
>4g LTE is in the 689-830Mhz range for almost all carriers.

>5G carriers are upwards of 28,000Mhz to IIRC roughly 50,000Mhz. This is folds and folds greater than the waves you're exposed to now.

>Now let's mump it back to 5Ghz wifi. And how it covers roughly 100 foot distance by your router assuming there isn't more than 1 wall in your way. Routers >already kill plants near them because of the RF or puts out. "Non ionizing" is a meme term pro5g people spew because they think the only way frequencies >hurt people is by giving them cancer. Except vibrating your shit to pieces is an issue to. 5G is such a high frequency and attenuates so quickly that they need >to build very high amplitude towers and still only get a 1km range per tower. So they're putting these towers EVERYWHERE, including multiple housing units >and complexes. Current 4G towers are actually big ole towers with fences and FCC warnings telling you about dangerous RF exposure.

>This high amplitude, high frequencies can cook you similar to a microphone and exposure is supposed to be limited. You'll feel nauseous and fatigued, and >your body will produce massive amounts of heat shock proteins trying to combat the new environment. To an extend that can be good. Like a 15 minute >sauna. But extended it's very detrimental. Search it up goy.
>5G has been called out all over the world by credible researchers and groups for being pushed way too fast and being untested long term on it's health risks

-user on Jow Forums

Is this the governments way of "culling" the herd? And why are they doing this to the vibrant first worlders and not 3rd world nations. Why does Israel not want to partake in upgrading there wireless grid to 5G if they are he ones who developed it to begin with?

Attached: 5G.jpg (750x445, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Bump. Im very interested in 5g

What if a number of anons were to broadcast radio interference for 1 hour a day at 6pm as a protest against 5G?

Attached: sparkgaptransmitter.jpg (640x480, 43K)

Its made OAP's explode here.

5G is literally harmless.

this is pretty retarded, 4G LTE modulation and 3G HSPA+ modulation are the real killers

LTE is what 5G will be based on

read my image to understand what I'm talking about

Attached: 4G LTE is LETHAL.png (995x1403, 920K)

>This is folds and folds greater than the waves you're exposed to now.

Does not even match the visible spectrum. Fuck off shill.

Good goy

>muh 5G is gamma rays

Mobile phones are already bad for you too, 5g is just going to be even worse.
Seriously, in the 90s there were a bunch of studies showing that mobile phones were not good because of the radiation spike when connecting a call but these were all brushed under the carpet because big business knew how much money there was to be made.

They're doing the same thing again now with 5g.
They don't care about your health when there's money to be made.


Citation needed for your numbers

Everything is dangerous, a bit more radio waves won‘t kill you any faster.

Its a fair trade off for faster internet speeds.

My internet is plenty fast as it is, I'm not in that much of a hurry... Why should I be FORCED to have harmful technology impacting me for something that I don't want?

The government and big corporations are in bed together and they're putting this stuff around us without us having a choice. The agenda is clear and it's completely immoral.

>Why should I be FORCED to have harmful technology impacting me for something that I don't want?
Because the GDP!

Thats the max freq. That doesn't mean it work that way all the time.

>my horse is fast enough what I need a car for?

Good German goyim!

go figure it's a faggot german

Worst thing is a lot of normies will probably think this is good even if they know about the side effects.
Everyone has their phone welded to their hand at all times now.

The weird thing to me is how inefficient phones are too compared to using a computer. In terms of file management and so on it's very limited in comparison to the ease of use of a computer, the handheld format doesn't lend itself to the same kind of in depth use basically. As big tech continues to get bigger we're gonna see a situation where there's just a few major websites that own everything, normies already only use basically fb , youtube and twitter. No one uses their phone to 'browse the internet' like people would in the days of old.

That's why the zoomers are fucked because a lot of them don't have a computer at all now, they just have a phone, it's all lending itself to globohomo consolidating everything into one.

