Why do white people here always complain about how ""bad"" they have it...

Why do white people here always complain about how ""bad"" they have it? Its nothing compared to the Jewish People during the Holocaust or even minorities now a days

Attached: איש הירח.jpg (720x799, 102K)

>soccer field
>movie theater
>holocoaster to hell

auschwitz sounds like the coolest summer camp ever!

Out in force today.

Attached: 1518372287711.jpg (800x800, 64K)

>8 million dead
Yeah what a cool camp!1!one

The difference is the Jews deserved it.

If minorities have it so bad, why do they insist upon living around white people? Wouldn't they want to get as far away from us as possible?

That's fucked up. They ""deserved it"" but you don't? A loser incel neckbeard on his computer is more valuable than a banker/family man?

You're human scum

It's 8 gorillion now? Has the Holocaust secretly been continuing all these years? Where did the extra 2 gorillion fine from?

Prove it wasn't

>A loser incel neckbeard on his computer is more valuable than a banker/family man?

Why are you talking about yourself so poorly?

I'm on my iPhone. And I'm not running the banking cartel or media. I'm also clean shaven and a father to three beautiful white sons.

I wish it was. I wish it actually happened in the first place.

"Minorities" (non-whites) are being artificially propped up through affirmative action, through government programs and laws that force whites to pay for their institutions and serve them in the market. In college admissions, being a part of a "marginalized group" is worth more than exceptional talent and companies have non-white quotas to fill that exceed the expected number of qualified non-white workers in society, artificially propping them up. The only racial group you can discriminate against is whites, go fuck yourself.

8 billion*

8 european billion*


Attached: 6IcWYlt.jpg (1242x1540, 276K)

Whataboutism. This is my problem, let the Jews worry about theirs.

Are they bumping up the numbers now

Holocaust is a lie. Get over it l

please have sex incel

I think the filename adds a lot to your post, thanks for sharing

Have gay sex

go back to r*ddit you dumb faggot. Surely the lgbt subr*ddit would suit you better

Attached: kisspng-child-transgender-lgbt-art-drawing-5bab39762f0e99.4824068115379480221928.jpg (900x1100, 136K)

Bend rover

Attached: 1559806517286.jpg (618x388, 46K)


Not an argument.

go back to circlejerking in /leftypol/ you filthy rat

Holohoax - Implying Germans would only do a halfass job of pest control.

Minorities do not have it bad. They meritless animals that have lower standard, affirmative action, and welfare programs all paid for by white men. I did not create the low IQ apes, so I have no responsibility for their animal behavior and low levels of achievement.

Have sex

I do


A sage is not a down vote, newfag

It doesn't count if it was with the Rabbi.