Whats the worst nigger infested place you been to, and why were you there? Stories welcomed

Whats the worst nigger infested place you been to, and why were you there? Stories welcomed.

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Montreal Nord. Went to do some electrical work and my truck was trashed. Plus the nigger who's house i was renovating didnt pay.


Memphis, Apelanta, Detroit, St. Louis, South Chicongo. Can't really pick the worst one as they're all terrible. Niggers are a destructive plague.

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Jow Forums

Paris France.

All I see is niggers and sand niggers destroying the place.

anything south of I-20 in ATL, used to live on SE side (which isn't tooo bad) west side is no joke.

Did armed security all around the city. There's this place on the west side of delamar lane called harvest oak apartments, we'd roll gun in hand there cause it was a fucking warzone at night.

Having this thread a month later doesn’t make it any least already done

The north side of Jacksonville, FL. Went to college there. Or maybe Atlanta, GA.

If there's more than three it's time to flee


/End thread

Actually, no.

The correct answer is Africa/End thread.


Southeast Dallas. I used to live there with my wife, we are middle class white, and we would get harassed by random older nigs at grocery stores. It was both depressing and down right confusing.

My wife was also a teacher at a 99% nig school. That was eye opening. Parents and their kids either fully 100% did not give a flying fuck about anything, or there were parents putting hellfire under the kids if they acted nigly. That gave me some hope that even a few of the families want their kids to not grow up to perpetuate niggerdom.

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elephant and castle

sage advice

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Corby UK


Little Rock, Northern Omaha (3 miles north of the radial highway) Chicago and Detroit

Southside of Chicago, and Gary Indiana.

Southeast US. You have your nice areas like Savannah GA because of the huge tourism industry and ports but then right outside of the downtown area it's all ghetto slums. The surrounding cities are awful too, Garden City especially is just one giant slum.

Gary Indiana.
My friend and her friend thought it would fun to explore on our weekend road trip and ignored my pleas to leave.
Thankfully nothing happened.

I live in Baltimore City. I’d say Cherry Hill is it’s own level of degeneracy. It makes The Wire look like a comedy series.

Downtown Seattle at night. Just imagine hordes of crackheads and drug addicts stumbling around like zombies looking for their next taste of human meat.

>what's the worst nigger infested place you been to
>your moms butt hole.
why were you there?
>For butthole sex with your mom

There was a ton of niggers lined up for her butthole and I was one of the only white guys.

NYC subway, i'm there 5 days a week because that's how i get to work

Lagos, Nigeria. My employer had a contract with Shell, and I had to deliver and install some fluid dynamics simulator for Shell's research center there.

Your mom's vagina

Can you please upload some live footage

The first niggers i ever met where some nigs moving from congo to my small town. And one of them were always flashing his dick. I guess thats was his way to comuincate to try to show domimance or something.

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you must live in a nigger area. i ride the subway every day and rarely see nigs. blacks are never on the train during working people commute hours, of course.

Chicago should be purged. Detroit should be eradicated.

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Probably Toledo. I was visiting my brother at school. That or East Cleveland.

He wasn’t trying to show dominance. He’s just not human. It would be like a monkey showing its dick. It has no real point.

Anywhere that has AC taped into a window. Niggers are there!

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Baltimore. It was actually unbelievable. Why do you put up with these creatures?

If it werent for a large media presence I would have been murdered in a township.

Baltimore is getting nice. The houses on my block went from 40k to 400k in just 10 years.

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Chicago and Gary

Didnt niggers chimp out at the inner harbor on tourists a week or two ago?

NYC and Newark for sure.

Just on the north of Paris. Thank God I didn't had to do more than crossing the place 4 time, but it was like a travel to Africa. Trash everywhere and people selling things in the street.

correct. all real urban locations of USA were built by whites and will be reclaimed by whites. this has been going on for 20 years. white people can easily push nigs out of every inner city in the country, and should. The only obstacle tends to be the school districts and their commie union mafias. Breaking those should be a top priority for whites in America. Once we can solve the schooling problem in the cities, they will be ours within five years.

Dude, I live in South Africa...

Central Oslo and Stockholm

Stories pls

Downtown Atlanta to see the Barves at their old stadium. Niggers everywhere. Disgusting.

Not a nigger in sight at the new stadium in Cobb County.


Briefly drove thru a seedy part of Chicago when I was a young man.

When I was on holiday in Greece I went to Athens.
Full of shitskins trying to throw useless tourist tat at me and some brown skinned guys getting touchy feely with my sister.
We decided to switch our holiday destination to the island of Kos afterwards which actually had white people and was great.

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New Orleans, Los Angeles, Melbourne.

If you got to the bathroom in a bar in Melbourne, it's not uncommon to hear guys fucking each other in the stalls. It's disgusting.

>Sand Niggars

whites wuz "civilized" n shieeeet...

The worst area I’ve lived was Brentwood, on LI. However while the town has some blacks, it’s mostly cespool scum from Central America, like El Salvadoran and Honduras. A fuck ton of MS13 and 18th street dudes have died in the past years in my old neighborhood over gang shit and drugs

Jow Forums

>The north side of Jacksonville, FL.
I used to have to deliver bread to the place in Jacksonville where they make those shitty gas station sandwiches. It was on the corner of MLK blvd and Canal st. That whole area is straight up africa tier. Also I shouldn't have to say this, but never eat a dandee sandwich. That whole place smells like rotten meat, and I once saw a she-boon shit its pants on the line and just keep working.

