Hello pol, which country in EU is better for living?

Hello pol, which country in EU is better for living?

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This, kek. Go to Germany.

Currently Poland.


They have many taxes i hear

This. don't come to my country.


I recommend making your country less shitty instead of fleeing to another peoples homeland


Of course, how can you support a gorillion refugees without taxes? are you xenophobic or something, Artyom?

Worth it, they spend it on importing more invaders. Do you have any family members that died in ww2?

Yes of course. 2 great grandfather near Stalingrad

Living in Germany is your revenge.

i am 19 y.o. I want to get a free education in EU is it possible?

Attached: pepesoviet.jpg (499x499, 64K)

I don't know, but The Netherlands is relatively cheap. Tuition for university is about 1900 euros per year I believe. Just don't nigger up our country even more by being another drunk slav shouting outside at 2 am. We will probably have a Russia friendly government when our next national elections come too, the party that won the recent regional elections is sympathetic to Russia.

Albania, fuck off and die non-white

all have their good and bad, but all are infinitely better than russia (and america, for that matter)

It's something like 1900 for us, foreigners pay 3 times more.

Someone is butthurt by the Eurovision I see...

I didn't even drink beer in my life, i hate alco. Also i pay for my education in Russia about the same, around 1.5k euros in a year

How tall are people in the Netherlands? I have 1.75 cm and I feel uncomfortable in my syberian city

depends what sex you are

Male ofc, its 4ch do you forget this thing?

I am also 175. Yeah, there are a lot of taller guys, but nearly all women are still shorter than me so it's fine. Also all the immigrants are around my height.

I am russian but i looks like white tatar latino in 1 flackon with blue eyes. Peoples think im not russian but i have russian name and surname

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>blue eyes
green eyes* fix

Depends on what kind of college you want to attempt and if you have enough money to support the costs of living. Many westerns came here because is cheaper. Learn at least one semester in Russia and only latter try to find international college programs you could attempt. Each universities have a foreign program for strangers you just have to check their sites.

i have money from my grandmother about 20k dollars and parents is ready to pay for my education. is it enough?

Spain and Italy if you don't have to work. If you after money - Russia.


>If you after money - Russia.
I have cringe because of that

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Why? I flew there to rest, I do not like their culture.

Why? There are a lot of opportunities if you don't want to be a wage slave, and low taxes. I for one don't work since 2010 because I live in Russia. I wouldn't be able to do this in most countries in the EU.

I want good wage for buy items on amazon and dont give a fuck

An average student here who came from middle-class spend 200-300 dollars each month if they study in a large city without college tax. So I guess yes it's enough. Most of the money are wasted on rent, food, alcohol/cigs or other hobbies.

smuggling chinese cigs?

i think Romania is like similiar post soviet country and i dont think that education is different

maybe a bit different with all new political context and being part of EU, but of course if you got the chance to reach the West go there

Monaco unless you're a pleb like me, then Germany

if i take education in Germany will I be able to secure a happy life?

France, germany, really any except Russia

Depends what youre looking for. Croatia is good if you wanna get away from niggers are shitskins. But our tax is 25 percent and we are lead by a corrupt right wing party. More corporate then right wing when i think about it. Hungary is good, i hear.

Go to UK. My Muslim friend told me the place is very multicultural

Attached: birmingham.jpg (962x641, 324K)

Education is free here, regardless of age. First try at college is free to.




i dont like UK i think this trash is way more shitter than Russia. people in UK are ugly as fuck and have bad teeth

No, fuck that country. Fuck yours too.

thk for information bro

>Croatia is good if you wanna get away from niggers are shitskins.
i live in syberian city I have never seen niggers irl n my town

Neither did i, okay then dont take the "no niggers here" argument into account. Education is free, there are some nice beaches. A job can be found, just learn the languae. Dont have much else to say.

Here is almost free like 1000€ a year college