Embracing progress for the sake of progress is part of what has gotten us into this mess. It forces people to live in the nu-world shithole of tomorrow. Embracing more technology/upgrades isn't inherently good.

>the zoomers are fucked because a lot of them don't have a computer at all now, they just have a phone,
Everything is going wireless so I'm proposing the idea of a organized movement that started to interfere with these signal what sort of chaos would it cause?

Attached: spark2.jpg (640x480, 43K)

It should be my decision if I want faster internet. The customer is always right.
In this case everyone is getting forced to have some kind of an 'upgrade' which is actually harming their health.

It should be my choice, not the Government or Zuckerberg or whoever else choosing it for me so that some big tech company can get richer. And if they can't make their technology work without hurting everyone else in the area around it then the technology shouldn't be used at all.

keep crying bitch niggas

Yes it is and its the only way forward.
Computers, Smartphones and mobile internet made everything better.

Attached: electromagneticspectrum.jpg (1393x617, 145K)

By that logic we would still live in the stone age.
And you still have that choice, just move to the amish, to some shithole 3rd world country or live in the woods.
Nobody forces you to own a smartphone.

But but the radio waves vibrate muh DNA and gib cancer!!

i was bombarded today with em rays of 600 THz! I feel weird

Did it feel warm?

it made my skin brown

Not good.

Sounds like a good idea.
If enough people did it then it would be unstoppable.
You know they're apparently deforesting the inner cities because of this 5g thing too, because trees get in the way of the signal. Where's the environmentalist outcry?

>Just move country son xd

By my logic we'd have a better world because technology would only be used if it wasn't hurting the health of the entire population of the country.
Maybe things should 'progress' slower. Make the advancements in technology safe and better instead of rushing them through no matter what the cost.

The Government has no right to inflict harm upon its population for the sake of making Silicon Valley more money. That's all this is about.

Should they bring back absestos as well because there's a lot of money to be made? Cheaper than the alternatives so why not? Nothing is more important than the almighty dollar right?

Attached: 2vbzjyf9ezg01.jpg (2362x1575, 283K)

>they're apparently deforesting the inner cities because of this 5g thing too
I know. I'm near a cell tower and they just took down half the trees on the street.

Is the Brimestone seeker like 5G on steroids 94ghz? It's powerful enough to spot a tank kilometers away.

Getting hit with 20GHZ to 50GHZ all day is crazy..

Attached: article-1216149-0696C7DA000005DC-501_634x528.jpg (634x528, 148K)

Plus I don't think everyone being glued to their phone is progress either. A video loading 0.1 seconds faster isn't progress if its causing everyone damage. Why should progress be measured in technology alone and not peoples bodily health? It's the opposite of progress.

Does that mean you have an N word pass now? You allowed to say nigger?

you need a big fucking antena to radiocast your shitty frequency to at least a few dozen people, and it goes without saying, it is actually illegal to do so without gov approvement and will surely get you in trouble

you are being hit by 430–770 THz right fucking now because that's the frequency range of visible light.

>it is actually illegal to do so without gov approvement and will surely get you in trouble
have sex!

Attached: pirate radio1.jpg (538x344, 139K)

i was just informing you, for all i care, you can do whatever the fuck you want

also whenever you look out of the window or go outside, you are hit with 857+ THz (857000+ GHz) from the sun.

If neo-Luddites started to screw with wireless communications, news networks and communications companies would get very worried. As well as their (((stock holders))).

Attached: pirate radio.jpg (745x625, 102K)

Looks like you can cook somebody with this 5G shit.

humans and basically all biology on earth evolved to take advantage of light

not microwaves

Attached: 8.png (1151x797, 573K)

my body my choice

then what is the problem with 5G?


solar energy includes microwaves though. light waves less energetic than infra-red are called microwaves. Because of their micro-meter long wavelengths.

so you're talking about something other than the frequencies used in 3g,4g,5g

if anyone wants to take down cell towers just get a note from your doctor saying "the research tells me that EMF is harmful" and then put the corporation on notice with threat of assault

