The ocean cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface, yet only 5 percent has been explored

The ocean cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface, yet only 5 percent has been explored.

Why is that?

Attached: gulp.webm (480x320, 376K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: discotime.webm (900x506, 2.75M)

Attached: monster.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

What exactly do you expect to find? space would be a more rewarding endeavour.

Attached: bobbit.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

that's a fast boi right there

Attached: wtfwtf.webm (853x480, 1.81M)

Where you getting these videos?

deep sea threads /x/ /wsg/ and some converted myself

Attached: lunch3.webm (640x480, 2.98M)

Absolutely terrifying

Attached: 1521079469286.gif (400x242, 2.13M)

But do you know the source material?

god these are so fucking cool, so alien looking. feels like something out of a really good surrealist film about space, need more of these kinda underwater lads

Aquatic fleshlight

youtube most likely

Attached: Microorganism.webm (640x512, 2.94M)

(((they))) dont want us to see our lost history.

Because it's incredibly hard to explore the depths.
It's more difficult to send a man to the bottom of the ocean than it is to send him to the space station.
We have better maps of the Martian surface than of our own sea bottom.
Also, there really isn't anything down there useful, so it isn't a worthy expedition.

Because we don't breathe water, dumbass.

Was that a giant squid?

Attached: 1559663874641.jpg (550x550, 20K)

You're an idiot lmao

>can't explore the depths with our current tech

>nothing useful down there

why are americans this fucking stupid.

Attached: fishfeeding.webm (718x404, 2.8M)

Because first world nations are only interested in giving all their money to niggers and Jews.

The depths of the ocean require sending very specialized and able equipment and personnel to carry such expeditions out. It's an analogous version of sending a spaceship to space. How many spaceships can one afford to send to the bottom of the ocean just to see a bunch of brainlet fish hovering around? At least I assume that's the limiting factor, cost.

Also I keep seeing the 5% number since at least 2011, has nobody made progress since then?

That's the camera moving, retard.

haha benis :D :D

Amazing. The ocean is such an alien world.

Because 15750psi is a lot of pressure user.

It's now currently 6%

deepwater jews


uguuu senpai, arigato.

Comb jellies are fascinating, they aren't actually true jellyfish. We share a more recent common ancestor with true jellyfish than we do with them.

Ok, go build a submarine that can withstand 76,560 psi. That's just a mile down and your already at 160 times the Earth's atmosphere.
On top of that, visibility is nil and you can't see more then 5 km with decent radar.
>A fucking leaf

how dumb is that fucking fish

>how dumb is that fucking fish
its stung by the snail retard he was paralized

why are all memeflags such retards

Attached: crabnomore.webm (438x360, 1.86M)

Attached: mermaid.webm (854x480, 902K)

because ur mom gay

Your mums pussy covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface, yet only 5 percent has been explored.

Why is that?

Holy shit. What kind of octopus is that? Looks huge.

bcz your fat ass is sticked to your chair.

Attached: 1516239465308.gif (229x176, 987K)

Attached: deadstate-deep-sea-squid.png (604x368, 362K)

>Not labeling it this kills the crab
▲p is a bitch

Humans need air to breathe.

>gibs me more funding, so I can discover see creechers an sheeeit :D

>The Ocean is inner space
outer space is very similar and possibly connected.

This is false. The entire floor of the ocean has been maps, but it's just a shitty map and most small features don't appear on it. A small percentage (around 10-15%) has been mapped in high detail.

The main problem is simply technology. Mapping the ocean floor requires a different kind of technology than mapping anything else and it's a slow and expensive process.

>Only 5% of Earth's atmosphere as been explored

Attached: 1538794963585.png (374x229, 29K)

Kikes hate the ocean.
Underwater cities are being blocked by them too, they do not want us in the ocean while they are powerless.
Whales can communicate but no effort is being made to understand them.

Attached: waterdome.jpg (1200x846, 160K)

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Attached: RboBzKT.gif (351x263, 2M)

Feeding blacks is more important.

Attached: disco.webm (1272x720, 2.21M)

Attached: bigwwwhale.webm (720x404, 1.01M)

Didn’t know those threads were a thing

No it's not the camera dumb ass lol

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Because there ET and biblical shit down there. They dont want to have to admit the great lie.

Attached: tomopteris.webm (432x324, 1.53M)

Those snails can even kill a human with their venom

Because it's hard to explore and basically boring.

You could drop a deep submergence vehicle down onto the abyssal plain, somewhere that's never ever been visited, and you know what you'd find? Exactly what you expect. Maybe an isopod. Nothing crazy, nothing groundbreaking.

Land is interesting because per square foot there is an astounding amount of life. Dozens and dozens of different life forms. The ocean, in comparison, is basically barren. Life exists in oasis zones close to the surface. As you go deeper, there is less and less life. Yes, there is still life at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, but it's few and far between.

Are there still mysteries of the deep? Are there still spooky monsters waiting to be discovered? Probably. But you could blow billions and billions and billions on finding them and come up empty. The ocean is simply too vast and too empty.

The poos contaminated the rest.

Attached: poo graph.jpg (588x263, 55K)

imagine being this leaf

Attached: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Chiri threat 2 gif.gif (400x238, 700K)

nothing interesting. just water.

non-existent ROI

nice webms ty
i think they dont want us to find proof of old civilisations because it would go hand in hand with discovery of amazing technology and a change of mentality

Attached: squidanatom.webm (1000x562, 2.93M)

this guy is awesome just sayin.

big south swell heading for hawaii next weekend

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Because most of it is a wet desert,
t. fisherman

Dammit now I want some calamari

no it was your mom

Huge deposits of rare earth metals have been found offshore of Japan. Seeing as over half of the area within the US’s exclusive economic zone is underwater, you think they’d be exploring more of it.

Attached: fish-in-jellyfish-1.jpg (650x365, 44K)

It's fuckin big dude

Attached: decreated.webm (900x506, 2.94M)


What happened?

My guess is a chemical that dissolved it, like an alcohol.

Shat itself to death.


This, I presume it's like an anti-bacterial handwash. Breaks down the cell wall and kills the bacteria.

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everytime theres one of these threads i come in here to post that

Attached: deepfish.jpg (640x426, 12K)

Because we’re on the moon. What we call the moon is our actual reflection. If you go to the moon you’ll see that there’s nothing in place of earth. I hope this clears things up.