OP's pic is Camden, just across the river from philly in new jersey, in case anyone was wondering.

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whites be like "Muh High IQs n shiieeeet..."

Red Hook, Brooklyn circa early 1990s. For real nigged out war zone. Corpses on the sidewalk. Nigs used to take potshots at the trucks and us. Constantly had to monitor trucks to make sure nogs weren't stealin' shit.

It's fucked up because now Red Hook's all hipsters and gentrification.

t. Used to hang steel.

Any answer not New Orleans with Baltimore an honorable mention is objectively wrong

Shame too. Brentwood used to be a nice neighborhood, like CI used to be. All old Italians. Now Brentwood's just Wyandanch for guats.

Yes, Chicago, it has to be redeveloped.

Look at the glory of white America before niggers were loosed on us. I weep for what was.

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i live in the south bronx because of the cheap rent and fast commute to college
it's actually not too bad outside of the projects, people who can afford their own apartments are generally functional, if a little bit stupid
drinking 40s on the stoop with my black neighbors is always fun

High Point, North Carolina.

They’re plotting your murder

My bedroom, because my boss said I can go home early and mandatory overtime was canceled

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For me, was Oklahoma City, OK.

went there for a basketball tournament in high school. All the inner city/black locker rooms smelled strongly of urine and were old and shitty, even though the gyms themselves were yuge and fit for a small college.

went to buy a snickers bar from the concession stand run by some inner city youfs, he didn't know what I wanted, then he's like "OH DAWG yeah i gotchu, heres ur sneakers" t-thx tyrone.

yes, I was very sheltered from the negro menace as a kid.

Not even in a ghetto but in suburb with 80% whites but i almost got robbed 5 times by niggers. The "good" blacks in suburbs listen to crime rap and are arrogant as hell.

Amsterdam. Niggers everywhere.

That's Thames St in Fells Point. Zero Niggers there

Govanhill in glasgow fuckin boggin it wiz

Every old nig has been a youth so every nig has done somthing

My small towm is being overrun by niggers from the north. I saw 2 niggers just this week.

east minneapolis. basically mogadishu. worked there as an electrical engineer remodeling old apartment buildings. every single somali family had at least one retarded kid. they lived in filth. they expected every white man to do things for them. during one walkthru with the developer i had several female somalians point at a pile of computer parts in their apartments trying to get me to assemble their 1990s era pc's. meanwhile, their retarded demon spawn sits in the corner drooling and screaming. it made me sick. i hate this place.

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God I hope I don't have to move there after graduation

Homewood/Wilkinsburg section of Pittsburgh. Used to be row houses infested with section 8 niggers separated by empty lots dubbed "the killing fields" by locals and the media as they would gun each other down regularly there. They all got tossed and moved into the eastern suburbs in the 90s when the last whites moved further away and became slumlords for the hoards.

What kind of industry?

I left there this year and I'm so glad I did. Looking back I wonder why I put up with it.

accidentally ended up in north portland once, cross streets were mlk and rosa parks. niggers everywhere, doing niggershit, walking around in public on their niggerfeet in their niggershoes like it was normal. absolutely disgusting.

Two hit and run accidents where diverse drivers rear ended me.
Cops take report, but it's a nigger nogging in Memfrica. Luckily, I'm white and have good insurance.

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You just a cherry-picking motherfucker. Start walking east from that spot on a Saturday night and see how far you get before you get boiled in a pot to the sound of bongo drums.


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I live in Memphis. Lot of Americans of African descent follow you asking for money if you walk out of a building

>What kind of industry?

I interned in Westminster with [political party]

>Whats the worst nigger infested place you been to, and why were you there?

Baltimore, Maryland.
Born here, family and friends are here.
And it's even worse than the stories you hear in the press. It's basically a mini-Liberia.

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My younger sister lives in Philadelphia but specifically in rittenhouse square. Is she safe if she stays in that perimeter?

London and Paris.

Mankato, Minnesota. Even American niggers are pissed about the African Niggers


Yikes, can't imagine working in politics as a Jow Forums poster can be that much fun.

Don't forget Bodymore, Murderland.

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GOokland, Coonifornia

t. live there

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>Savannah GA
>MLK blvd memes are real

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>Yikes, can't imagine working in politics as a Jow Forums poster can be that much fun.

You do forget how "moderate" people are, those inside political parties especially. I had to create talking points for MP's and do research for the party (fun fact: Scotland didn't have a national CSE database until 2012).

But nah, the people were basic asf. I mean I don't exactly have esoteric interests and shit, but they were all basically the same person with just a different face.

F :-(

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Zone 6 nigguh

>Yikes, can't imagine working in politics as a Jow Forums poster can be that much fun.
me again

The experience also made me quite blackpill in that it's really not worth getting involved in politics or at least MS politics. I'd rather just save up, buy some land, and live in nature with a family and community that shares similar values to myself. Life according to internal philosophy rather than external politics is the better life.

Do many people genuinely care about issues, or is there a lot of brown-nosing and shortcut-taking etc?

What is the general motivation of those working in politics in your opinion, both senior and in the more obscure roles?