Toll status: paid in full

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toll for what, going on vacation?
this is a really sad story

The Fiji water well burst, causing a flood on the island which killed a ton of people

there familys should be charged for the water they consumed, fiji water is expensive. The ammount they drank to die from is insain... lawyers needs to get onto that.

for going on vacation in a non first world country

are there many cases of people going on vacation in Fiji and coming down with terrifying mystery diseases that kill them? seems pretty reasonable not to expect to come down with a terrifying mystery disease that kills you

They were punished for being race mixers

says the mutt

> comes from Estados Unidos

Qrd fagola nobody knows or cares what your island thinks is "news"

10 bucks on pesticides

t. english teacher settling for slant pussy

>pay the toll

don't knock it til you try it

Hapa Male Pacific Island female isn't really racemixing. It's more like stirring a pot that's already mixed.

OP, where is the link, cocksucker? Today you were a fucking faggot, like always

>la nobody knows or cares what your island thinks is "news"

Some new couple ended up dying in Fiji under mysterious circumstances, just search couple dead Fiji. They were throwing up for 8 hours before going to the hospital and then died within two days of each other.

Probably got a bad form of food poisoning or some other toxic poisoning, toxicology will probably show.

So what the fuck happened

based Korean bro delivers!
thank you

Men can't racemix
Racrmixing is interracial sex + uterus

This! Asian whamen are the biggest threat to the white race. Change my mind


THEIR is a possessive term

their dog
their playstation

THEY'RE is used when you can replace it by THEY ARE

they're feeling fine
they're going to be okay

white women are the biggest threat to the white race

Hi iq spaniards conquered the native americans and made lots of babies with low iq native qts. I'm sure you don't see it as race mixing but the result of this was the Mestizo race: The most violent race of people in the world.

No white woman are the most loyal to their race. I've seen the stats.

but if they were made to remain in their shitholes it literally wouldn't matter
white women and jews let them in

are you seriously white knighting for roasties rn
this is why your country is doomed

Asian women are the biggest threat to the Asian race.
Literally true.
And it's because of you, Korea, your media industry is Jew controlled and estrogenizes your men. Korean men look like girls and think they're hot shit because of muh K-Poop. In reality they look effimentate and even the most average white man beats them in terms of sheer masculinity.

You need to fix it.

>Asian women are the biggest threat to the Asian race.
I obviously don't dispute this


White women are solely in control of the future of the white race.

A white man can't give birth to white children, only white women can do that.

For this to change you'll have to stop institutional birthism that gives women full control over child birth.

you are on fire, based korean bro

Would it be better if swedish men mass imported girls from thailand and createt mutt abominations instead of just swedish men being with swedish woman?

He's obviously not korean. He's a cuck that found love in a gook country and now he talks crap about white whamen

you wouldn't need to import women from thailand if you got your own women under control you absolute retard
and the thai mail order brides are such a minuscule threat compared to the somalians and pakis and other various third world garbage you're importing specifically because you live under a gynocracy

Have you ever been in Stockholm, bro
Every other white woman is carrying around a brown mutt baby while the husband is at the local café doing drugs

>found love
joke's on you, i'm an incel

>tfw to smart for proper grammar

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maybe botulism

>My hands are numb.
Sounds like cyanide.

So this happened in Fiji? It sounds like the deaths that have been happening in the Dominican Republic. I wonder if its terrorism directed at Western people? I bet more cases start popping up around in non-Western nations.

I wonder what took 'em out. Scary.

Asian women deserve free plane tickets to the white ethnostate, where they can stay for a weekend to get impregnated and birth some superior DNA in their homecountry

Then we also fix Japan's birthrate problem at the same time.

she cute



90IQ > 60IQ doesn't make Spaniards high IQ, just relatively higher. If South/Central America were bred to a high IQ they wouldn't be a continent of jungle monkeys. Even allowing for Christianity holding them back.

>Mutts in charge of racial profiling

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The only time I hear & see 'evidence' that muh white women are evil, asian women are based is when I come to pol. Enjoy your subhuman mutt kids.

What is the story

So you fuck ladyboys?

nobody knows yet...sounds like some bad disease that they caught

What race is the man? I can't even tell who paid the toll here.

Anyway, I can hardly wait to find out what the actual reason was for the deaths.

Grammar Nazi to the rescue

I watched a movoe avout some stupid pozzed cunt mom who took her son out of school because he was being bulloed even though the dad was telling her he needs an education and to learn to stick up for himself. She says nope and fucks off to Africa with her 8 year old son. Guess who dies from malaria? Bwahahahaha dumb cunt.

your a foggot

>if you got your own women under control
look who's talking
gooks literally go to jail for walking a few meters behind a gookess, in shit korea

The infection killed them in just three days. What the heck was that?


>No white woman are the most loyal to their race. I've seen the stats.

What the fuck are you talking about, fully half of your own women are actively working for the destruction of your entire genetic line


This comes from over cleaning yourself. Showering twice a day
Using antibacterial soap or any soap except when you touch fecal matter
Using shampoo
Christ people in the west are idiots. Just strip your body of its natural good bacteria and be surprised when you die from drinking water and showering with water that contains bacteria

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Am I supposed to know about this story?

He is, in fact, on fire.
Also checked.

The Spaniards conquest of the Americas was a nigger-tier smash and grab. I heard this narrative from a Spaniard who was regretful and envious that the USA was founded by thoughtful men who aimed to create a better nation instead of raid the gold and sail home with it.

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Enough people are fucking stupid. The social stigma of having to shower daily manages them.

>The Fiji water well burst, causing a flood on the island which killed a ton of people
This has got to be fake. You're telling me all that Fiji water comes from an enormous evil-villain-like reservoir?

I respect your energy, but it's a lost cause.

he doesnt look so white either
or should i say didnt

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why would i fuck a horrible gook in the first place
have a bit of self respect man

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This. I want to see pictures, that sounds evil as fuck.

just sell them nigger sperm
moms were a mistake

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Recently yes, 2 older black people died and some older white lady and then these 2. I wouldnt vacation there.

I see so many anglos in this city walking around with chink female.. Beginning 20 years from now and continuing into the future, there will be a new hybrid hapa race which will be the type automatically imagined when anyone across the world thinks about "Australian people"

Reddit grammar leaf is hear to save the day.

Asian women are also the only ones who are nice to white men

Probably amoebic dysentery

>You're telling me all that Fiji water comes from an enormous evil-villain-like reservoir?
Actually it does, Fiji owns the only source of fresh water on the island and many people there cant afford their exorbitant prices on it.

thats not what the meme means you fucking summer newfag.

delete this thread and lurk another year before trying again

>t. gayddit spacing