Wtf is wrong with india?

wtf is wrong with india?
just look at that thing

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Shit container

I bet they will use it as a shrine.

>log shapes
>being in water
this is new terrority for poos

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Imagine the smell.

>wtf is wrong with india?
Gypsies come from there

Why dont the jews want to make porn with us Indians giving our penis to white girls? Are they afraid of us? Also why no jews in India?

If only they could learn to batten down the hatches when they submerge they might be onto something.

I wonder how many streets fit inside it.

>Be pajeet
>be in submarine
>Rahjan just turned engine compartment into designated shitting compartment
>open hatch to air out fecal curry smell

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Under water shrine. Poopooloo is at the bottom of the loo, thx to Corporal Poo not shutting the hatch

A month underwater and this thing is corroded by the Ganges

What a piece of shit. That thing belongs on the street.

will they all shit in the sub? its gonna sink with all the shit piled up

even kikes hate you lmao!!!5

Yeah, hot sweaty curry.

imagine the smell after 1 week under water

are those targets up top the hual for depth charges.?

There are Jews in India though. Jews have been in India since 70 AD. The first Bollywood miss India was a Indian kike. There were Jews in Mughal courts and India is right now the biggest arms importer of jizzrael.

India is competing with America to be the best golem.

>There are Jews in India though
Yeah like 1.3 Billion

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I have a big nose too but not every big nosed person is a Jew idiot. Many Indians have big noses but that doesn’t mean they’re Jew. Although when I visited UK people seemed to make a lot of comments about it.

post more pls

>I have a big nose too but
Cool story Shlomo Urinstein

Too much Australoid, little less Humanity and a corrupted pagan faith is what.

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It does imply Iranic/Semetic heritage though. Pic related is probably why some Poos and Pakis, as well as Near Easterners have that aesthetic.

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>Paki bull
>5'5 90 lb hairy manlet bull

A turd that houses turds. Imagine the smell

Over 6'0 and well muscled. Still hairy though.

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Betcha it doesn't have a toilet and all the sailors have to shit where they stand

Please be patient.
The gov is currently testing tech since Japan is helping them with their navy.

is it a floater?

Is it covered in poo?

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No other way, they left out the anus on the flag. So it's bound to be quite backed up.

It will be the moment it hits water.

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Looks like the sub is wearing a indian flag-condom