Define Toxic Masculinity

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White extinction is the only answer to this problem.

It’s just normalcy. When they attack it, they’re just attacking masculinity itself.

Toxic femininity on the other hand, is any sort of behavior that kills birth rates, necessitating the importation of foreigners to support society

Well first you need to be a man. It's the only way despite masculinity not being an exclusive trait for men. Than you simply just have to look at a women, or disagree with a women, or find disgust in homosexual men. It's that easy

>define toxic masculinity

Everything I would do to her.

be a white male on the right of chairman mao

It's masculinity that hurts men, "real men don't cry" and stuff like that. But it's pretty much exclusively used by retards as an irrelevant insult to dismiss men in arguments.

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Real mean don’t cry, tho, unless a dog or loved one has died. Crying faggots are toxic

It's meant to describe aspects of masculinity that ends up hurting the man and others. For instance, self-reliance leading to not seeking help when in need and the desire to look competent and tough leading to repressing emotion and not being able to share affection. Dads in particular have a hard time telling people they love them.

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It's a fucking meme, just like everything else they spout.
They don't care about equality or morals or whatever.
They just want to get any advantage they can at any cost.
Men have it better, they're doing better than us, we have to stop them from doing so well, stop them from being men.

>Define Toxic Masculinity
things men do

Will feminism win?

Guys who are socially aggressive because of insecurities, antisocial competitive types in general, is what toxic masculinity signifies

Sadly no.

It won't be an all-or-nothing situation but they will be unavoidably involved in the discourse.

How has it not won? It is the mandatory ideology in corporate and government America.

Mansplaining, manspreading, you know, everything masculine that feminists claim to hate but deep down actually love.

As with all lefty terms, it means two things. This is called a motte and bailey argument, and the idea is to use words that sound like they ought to mean something intuitive in unintuitive ways. This cripples the ability of inarticulate or well-meaning opposition to argue.

The first meaning is the innocuous one. It appears to intuitively flow from the term, and is difficult to argue with. Lefties will insist this is the definition when confronted. For toxic masculinity, it's a set of exaggerated stereotyped male behaviors and attitudes which are detrimental to men, women, and society. For example, overprotectiveness toward women to the extent that it constrains normal behavior. Who could argue with that?

The second definition is the real one. If you quietly observe leftists using the term, and the nice definition wouldn't make any sense as used, then that's the red flag. Leftists among leftists use "toxic masculinity" to refer to any non-leftist behavior or attitude in men. For example, the desire to marry a woman with fewer than ten previous sex partners.

Another tell is that leftists will get upset if you apply a term to a woman or nonwhite, even if the innocuous definition would be obviously true. This is because they know the real meaning and don't want that label.

Like all lefty terms, it's not meant to describe reality and discover truth. Its meant to pathologize opposition. Reject it wholeheartedly.

Mansplaining is real but feminists just assume it only happens to women.

It’s pretty much anything that gets a woman’s juices flowing, if ya know what I mean.

Using logic instead of defining on feelings.

Bullshit posturing is quite anoying desu.

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>hey baby you'd be cuter if you smiled.

Man...i guess she’s still hot

real men don't cry you stupid faggot.

Talking to women while ugly.

Raping, beating women to an inch of their lives, laughing hysterically when I drive past a car crash and see a mangled females body hanging out the windscreen, smashing a scorching hot frying pan over my partners face when my eggs aren't done sunny side up the way I like it, coming home from dinner and looking at the meal and smashing my fist down and saying "how am I supposed to eat this bullshit you fucking cunt" as she shakes and cries sorry. Giving my young son trucks and toy soldiers, allowing him to grow up to repeat the same cycle. Headbutting my partner in the face while singing the "OH WA AH AH AH" bit by disturbed, when she interrupts me. Those are all things I love and enjoy. I could go on if you like. These are all just boys will be boys things. And anyone who disagrees is a feminist whore

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"Hurting" men by feminine standards of "hurt", sure

There is no such thing as it.

its when a bunch of skinny fat teens can't get laid so they begin to hate everything that is "feminine"

shut up fag

Snarky asshole

Come start with me, Jewboy.

Todays radicalized Feminism is mostly a jewish ideology

Roots in marxism and vienna jews. Books By authors like betty frieden and ruth bader ginsberg.

Media and academia push it to little girls, also mostly jewish. Goy women are influenced by the national gossip network and fashion and so take on elements of it but the real hard core feminists are jewish

I think its because jews are matriarchal. Whites are in the middle with men and women being dominant situationally and responsibility. Blacks and hispanics are more patriarchal

Ill raise another theory on black patriarchy. With blacks - women are the ones that do work , they take jobs , and do their homework. Guys dont work but try to peacock or fight and act tough, and establish status by being the biggest man- this does not involve work - but does involve violence and getting money easy (e.g. drug sales). U can see this with lion packs - where females so more of the hunting

Only toxic jewry exists

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there is non.

Any more of this girl? Nudes?

It sounds like a power-up in a videogame.

>snarky asshole.

