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Lmao pol btfo
Carter Jenkins
Jose Sanders
>1 post by this id
Gabriel Myers
Lefties are the literal Nazis
Benjamin Martin
Jaxson Turner
Adrian Rivera
Young people in the 40's also hated niggers and fags.
Samuel Kelly
William Peterson
Always remember: according to polling done during and shortly after WWII, most American soldiers in WWII supported segregation. By modern definitions, they'd be beyond-the-pale Nazis.
Jason Hill
based. these faggots are retarded to think wwii soldiers would agree with them. especially with thinking they all absolutely hated the nazis.
Nathan Brooks
No because the people supposedly fighting the nazi's are just fighting generic right wing politicans.
And those very same people are commie cucks.
Ian Jenkins
It's so cringe to see modern lefties claim martial heredity to the WWII generation. Meanwhile, they simultaneously "can't wait for old people to die" for political reasons.
Nolan Ross
Yep. These lefties make it out that the US was on a global mission to eradicate fascism, which is not the case. Congress declared war on Germany because Germany declared war on the U.S. After the war, the WWII political elites and post-WWII political elites (many of whom fought in WWII) cozied up with Franco, Salazar, and every two-bit Latin American fascist.
Cameron Mitchell
wheres the webm of chad thunderfist knocking these gumby faggots out
Landon James
>People in the 40s fought Nazis and it was good
>I don't like a lot of people
>Therefore, they are Nazis and I will fight them because then my hate will be good and not evil
t. Leftists
Ryder Edwards
there are no modern nazis but the Left is becoming a faggot stasi authoritarian coalition of entitled victims wrestling for top victim status
Justin Morales
The people who fought Nazi's are nothing like you.
Kayden Mitchell
This is fucking scary that they are thinking they are fighting nazis because worlds seem to have different meaning for these idiot.
Joshua Price
>These (((people))) really have themselves convinced that the Americans of the 40s would support their nonsense
>These (((people))) really have themselves convinced that the Americans of the 40s wouldn't have staged a coup if they could see into the future
Jack Wright
>Shuri Castle
Ah yeah!
William Watson
Lincoln Cook
Exactly. Here's more:
>A remarkable survey conducted in April 1938 found that more than half of Americans blamed Europe's Jews for their own treatment at the hands of the Nazis. This poll showed that 54% of Americans agreed that "the persecution of Jews in Europe has been partly their own fault," with 11% believing it was "entirely" their own fault.
>Hostility to refugees was so ingrained that just two months after Kristallnacht, 67% of Americans opposed a bill in the U.S. Congress intended to admit child refugees from Germany.
> France and other Western European nations fell to Nazi Germany, 79% of Americans in a Gallup poll said if they had the chance, they would vote to stay out of the war, and by the summer of 1941, almost eight out of 10 Americans continued to say they did not want the U.S. to enter the war.
Henry Brown
>And if there aren't any nazies we will make them up
Evan Smith
By that reasoning, young people now should also be homophobic and racist.
Kevin Long
If westerners in 1940 saw the West as it is now, and the path it is heading to, everyone would be speaking German.
Henry Collins
Asher Brown
>Lefties are the literal Nazis
This. The nazis were burning books.
Liberals have blockbots, demonetization and advertiser boycotts.
Zachary Edwards
Justin Jenkins
James Gray
You're all pathetic. Get a hobby.
Jaxon Gomez
Who do they think theyre fighting when they go up against Trump supporting ww2 vets?
Or does that not register with them? They see a senior citizen in a Trump hat and think nazi?
Levi Rodriguez
Have sex
Brody Martinez
nah fuck you I just got done grilling some steaks drank some beer and fired a few dragon breath rounds from my mossberg at some watermelons and empty beer cans might go fuck the wife unit later since she told me this morning she thinks she may be ovulating.
Luke Hall
oh yea its exactly the same, Emma you stupid nigger
Jaxon Davis
Link to the vid?
Mason Sullivan
Wyatt Myers
Brayden Myers
little drunk today
Dominic Diaz
My morals are pretty much the same as most of the common men in the 1940s.
Robert Perry
who is this jew nose?
Ryan Johnson
Okay we will hate niggers and fags too.
John Phillips
>"If the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy could see England as it is today they wouldn't have gone 40 yeards up that beach."
>David Irving
Ethan Perez
Anthony Martinez
this bitch has never been in a fight in her entire life, I could probably kill her in one punch. try me bitch
William Scott
I disagree. They are literal fascists, but I wouldn't say they are Nazi's. Remember, all Nazi's are fascists but not all fascists are Nazi's.
Easton Cruz
the prophecy was true
Hudson Ramirez
>handling firearms while intoxicated
I hope an ATF agent seizes your guns