouls do anything to avoid it.

Eh, i'm not going to argue about that. Just seems like an overly expensive, complicated unusually cruel method that ultimately yields the same results as sleep deprivation and beatings.

Source on pic? Is it from a cartel or something?