Obviously a womans post. I'm sorry for I hurt your feelings by not being serious and making sarcastic jokes on an anonymous politically incorrect image board? Be gone dumb roastie

Unattractive: toxic masculinity.
Attractive: masculinity.
I have exposed and groped hundreds of women and they like it because I am tall and good looking. You just have to win the genetic lottery.

>t. skinny fat teen

I'll shove your faggot ass in a locker you little bitch.

When Steven Crowder bullied a gay guy for being a queer non stop for no reason at all.

Not trying to side with the retards but it's definitely true to a certain extent that men mess themselves up by trying to "be a man", though it's more like "misguided masculinity" than toxic masculinity.

It's not misguided, it's about resisting weakness. Everyone understands the urge to cry but the point is not to indulge it.

>Define Toxic Masculinity
Hollywood Jews

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There's a difference between masculinity and "toxic" masculinity. Get over it, you low IQ Jow Forumstard.

That's like saying there's a difference between speech and hate speech, which is a completely arbitrary line.

Leave leaf-posting to leafs.

Toxic Masculinity = Being a white devil.

based black guy to be honest

Civilization was built on "toxic masculinity" so take pride, friends.

What's toxic to the devil is nectar to God's children

at disolving itself as well as causing chaos. yes
otherwise no

A man who doesn't want to bend the knee, doesn't want to be walked over, a man with a spine, a man who is not a people pleaser.

Urgh. I bet you say that while wearing your wife beater and cracking your knuckles

Its not that hard to have a good sense of this. Men should cry when they have a good reason to cry. Not because their boss yelled at them at work.

Even Aeneas cried on remembering the destruction of troy

I cried when I beat my ex gf to death, instantly regretted it but I've gotten off parole last month after 9 years in the slammer. Had a lot of time to think about shit yno

>toxic masculinity
definition: modern day version of anti semitism

Toxic masculinity is largely a shit test and a buzzword but I’ll bite.

It’s what happens when you take any sample of young guys, deracinate them, denigrate their culture, feed them on junk food and porn, force them to compete for sexually liberal roasties, offer them soma in the form of capeshit and destroy their chance of a career or family by mass importing mud people.

Then, in the current year, I do sense a lot of hatred towards women. I see behaviours that are destructive.

Toxic masculinity is misdirected masculinity. And until wider society figures that out, there will be much to honk about.

absolute madman

>prison time

Can you pls get out of Australia?

What did she do?

>amerimutt education



I hate that people buy into these made up Faggot terms that Women and Niggers come up with.
If somebody mentioned me these Faggot terms "toxic masculinity" I would just made fun of them

>Toxin Masculinity? Hahh You mean when unload my toxin load in mouth of my wife HAHAHAH yeah ask her if she likes it

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at least I don't hide behind a memeflag out of shame.
also, not an argument

She was alive. Then two kiwi brain cells rubbed together and she is fertiliser. Totally the demographic nationalists want and need :/

Why are kiwifags so prone to chimping out?

Not bring a degenerate anti-Male cuck.

>he's doubling down after btfo himself


chimpouts are caused by toxic masculinity

also not an argument.

>he's now having a total and complete meltdown after btfo himself


still not an argument

>he's now so assbasted about btfo himself that he's officially become my bitch for the rest of this thread


epic trole

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her ass is prolly rekt

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>he's now playing the "hurr durr troll!" card after having run out of arguments (after btfo himself)


Reminder that this is literally why male suicide rates are so much higher than female suicide rates. Women cry about their problems and get the help they need. Men shame eachother into repressing anything that could ever be wrong with them until they snap and kill themselves or turn into school shooters.

Men and toxic masculinity are 100% responsible for the epidemic of male suicide rates.

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Shut up faggot, go cry.
Suicide rates were non-existent until the past few decades, before which men almost never cried.
Men cry more AND kill themselves more now. So if anything the correlation is that crying more leads to more suicides.


>he thinks men cried more in 1950 than 1750
You're actually retarded and im glad so many of you kill themselves every day. Your whole gender deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet for what it has done and when we no longer have any need for your sperm, you will go extinct.

Men never cried in 1750, if they did they would be executed on the spot for being weak and ineffectual.

>Men never cried in 1750
This is how i know you are underage

>we no longer have any need for your sperm, you will go extinct.
Yeah, I'm sure you dream every night about your numale utopia where "men" constantly cry about their s o y lattes and new Ninentendo consoles being out of stock and sucking dick constantly to prove how secure they are in their sexuality.

men disagreeing with women

I'm pretty sure it is you who is underage.
Memeflag is a sure sign of that.
You literally wish men would be more like women.
You know nothing about what it is to be a man.

aggression while male

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Toxic masculinity is a mind control aura that causes females to become more submissive.

>You literally wish men would be more like women.
>only women are allowed to cry

damn i sure do love your suicide rates

Toxic masculinity is any masculinity that you try to force upon someone.

A "basedboy" who is confident with himself is MUCH more masculine than a tiny penis bodybuilder who compensates for his self hatred by getting big

I'm actually still alive, retard.

It's the role of a masculine male to make sure that the s o y boy is not confident, because that is not the model of masculinity that should be put forth. s o y boys are a danger to civilization and should be dealt with accordingly.

Just fuck already.