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no one relaxed. well done.

I'm sure they were chimping already but what does this achieve other than making them chimp out even more lol. I'm always torn on videos like this because most of the time the cop is a dickhead too

99% of the time the cop isn't a faggot oddly enough, the fags they're trying to talk to like civilized humans are always monkeys though and degenerate faggots

I just watched this shit and what the fuck is even going on? It's like being in fucking Africa or some shit jesus christ

Lmao at that lanky fucker walking over that toddler.

Idk i'm not American so i'm just going off shit that gets shown around the internet but most of the time in these situations you see a nigger being a nigger and a cop who's supposed to be bigger than them acting like he's billy big bollocks just because he has a gun.

>walk up to suspect
>push him, then immediately punch him in the face

y tho

If you'd have to deal with niggers and other mongoloids all day you'd act the same

>what does this achieve
I´m not even surprised, this is typical bong cuck-think now.

>cops shouldn't be judged when they act out of stress

and yet every other job you simply get fired.

Pure speculation because I've lived in a horrific nigger area for 40 years and see this daily:

The nig the cop pushed down (or hit or whatever) was already talking to a cop. The cop probably told the nig "hands behind your back" or "this has nothing to do with you get the FUCK out of here immediately" or some other "order".

The nig probably said "fuck you nigguh I ain't doin' shiet" - and then the bald cop, watching it all, escalates it, because the nig didn't comply with an order

400 pound black bitch in the background starts shrieking like a baboon LEAVE MAH BOI ALONE HE GOOD BOI HE DIN DU NUFFIN POLEECE BRUTALITY

should have just shot that nigger

id like to know why theres like 50 cops there with guns out to begin with.

lmfao these niglets really don't have a chance do they

Watch that twatter video, you'd understand

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I totally understand this situation, they're all acting like fucking animals, but in a lot of videos cops act like this with even the slightest hint of disrespect. (you aren't obliged to respect the police)

General zoo keeping operations, force is the only language retard niggers understand.

the baby falling on the ground. cherry on top. all the scene needs is a pitbull barking at everyone and some lady yelling hysterically in spanish

The cop was addressing the guy up against the car with his hands behind his head who wasn't chimping out.. his older brother or someone else seems to be squaring off with the cop from his posture .. cop seems unaware.. heavy duty backup comes.. doesn't want to shoot the guy so shoves him out of the way... then because the guy recoils he socks the shit out of him ...

The end.. nothing to see here. Don't take an offensive posture against a cop.. the kid against the car w/ his hands behind his head is acting appropriately.. the one with a squared off stance isn't. Guess who got his lights knocked out?

Also, notice how the video shows nothing leading up to it.. conveniently edited. Cop also had on purple latex which means he was getting ready to search the guy. Tons of cops on the scene already so there was something much bigger going down.

Brought a tear to my eye. Best chuckle I had all day. This is the only way to deal with blacks. Overwhelming force and a strong pimp hand.

Yeah what call are they responding to, and what happened the preceding 5 minutes before this? It makes all the difference most of the time.

> blacks
> niggers
Pick one. The sensible black guy has his hands behind his heads demonstrating he is complying and is no threat. The ***** is squared up. ***** got hit. Black guy didn't get involved.-

That was probably the 100th nigger he's had to stop from nigging that day. You do that job and lets see how much of an asshole you become.

lol that smoker negro screaming behind the cam and camera angles are the best


Every time there's all this screaming and hollering like fucking monkeys. I give no fucks about these people

Hoteps been told you

>they didn't execute all the chimps

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RIP niglet granbaby. She would have grown into a screaming sheboon like her grandma.

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He goes to touch him and the nigger slaps his hand away which pisses off the fud

The blacks actually prefer it this way. They have better lives when the white man demands discipline. I didn't say anyone was a nigger btw. Because the word nigger is unnecessarily inflammatory and I don't want to offend any niggers.

You’re a fucking cuck you queer.

the flip flop is probably still there

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Fuck those gorilla niggers, but I need some context here. What happened to lead up to that punch.

this is rich coming from a dude whos biggest most iconic city is overrun with nogs who are chimping the fuck out daily, and the cops have no balls

Every other job doesn't come with the daily chance of dying because some nigger fails at civilization.
I'm pretty chill at work, but if there was as much of a chance I'd die every time I interacted with someone I'd be substantially less chill.