>I don't think
so much is already clear

>By my logic we'd have a better world because technology would only be used if it wasn't hurting the health of the entire population of the country.
It doesn't hurt anymore than all the other shit that we already have and that we daily depend on.
just another drop in the bucket and with your logic we would all be potato farmers living like the fags 2000 years ago.

your light bulb has a higher frequency than 5g by a factor of 1000

Attached: lightbulbs.png (993x494, 29K)


Makes me sad. Eventually it's going to just become a giant global city with trees as holograms.

read my other posts ITT, i already said OP's post was kind of retarded

though brillouin precursors are something to be worried about, amongst many other effects caused by microwave saturation

>so much is already clear
Yes because being glued to a smartphone 24/7 is BASED isn't it?

You can't answer any of my points. How is mildly faster internet speed objectively progress? It isn't to me and nothing makes your opinion on the subject better either.
You're just assuming that 'progress' means 'technology works faster'. My point is that 'progress' isn't progress if it involves hurting everyones health in the process, especially without any choice.

There are plenty of things that I can think of that need to be fixed in society, smartphones being slightly quicker is at the bottom of that list. How about start fixing some real problems like the border? Or wages stagnating? You know, things that actually matter instead of making Zuckerberg / Bill Gates / Tim Apple even richer. That doesn't sound like progress to me.


the only difference between visible light and microwaves is the wavelength/ frequency. any species that can take advantage of light will be completely unaffected by microwaves, considering that the latter carry 1000+ times less energy. in fact, any form of non-ionizing radiation is harmless in every way except the heating element to every species on the planet.

also, the linked image is complete and utter bullcrap. non-ionizing radiation is, by definition, unable to rip electrons from their orbits (it simply lacks the energy to do so) and can therefore NOT damage DNA in any way.

5g won't have enough amplitude to cause brillouin precursors, it can barely hit the 1 km mark at its lowest frequency. That's a worry for ultra-wideband signals like radio waves with wavelengths in meters and such.

there is none, that's the point.

you are objectively incorrect, microwaves distort the functionality of voltage gated calcium channels leading to massive oxidative stress, ergo cancer

read some studies that aren't industry funded

the point of 5G is "densification". look it up. radio waves and microwaves will have massive synergistic effects in biological mass with "densification"

riiiiiiiight. "Synergistic". Next you'll tell me people can be mid-controlled by pointing a 5g antenna at them.

the tech is likely there. in the 70s CIA were putting voices in people's heads with mere watts of ghz energy

>itt a bunch of virgin basement dwellers make theories about radio waves they have no clue about

Attached: 1547533651144.jpg (1242x1221, 412K)


You tinfoil is falling off OP

wave function
signal strength is basically (MJ * oscillation)/r^2
r^2, that means signal power winds down exponentially
it doesnt matter if we use 3G, 4G of 600 000 Ghz 5G, same rule applies
say radio source is 10,000W
lets place it on tower 10m high
10 000 W / 100 = 100W at the bottom of tower
lets do it for 30m
10 000 W / 900 = 11W
Place every tower at at least 50m height and we can use 10kW sources harmlessly (10kW at 50m from source winds down to 4W)

literally tinfoil / antivaxx / chemtrails stuff

>technology is now being politicized to further divide the population

This is literally the same as the cancerous flat Earth shit. I wish humanity would just die already. Maybe reptilians will have better luck with their societies.

Attached: alex jones nuclear.gif (286x229, 175K)

massive influx of shills in the last 10 minutes

fuck off faggot this is /pol what you said isnt an argument take that shit and fuck the fuck off

take your meds schizo

right, well, we have the west to beta-test this sort of thing for us, we won't see 5g here for at least another decade.


