I want to become a politician and I have answers to every problem we face except one, crime

I want to become a politician and I have answers to every problem we face except one, crime.

How the hell do you lower it? America have armed police who aren't afraid to use them, horrible prisons filled with rape and shankings, death penalty, massive prison sentences, armed civilians who are allowed to fight back.

They do literally every possible thing to crush crime and yet there are still hundreds of thousands of criminals.

If they can't have low levels of crime then what is the answer? And please don't make this just a race issue there are plenty of white criminals I want high iq logical answers

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>don't make this just a race issue
>I want high iq logical answers

You're a fucking low iq idiot if you think crime isn't related to race.

decriminalize drugs and put the opiate industry ceos on trial. Add an amendment to the constitution that bans private prisons and pharmaceutical lobbying and increase government spending for prisons and ex-con programs.

pol will try to refute this because beneath the white pride shit they are libertarian nerds who distrust the government, but they know im right. You can't leave social welfare to "society" because it ends up being taken over by corporations who use it for profit

FACT: Most crime is committed by criminals who already have criminal records

The moment anybody over the age of 18 commits a serious crime, put them away for 20 or 30 years in prison on the spot... you will see crime drop by 50% in the country....

In the cities, it is not uncommon to see guys who have been arrested 50+ times

Attached: 1 man arrested for stealing for the 140th time, another tells police to build station in Walmart par (934x663, 338K)

If anyone had a true answer to this there would be no crime. The topic is so deep and complex with so many different factors going into it that there might not be 1 simple answer. It doesnt even take into account all the different types of crime, as gang crime and fraud have completely different origins. Your best bet is using many different case studies to try and fish out similarities, but also by seperating out the different types of crime.

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This, but also niggers

im sure race counts as a factor somewhere in there. but even niggers people had lower crime rates in the 60s and theres a reasons for that

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There is less crime where religion is strong. Also, welfarism causes crime via single motherhood

race is a massive part of it, not just in the racist sense. Having homogeneous society creates a high trust society where people are willing to help and cooperate with eachother.

We will never have low crime in a multicultural society.

I would say for some crimes, especially those that have started plaguing the west today (degenerate gang crime) its the culture that perpetuates it. A more traditionalist culture will help reduce crime.

Make the punishment relatable to the crime. Make it an actual punishment, not a 'societal penalty'.
Ask yourself this: how many muslims have no hands?

Executing people

Trying to summarise what creates crime in a country is as complicated as trying to summarise what causes a country to create a lot of good musicians.

I think public executions would be a great deterrent or an eye for an eye punishment might also work, for instance if someone throws acid onto someone else, then they get acid thrown on them plus whatever jail sentence. They only people that would object to such techniques are criminals, someone who just wants to live a peaceful life and raise a family would never throw acid on someone, so why would they fear such a punishment

>I have answers and solutions to all the problems
That's great and all but (((they))) aren't going to let you fix anything.

Here in the states we have the largest prison population out of any industrialized country. There's been a recent trend of too much funding towards sending people to prison, which that, our corrupt education system, immigration, trafficking of drugs, although no one should get arrest for consuming drugs. I feel that solving this issue is to fix a mix of these things I just mentioned, but I believe it will heavily weigh towards education. Look to Chinese and Indian immigrants and how they've fared here in the United States. They seem to adapt a model that uses education as a beneficial tool towards prosperity in life. This idea dates back to the time and teachings of Chinese thinker, Confucius. So instead swindling, we shall learn and acquire tuition to ourselves and love one another.

Just cut off the criminals hands, hard to commit crimes when you dont have hands. If they manage to do more crime you just remove their legs. Wouldnt even need prisons.

Opiate addicts should euthanized t b h

Thats actually pretty based

Dunno user, just don't know...

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guys uhhh, should we tell him? niggers. they are literally animals and act as such. yes there are white criminals but they exist as a predictable part of any bell curve, to lump them in with jiggaboos is to misunderstand.

predictably, the answer to what you're describing is the thing you don't want to talk about.

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End the drug war

Different peoples have different temperaments and so they need different legal systems. Ethnonationalism will solve crime problems.

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unrealistic answer: send spics and niggers back to where they came from
realistic answer: programs directly targeted at spics and niggers in order to reduce crime

(That is, ethnonationalism will solve crime problems of some peoples [blacks] without those measures simultaneously oppressing more cooperative and conscientious peoples [whites].)

US crime happens mostly in ghettos filled with niggers.
So, have less niggers.

Forced labor

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We already have the answer, you moron.
Have a homogeneous society of high IQ people (white or asian) with strong nuclear families and a strong since of morality/ethics/religion.

Thats it. There is your answer.

Scandinavia up until the late 1990s (ie before mass immigration) had almost no crime. Japan today has almost no crime. Hell, most of the West had very little crime before the 1960s.

So, there is your answer. Already been proven to work in the real world for decades.

just do what norway or finland done with their prison systems except have it so pedophiles are immediately executed cause those things don't deserve to live

Politicians, governments kill millions of innocent people every year. Depends on the definition of criminal.

Do you have one of these that transforms the cuckanada flag? Like pic related.

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its not as simple as that. assuming a homogenous society, how would you reduce crime?

Ez. Minor crime = imprisonment in a work camp actually producing shit for society so you're not a drain on society.
Major crime = guillotine

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Also re-open mental institutions and actually purge dangerous drugs from communities so you don't have a bunch of nutjobs and druggies wandering around on the streets.

Defeat poverty and mental illness, you defeat crime. It is that simple.

This is a good answer. Also throw in there services to prevent criminals in the first place: education, poverty alleviation, mental health assistance.

Removing all shitskins is the obvious answer. Everything was honkey-dorey until we started flooding our lands with monkeys.

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USA has a very large prison population but the scary thing is that these are not non-violent offenders clogging up the prisons. They are genuine violent criminals that deserve to be there. The better question is what is it about the USA that seems to give rise to so many criminals?


if you defeat crime and mental illness you defeat poverty, dumb fucking libtard.
Crime drives poverty, not the other way.

Raise quality of life/living standard.

And increase education. Crime is mostly committed by poor, angry, uneducated people.

Replace prison with corporal punishment. Law enforcement costs will go down massively while empowering them at the same time. Make the costs of criminal activity greater than any possible reward for participating and you will see it go down over night when the cost involves permanent debilitation. Remove hands for repeated theft, break bones and display public lashing for assault and repeated public disturbance. Castrate or execute ACTUAL rapists and pedos, and cut the tongues out of whores who lie with false allegations.

Fuck you swede. I am not liberal. Go commit suicide.

Defeat poverty and you defeat crime.

Having strong men and both good mothers and fathers in the home. If you fix the broken homes crime will go down.