Why aren't you currently training with your firearms? You do own firearms suitable for combat, right user?
It's the weekend
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training is for people that don't know what they're doing.
i have my dads 40 year old .22 rifle with a trigger lock i lost the key to
In the weekend as a Black Man I breed wh*Te women daily. furthering the extinction of your race.
Spoken like someone who doesnt know what theyre doing
>t. no experience
Def not a perishable skill.
show your flag kike.
check out the camper in the corner.
Bullets are expensive I have to save them all for the pocpocylipse.
Don’t have money, I just moved
You realize you can get good training without any/many rounds right.?
Drill it out
I have no need for all of that because I don't live in a third world shithole were people are shot everyday.
>Why arent Training With Your firearms?
My cucked Country Doesnt Allow citizens to own guns,
But i train With brass knuckles an CQC tho
Nigga I spent 4 years in the military taking big green weenie in the butt doing room clear drills and bounding exercises. I need to work on my pistol shot grouping again. I know what I fucking need to work on. Fugg off.
When is the last time you went outside you fucking frog? Your country is over run with literal third world shithole niggers
It is not. Or maybe they don't have guns. There are no shootouts like in your excuse for a country.
At least do 10 pushups, fat-ass.
You already are a third world shithole with all the shitskins you imported you dumb nigger!!
No were are not because of the blatant lacking of people shooting other people.
The US is at the same level of violence as an average african country.
Europe is more peaceful than ever.
You are the ones who need training with firearms to survive. I can sip some wine and eat cheese for my whole life and nothing will ever happen to me.
And this is why your fag country deserves to perish since you are a bunch of cucks being raped and murdered by third worlders and your cathedral burns to the ground and you don't do shit about it.
Lol at the cope.
You are a dumb nigger
it didn't burnt to the ground, only the roof because it is made of solid material. A thing you are not accustomed to.
Let's face it, the one here that will be shot by a random nigger is you, not me.
>4 years in the military
Wow? A whole 4 years? Well fuck me.
>work on my pistol shot grouping
Old man snark aside what do you think I was talking about? Dry fire at your desk. Dot torture at 7 yards. Once you can shoot that with no misses switch to timed. When you've got a buddy do ball and dummy at 25. You can get a full day of training out of two boxes of ammo.
While I do support the 2A I do not need a gun
>Ignores the massive amount of shitskins ruining his country replacing him.
>Copes even harder
You voted for Macron didn't you, faggot?
If you aren't a nigger between the age of 14-45 your chance of being the victim of a shooting in america is comparable to nogun eurofag nations. Gun ownership does not correlate to gun deaths
And you will be ran over by a truck which has killed more people than all of our mass shootings combined.
>Imagine being this cucked and brainwashed
That's you, faggot
That's another thing this French faggot doesn't get. Thinks American whites are niggers but ignores his own homegrown niggers running them over or blowing them up!!!
Cmon faggot have no more ignorant bullshit to say living in your bubble you fucking kike?
Just my service rifle. Did enough training with it desu.
nobody shot back in self defense, so I guess he's right that it's not a shootout
Anyone ever consider how to delay a tactically advanced adversary (i.e. swat) that is trying to make a violent entry into your home?
What is so tricky about that? It requires a enemy that has already committed to violence to detonate it.
Build an auto-turret and reinforce it with sandbags. Yes, auto-turrets do exist and you can build one at home. Mount a paintball gun to it first before you start trials with live ammo.
That is silly and technologically autistic to the point of making it impractical.