Canada's descent into a nightmarish Kafkaesque collapse intensifies.
Trudeau Liberal Government Considering Shutting Down Social Media As Election Approaches
Fabian Socialists are losing their fucking minds in Anglo countries, they know what's coming and they fear it.
>Fabian Socialists are losing their fucking minds in Anglo countries, they know what's coming and they fear it.
tick tock
>Trudeau Liberal Government Considering Shutting Down Social Media As Election Approaches
I honestly hope that they do this. There's too much shit on social media already.
Just get it over and make Trudeau president.
You are going to end up like the communists in the east.
>You are going to end up like the communists in the east.
At least at will be a caring and empathetic society with greater representation afforded to women.
>At least at will be a caring and empathetic society with greater representation afforded to women.
on paper.
i'm surprised they haven't done this sooner.
>entire thread full of memeflaggot leafs
into the compost it goes
dont forget you're here forever and unable to resist my threads.
There is no way this would play well.
This would help Bernier/Cuckservatives more than any social media content, real or not, ever could.
well let's say it happened, who in canada could report on it?
How would social media users not notice?
God I would fucking love to see that and see how people defend it.
you didn't answer the question.
>God I would fucking love to see that and see how people defend it.
You know they will defend it and tell everyone how it is 'actually a good thing and here's why'.
Meanwhile you are now a closed society.
I asked why the question is relevant. You don't need the media to report that the sun has risen or that the grass is green, you can see those things with your own eyes.
then why did you reply to the post...
who in canada could report on it?
Because you asked a stupid question that has no impact on anything. I replied asking a question of my own that you subsequently ignored.
Maybe you're right though. If you do in fact have to be told things by the media that are right in front of your eyes, maybe there are more people are mindless as you.
If the lights go out in your neighbourhood do you have to wait for a report on the radio to tell you there has been a power outage?
you aren't smart enough to answer the question
should Jow Forums be made read-only for canadians during their election time?
>knock it off with that deadhead bullshit.
Jow Forums would know.
Again, your question needs to be justified. If you cannot do so you are in no position to be questioning anyone's intelligence.
If you can justify why your question is relevant I will gladly answer it. If you can tell me why the media must report on something that would be apparent to everyone, such as the example I gave regarding a power outage, then I will happily answer your question.
You cannot do so because there is no justification for your question. If you have a question worthy of being answered you should have no problem explaining the relevance.
how will the outside world know about the level of censorship in canada?
Is the BBC or the CBC more likely to tell them?
Now this is a somewhat valid question, but just barely and it can be answered.
In Canada the censorship would not prevent citizens from knowing, but surely networks like the (((BBC))) would not. However, Canadians can still speak to foreigners and there are other outlets that could report on it and individual Canadians would be able to confirm.
On top of that once the censorship was lifted the millions of Canadians that experienced this would flood the internet with reports. It's important to note that the outside not knowing until after our election, which I don't think would necessarily be the case, wouldn't effect our elections at all.
Canadians being locked out of social media by the liberal government would rub a lot of people the wrong way.
If the liberal government wanted to be sneaky about it and the facts only came to the surface after the election people would not be happy and a vote of no confidence would be very likely to succeed.
He's becoming more like a Saudi prince at this point
do you think you will be able to post on Jow Forums despite not being able to post on facebook?
>the election is here so now we’re going to shut down alt right media in the hopes of stopping hate and promoting equality and free speech
Unless Jow Forums and Facebook are blocked forever and the country institutes what is effectively an iron curtain this is not relevant. People would experience this ban and post about it afterwards and this would lead to outrage and a vote of no confidence.
That would be the worst case scenario where the Liberals temporarily get power.
More likely people just talk to each other when they can't use Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/whatever anymore and word of mouth would spread extremely rapidly.
Information was capable of spreading long before social media or even electricity.
they nerfed thousands of young conservative youtubers recently, they wont be reporting anything about the elections in canada now.
canada is getting dabbed on by Germany pretty hard in this thread right now
the BBC and Euromedia reports on the costs of groceries in canada near the usa border, but the canadian media doesn't
Bernier is tweeting about this:
There is a new attack against free speech almost EVERY DAY. It’s getting really scary. Will Canadians just shrug and let it happen? Why am I — again — the only politician in Ottawa who is worried about it? What kind of country have we become?