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Thanks for the context.

the cop clearly plants a hand on the guys chest even though the dude was simply standing there. without context it just seems like the cop was being impatient.

because at some point during the 80's nogs started shooting at every cop that came into their neighborhoods in Chicago and LA and Detroit and NY, so cops are itchy when they do bother to show up in nigville.

imagine the lack of brain mass you have to posses to drop your child on the ground to fight the police

The Chimpening.

if you can't handle it, don't do the job. If you're Fire/EMS you get shitcanned for this kind of thing, and you have to deal with a similar amount of bullshit.

defending cops for being unprofessional because "ITS HAWWD" is unironic bootlicking. They get paid plenty for what they do and should act accordingly.

Whoops, replied to the juvenile "bootlicker" poster.
Sorry guys, won't happen again.

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Is anybody here really defending the cops? We just like seeings nigs btfo, who gives a shit about the cops, nobody is licking their boots

If 100% of the cops were nigs, it would still be fun watching the nigs get btfo, get off your high horse

I have no love for the cops, user. We really only hate them when they are against us though. When they are on our side, we like them just fine. Violent men who blindly follow orders are an important part of any society. Not that we live in a society anymore.

Its so based how the cops didnt arrest the nigger for dropping his niglet on floor

it's just the nigger of it

>that boomqueesha yelling in the background

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If this was a white family, I'd agree. Niggers court physical response, always. How is that not made clear to you by this video?

Black women are pure chimpanzees, 0 difference personality wise. listen to that nasty ghetto nigger screech as one if her chimpanzee pride members is attacked by chimpazee pochers

>The sensible black guy
...is a criminal nigger, faggot.

Laugh all you want, but in 2023 that man will stop a terrorist attack.

Niggers actually think they would win a race war FUCKING KEK.

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>1 post by this id

>dude just get buddhist monks to be your police lmao
maybe get rid of violent niggers instead

You cant be this retarded, how difficult to understand is cops in this scenario are not dealing with humans?

Found the ancom kiddie

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>99% of the time the cop isn't a faggot
Yes, they are. Faggot.

This exactly except the one animal was the nigger ass cop.

Because cops are criminal niggers and mentally ill gangster lowlife faggots that government surfbird agencies allow to be criminal violent shits. The simple fact that these faggot cops commit uncalled for violence on even children and people on their deathbeds, the fact that they're rapists, child molesters and cold rapists, are thieves, liars to the detriment of even innocent people is evident that muh niggers has nothing to do with it. It's simply that cops are garbage and deserve to be shot and killed. But the establishment and these shills think there the top best "men" because of how they look and because they're niggers while looking that way and like they're cops, and anyone who's doesn't look that way is a nigger or a bugman or s.o.y. or ugly or weak, etc therefore inferior and shit "class" and deserve to be treated like shit and beaten and killed by "superior" cops, who are thug criminal mentally ill meatsacks of shit, and who represent their and the government and establishment's doctrine/ideology that I've just outlined. Obviously this crap is hogwash but this is literally what the establishment thinks, including cops which is why they seldom show respect to anyone.

Being a piece of violent nigger shit doesn't become called "impatient" when a cop does it.

The fuck does akata mean

There was no offensive stance nor is that a justification. That's an excuse for mentally ill establishment faggots who enjoy cops attacking people. The cop accosted him and suddenly went to or his hands on him, then attacked him when he reasonably protected himself. According to cops they can do whatever the hell they please you, don't have to say shit or explain shit or ask that you do anything, just grab you however they please and attack you if you don't go along with it. There was another time when a cop goes from talking a kid at elementary school 5th grade so, to trying to grab his face to which boy rightfully pushed his have away. So then the cop shoves him, grabs his arm and yanks it and turns it the kids flips and falls in the floor where the cop proceeds to push his arm in a painful position until he decides he wants to let up. Nevermind that the kid had five nothing major criminal, had done nothing criminal at all. There's endless instances and that's not even close to the worst. Its not police work and it's not law enforcement, it's rogue thugs and terrorists that need to be shot to death.

And he still gets no respect from them or establishment faggots. The one thing that happens after it's done it's the cops crack about how much of a loser was standing there with his hands behind his head while they were muh alpha faggots. He'd have been better off just shooting them if he had could and had the chance. There's virtually no law enforcement anywhere.

>You do that job and lets see how much of an asshole you become.
Go bluff elsewhere faggot. Government agencies have a clear criteria on how you must look to be a cop. Or else they would not all have a typical look(s). Don't bluff suggesting people fi it themselves when you faggots won't actually allow them to do so, which is yet another reason why cops deserve to be killed. They can't be a cop? Then give them their fucking tax money back.

yeah I don't know
I looked it up and it's apparently a place in India
I'm assuming it's some woke kang shit

being a cop isn't even in the top 10 dangerous jobs.