Attached: 1559071475801.jpg (8000x8000, 3.28M)

Attached: 1555364938189.gif (477x464, 2.69M)

>having anything

Wireless companies need more regulation.

we have you as our colony :^)

>t.phone company shill afraid that people are going to look into this more

maybe you browns are here so we can robotize you in the cities and make you into our golems

implying any of us in your inner cities work or do anything other than shit and reproduce.

just what we need, epigenetically trashed low IQ rootless cosmopolitan brownoids

Attached: 90.jpg (468x584, 145K)


Attached: I think they know.jpg (889x468, 73K)

>This high amplitude, high frequencies can cook you similar to a microphone and exposure is supposed to be limited.

>cook you similar to a microphone

now i want a microphone oven...

you get what you vote for. Or rather, what we vote for :^)

>microwaves distort the functionality of voltage gated calcium channels
as an electronics engineer i can tell you this is physically impossible. a conductor shorter than 1/10 of the wavelength of the frequency in question will not experience significant induced current. the wavelength of microwaves is ~10cm, which means any conductor shorter than ~1cm will not be affected (hence why your microwave oven can get away with having a grid of wires instead of solid conductive shielding inside its door). since calcium channels are mere nanometers in size, they cannot be affected by microwaves.

brexit party biggest party in EU parliament?
>implying rootless low IQ brownoids even bother to vote

wrong, you need to read some of the recent studies on this topic. here's a good place to start: youtube.com/watch?v=bsaB7ewFsN0

Wait, have people even tested the safety of these "light bulbs" yet? Seems dangerous for them to be around when we don't know the health consequences yet.

Attached: thanks_obama.png (1848x1166, 1.8M)

oh, forgot to mention that if microwaves could induce current in calcium channels, so could visible light, because it has a higher (1000 times) frequency than microwaves, not lower.

funny how i cant put a 1000w lightbulb in a metal enclosure and have it cook chicken from the inside out

but with a magnetron i can

wonder why that is

read some studies


>funny how i cant put a 1000w lightbulb in a metal enclosure and have it cook chicken from the inside out

What's stopping you? Do you need funding dollars? We should setup some sort of grant to test these "light bulbs".

Linking Quora and pretending to be intellectual
Kill yourself faggot

aren't we leaving the EU soon? So that election is kind of moot anyway, not that the EU parliament ever had any power given that they couldn't propose legislation, only vote on it.
Come the next election it'll be a wave of Labour and Brexit. Brexit's good for us since it means the Polish and Romanians get replaced by Pakis and Poos. The only good diversity being the diversity of colour and all, wot wot.

we already know the effects of visible light on biology to a ridiculously detailed extent

microwaves, on the other hand, bury into flesh, muscle, bone and brains with all sorts of uncertain anomalous effects depending on an enormous array of factors.

the precautionary principle applies

>labour wave



They know it's not safe.

They're triangulate your stupid ass with mobile devices and you will be charged with a federal crime.

>we already know the effects of visible light on biology to a ridiculously detailed extent

I don't know about that, doctors used to think cigarettes were healthy due to funding and studies by big tobacco.

These "ridiculously detailed" studies were probably funded by Philips, GE, and the other cabal that makes up Big Lightbulb to convince us that these radiation producing products are safe.

Lightbulbs may very well end up being our societies "lead pipes in Rome" moment until we do more testing.

>funny how i cant put a 1000w lightbulb in a metal enclosure and have it cook chicken from the inside out
lightbulbs operate at visible/ near-infrared frequencies and therefore have lower penetration ability than RF frequencies


>Sounds like a good idea.
>If enough people did it then it would be unstoppable.
>You know they're apparently deforesting the inner cities because of this 5g thing too, because trees get in the way of the signal. Where's the environmentalist outcry?
Stupid idea. You would be found out within a week and brought up on federal charges and getting your butt pounded out by the end of the week.

Are you equating 5g cell frequencies to 5ghz wifi frequencies? 5g doesn't mean 5ghz. It means 5th generation. You guys keep bringing up 5ghz wifi as though it's the same thing and it just devalues your argument.

Before you call me a shill, I'll tell you I'm still willing to listen to arguments based on the actual frequencies they are using, but at least get that much straight.