Illegal Mexican in Canada?

Hey Jow Forums, so there's this annoying illegal mexican on Jow Forums, and I think Jow Forums's autism can gather enough evidence to potentially have him investigated

I'd say he left out enough evidence on his id card along with when he got it for Canadian authorities to cross reference and identify him. What do you think?

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>Jow Forumsincels
>capable of deporting me

I'd like to see you try

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I'll never EVER go back

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How do you even work. Do you just steal a sin number?

is this a challenge

You have to go back...

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texan indians even in the southern part where different than mexican indians even at the border and regularly killed eachother, so by their logic no theyre not in their homeland unless they claim to be the rulers of all the tribes. they should go ask a karankawa decendent if his land belongs to the mexicans and see what happens

no i don't have one
canada is very much too cuck to make me go back

I wonder if a bridge to canada is cheaper than a border wall.

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Canada wont deport him. All you're gonna do is get him free housing and more gibs

Actually yeah why do we give a fuck about an illegal in Canada?
They'd probably deport him to the US, provided they deported him at all.
Leave him there. Send more, too.

that is right.
fuck white people

How do you feel about the raptors in their first finals appearance?

i don't give a shit about anything canadian

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Leave him there.

Soon he will be beheaded or raped and no one will care bc mexicans dont trump muslims or chinks on the oppression scale

We don't either lol

Than why are you there ? Why don't you make Mexico and better place for you and me ?

mexico is trash too

Than make that trash into treasure.

See you on Monday faggot

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nice vpn

>Jow Forums

Im so sick of that sign. Mexico is a shithole(no offense mexianons) so thats why they left. Why cant people say and fix their shitholes

user go back

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Wow that's sad

i hate when mexican/native americans claim "theyre in their homeland" while being in united states territories
it's like saying the morrocan niggers in spain are in their "homeland"
or italians in france saying theyre in their "homeland"(gaul was owned by rome)

You're both faggots for supporting basketball

he is a fucking annoying faggot, he sometimes post in Hispachan (hispanic Jow Forums) about muh life in Canada n shit, so yeah hope the fag got deported

>Caring about the decedents of Spanish/Arab rape babies who copied their conquerors basic ways of life, shit on them, all the while larping about muh asstecs, incass n mayayayayans n sheit on top of being an abysmal region of the world to live in
>Caring about a leaf

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America was never Mexico. Roughly two thirds of America was French or Spanish (Spain NOT Mexico). They sold it to us or lost it in territory disputes. Spaniards were white. Many of them had blonde hair and blue eyes. They were never beaners, wetbacks, or shitskins.

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If we can force the leafs to deport him, we'll give you a green card (no family) if you do a Cartel beheading

You too

Bro, we're going to take back our continent. Hopefully the European Mutts leave and take their Blacks BVLLs with them too.

Dumb pic. Literally no Mexican has ever suck dick for a burrito, meanwhile Americans be sucking dick for burgers.

Some german Jow Forumstards should go to poland and do the same for lol.

You lost the land hundreds of years ago. History is just that, sorry. Sort of.

Mexicans are barely literate and they accuse others of not knowing history, it's such a fucking joke.
Spain took these lands from plains Indians and barely held on to it for 20 years, now spics from the fucking Yucatan peninsula claim that the American plains is their ancestral home.

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>Mexicans are indigenous to Buffalo New York.

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wait but doesn't the left want us all to be the same and equal?? Isn't the whole world theirs to travel through and live in?

It was a mistake to ever let a piece of shit with foreign loyalties like you into this country.

The best part is that the war started because we offered to buy the land but they attacked our troops instead, and after we kicked their asses and occupied pretty much their entire country we decided to only take a third of it AND we still paid them for it.

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We are more genetically and geographically connected to these natives here than you. It's not like we're invading Europe or Africa.

Why does it matter? The U.S. military would take Mexico city in less than one week, and that's a good thing. It's not like we'd betray this country for another.

>It's not like we'd betray this country for another.
You already did that by moving over illegally and expecting Americans to foot the bill.

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And now, we're taking it back without firing a shot, with the aid of your rich, liberals and corporate Republicans. Feels good man, so much for that high IQ.

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If you don't like it leave, and take your Black BVLLs with you. We don't need you to survive, you're just convenient and make life for us easier.

You are a parasite trying to make demands of it's host. You are the problem.

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>trying to make demands of it's host
It's not as if we have anyway of forcing you to meet our demands. Try again.

That's why I said "trying" you dumbass.
When you have to lie on a daily basis to avoid being deported you are living like a little cockroach scurrying around in the shadows.

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Your metaphors are meaningless. We're not preventing you from having white amerimutt babies. That has to do with your people giving white women equal rights relative to men. We also aren't mixing with your women, the Black BVLLs you created are. So where is the problem? Are you a poorfag that has to live next to us? Blame your parents.

You cost fucking money to maintain here and you don't generate the tax revenue that a citizen does.
Injustice is injustice and you have to call it out no matter the source, I know you spics can't comprehend that.

>I'll never EVER go back
MexiBro lovesss canada because they let him fuck dogs .

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Why would I want to generate taxes? You want me to fund the eternal DINDU's that will perpetually be on GIBSMEDAT, the same ones you brought to America? You want me to pay taxes so mutt White farmers that hire my fellow goblinos get farms subsidies? You want me to pay taxes so my fellow goliblinos get food stamps? You want me to pay taxes so that Appalachian and Rust Belt white mutt drug addicts get treatment when they instead should just be sterilized or euthanized? You want me to pay taxes so the US war machine can keep causing Middle Eastern wars that create refugees that rush into Europe?

Paying taxes is a meme in this country, since voting doesn't really work.

You're confusing my mexibros with white women that don't have access to Black men.

I wonder if Jow Forums could form a group/team that just researched and tracked down illegals and report them to authorities...are we that powerful?

Fuck off spics, we're full