Cops fail at civilization. Just because they have the government and establishment literally carrying them (and subverting others) and attempting to disguise them and save from being the lowlife class they should be doesn't change that. Cops are garbage thug criminal trash.

No, they didn't.

Yea I bet it was stressful as fuck not to push and punch him and turn a nonviolent still moment info a violent ruckus of a scene. Cops look for almost any "reason" to be violent, and then they still might do it even with no "reason" whatsoever just because theyre fucking niggers.

Cops are not stressed dealing with muh niggers all day and if they are they can quit. Black areas should have blacks cops that look like them to begin with (all areas should be like that) Another reason to shoot cops.

Someone got a speeding ticket

Great reply, nigger.

>black poeple.
>atack weak / unware white people
>WE WUZ KINGZ wh*toids are fukin weak ha ha
>atack police
>get btfo

> Black areas should have blacks cops that look like them to begin with

Nigger areas shouldn't have any cops at all. There should be a patrol containment zone surrounding nigger areas but no cops go in. Ever. It would be cool to see what happens.

nice flag

Niggers deserve a good punch in the face.

about 70% of the niggers in US (actual 70%) deserve to be shot/expelled to africa.
These fucking pieces of shits are sick liabilities.

Leftist wonder why police is being militarized.

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>Stey whey frahm mah baby、stey whey frahm mah grankid
Hands up don't shoot lol
Was bout tuh got tuh college n gitnhis lyfe back on trak. He luud his momma

Forgot pic related

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Being a cop in a 99% white area vs. a cop in a < 20% white area is a VASTLY different job. We have to be nuanced with these discussions, not just spout liberal mantra.

This country is a big place. What you may see where you live may not be what I see where I live. I don't know about where you are, but here, the police are not being militarized.

>Black areas should have blacks cops that look like them to begin with (all areas should be like that)

You think this'll result in less niggers being shot? If anything the death by cop rate of niggers will INCREASE because they'll figure the civil rights groups won't be on their ass over racial profiling.

But I agree, if only for the fact I don't want US cities being burnt down.

>that miscellaneous baby on the ground
ahahaha wtf
let's put a baby in the middle of this problem
these are not humans

Why do you care if niggers shoot niggers?

Yawn. 0/10 bait faggot
Don’t talk about police unless you live in a nigger diverse shithole like us poorfags
All you liberal queers live in 96% white areas. You only see blacks in the movies
These creatures are wild animals, just like wildlife they get spooked easily and resort to fight or flight instincts immediately.
Blacks need to be disciplined through physical force, which is why all black communities and countries even in Africa were FAR better off during Jim Crow/apartheid

Boot licker

This was oddly satisfying.
Execept for that sheboon screaming I would have watched it several more times.

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>appeal to emotion

Every. Fucking. Time.

Nigger-loving queer

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Anybody who defends niggers in cop situations is a sheltered faggot who has never experienced niggers in real life

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Is this the Live PD watch thread?

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Libtard spotted. I take it you've never lived amongst the apes. 99% of their lives is posture. Not a dime in their pockets yet they bling. Can't buy baby clothes, but they got big rims on caddilac. What is happening here is nigger is squaring up to smaller cop. Nigger is posturing that he is alpha gorilla. Bald officer sees that and knows that they have to take nigger down hard. Reminds me of other vid where nig is yelling at officers and they pepper spray the fuck out of him.

>I have no love for the cops, user. We really only hate them when they are against us though. When they are on our side, we like them just fine. Violent men who blindly follow orders are an important part of any society. Not that we live in a society anymore.
Based negro officer explains fuck the police. youtu.be/sOFSm9sEMYI

>Cops are garbage thug criminal trash.
This is the only correct answer. Individuals all have natural rights. A collective can only ever have the exact same rights as the individual. Gathering up a bunch of faggots doesn't suddenly grant you magical new rights and powers. Cops are just enforcers for the State. They are no different than a mobster enforcer. Fuck em all and the cocks they rode in on.

Based. This entire post has me erect.

>the difference between a nigger and a black man is that the black man doesn’t resist when he’s being arrested

This is true but really speaks to a different problem. These pavement apes have no place in civilization. Don't even worry about giving more money and power to teh States thugs. That will never end until we are all enslaved. Just deport or kill all the niggers and be done with it already. Fuck.

I hate cops as much as the next guy but come on man, fuck niggers

You bongs are such faggots holy shit

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