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Kek ya played yaselfs trannys



It's exactly this kind of racist, uncalled for bullshit that gives /Pol and white people a bad name. You know people from the media come here and report on stuff like this, right?

every time you post a thread you're an ambassador of the right-wing, please try to be more responsible from now on.

Just because you race is going extinct, as it should doesn't give you a right to be racist.

Right wing watch thinks the synagogue of satan is the jews?

Most based boomer alive.
The whole episode is dynamite.

Fuck off and die asshole kike I'll fucking kill you assfiend fuck you

Nice pasta

Learn something new every day

New pasta, amateurish but I'll take it.

I hereby incite violence against all jews. I want all jews to be exterminated, down to the infants and the elderly.

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I approve this message

jews are the lowest form of filth on this planet. Every race hates them.

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>Rally for censorship regardless of context
>Get censored regardless of context

Mission Accomplished?

>keeps fucking talking
this is why nobody takes you seriously. weak bait, weak pasta, just kill yourself.

I encourage all of you to murder all jews and anyone else that is affiliated with jewish civilization and culture. One more thing, here's a photo of my old friend Chris Cornell. I believe he did a video called, You can't hate them so much. So if anyone sees this guy in an attack, please report him.

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Dumb golems need to remember that the rabbi always kill them in the end


I just reported a bunch of right wing watch, adl, and other social jewstice warrior vids

Good to see far-left extremists getting a taste of the internet censorship rthey have been pushing for.

God is righteous, fren.

The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgai´on. Selah.

Psalm 9:16 KJV

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You were friends with Chris or you just a fanboy?


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