>Implying blacks won't win the race

>zanizbar: all Arabs killed
>Zimbabwe: all whites killed or chased off
>Current white genocide in south Africa

You underestimate you lose

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Mr. Noir would probably be okay with killing blacks.

Come at us bro.

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And what happens after they win,
will they have a grand chimpout fiesta until they get bored and start killing each other?

>Zimbabwe: all whites killed
Pffffft hahahahahahahahahaha

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tfw even they admit they would be FISH FOOD

But then who would pay the reparations....

What exactly do you wh*Tebois think you will do? Turn into a trap, and kill your black king while he sleeps? Because all I see is small dicked whimps, that deserve beating and genocide.


>kill your black king
Niggers can't be kings.

Whites are already dead as a race. They just don't know it yet.

>Gets BTFO by rope/chain

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>Rorke's drift

niggers kill white people then starve because of course they're stupid niggers
google.com/search?source=hp&ei=ASn8XOiYI4OasQWP1oWYBw&q=haitian revolution&oq=hai&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.35i39l2j0l3j0i131j0l2j0i131j0.19764.20224..21551...0.0..0.98.374.4......0....1..gws-wiz.....0.vkJr43U_xl0

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There won't be the need of one, whites are cucks and will be replaced quietly, 90% of white girls are already lusting and getting impregnated by a HUGE BBC, whiteboy can't do nothing but masturbate quietly at the corner while he watches and cry n-nigger, we won't even bother killing them, just let them get old seeing the end of their race and us taking control of every thing then denying any pension or jobs as they get old and then starve and freeze to death

most whites will just suicide anyway

we would rather die than be racist

They're paying reparations to whites in Zimbabwe

Even if they win, they lose, Niggers are unable to sustain sufficient agriculture to feed themselves. They will starve to death without other races to feed them.

Attached: starving_nigger.jpg (1000x1000, 286K)

They had melee back then, blacks have fast reflexes and ghetto niggers cant shoot for shit and those ones are where thr most are

that's just a nignog with a gun

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Why not resolve our differences with a spelling contest? The loser has to go back to the jungle with his fellow chimps.

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It seems like niggers can only ever ‘defeat’ an opponent when they are completely disarmed, not fighting back, while also being restrained by their own government.

>wew lad
whites that pretend to be niggers online for {You)'s are the worst type of cucks on the planet. kys faggit

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How the fuck is this even possible?

HAHA, pathetic whitoids, you won't be the government this time and have all the country working to supply you with good guns and aerial support, you will be the ones being hunted and we will be the government

This it's not even one arm behind back its both and they are in a pack.

They asked whites to return to Rhodesia looks like you lost that one as well.

Noir is the whitest black guy ever

Try again.

pretty much this, jamal with a hipoint and his wopping 100 rounds of ammo, wont be no match. I stockpile at least 1k rounds of ammo for every caliber I have on a monthly basis, not including my range ammo.

The Rhodesians had the backing of no one, instead they were being actively sanctioned by the UN. Meanwhile the nigger rebels were trained and armed by the USSR and China. Every time they met whites in battle, niggers suffered one humiliating defeat after another. Feel free to continue cope-posting though, my favela ape friend.

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>Nigs can run a government

>niggers win when they have massive advantage in numbers after still taking ridiculous amounts of casualties
>13% and shrinking of the populatuon is going to win

Always funded by whites.

Lol cocks

Deluded, even sanctioned it was still a working state that could provide food, weapons ,rest and aerial support who played the large role since our brothas had none, and not all african are terrible leaders, look at nigeria, rwanda and other countries, now remember, our brothas have been educated in your own country, raised there, trained there to fill every position and role in the military and on civil service, you have BBC judges, BBC president and all other functions, face it whitoid, you are doomed


ayo dass right! ... hol’ up...

We have the ability to plan better also we are better professional warriors who are more in control. Obviously there are anomalies but on average it rings true. They would have to vastly outnumber us. Which they do in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Niggers are slaves everywhere one way or another. You just don't have the intelligence to plan, lead, and control people.

What will you do when we cut your cell phone service?

It's not like you're smart enough to light a fire and use smoke signals or anything

And none of that "training" took, which is why this is all a farce. Four hundred years later and you're the same mindless apes we found in the jungle. When men and beasts meet on the battlefield, there will only ever be one outcome.

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why don't they just speak proper english

I'm just gonna build a shit ton of punji traps and place newports and NyQuil as bait.
Your whole race will be halved overnight.

Brazilian niggers are nothing like africans. You look like mutated dr Frankenstein experiments instead of the typical orc. you don't even control your shit country get a hobby faggot.

nice cope, your former president, your supreme court judge, your minor judges, your generals and the restof the brothas ruling over you disagree, now, now, we have already won without even going to battle, we got our BBC seed spread all over your women, our victory came from your women spread legs lusting for our BBC seed in their pussies, no need to split our superior blood with whitoids

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>work for local PD / gang unit detective
>shootings in the hood happen almost everyday in my city
>no one ever dies. Maybe one person hit every 30 times a shootout happens
>niggers side shooting their hipoints while running away from each
>pure spray and pray
>niggers decide to rob white man and his wife one night near a grade school while walking their dog
>white man discharges 3 rounds from concealed weapon. Kills two niggers.
>my job just got a bit easier.

Yeah we're really in trouble lul

and american europeans are nothing like european europeans, but are BBC slaves nevertheless

And I won't even have to hide the bodies.
Your dumbass's will trip and fall into the trap right next to your dead homie while trying to fish said Newport's & NyQuil from his pockets.

Nigs and other ~60 IQ indigenous populations cannot wage "large scale" war. They cannot cut supply lines, cannot siege, cannot do surgical strikes, cannot think of taking out bridges, etc. They can't do demoralization, propaganda, psychological trauma, none of that.

They just run at you in a straight line, usually naked, wielding an AK-47 and no food or water.

I live in a pretty nice neighborhood, there aren't much in the way of Zulu warriors here. Also I just checked the news and apparently our President is this guy?

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>t. favela mutt.

white genocide is like that porno mag you had hidden under your bed, you like to look at it but if your parents or your friends saw it you know you’d be screwed

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This. Look at Mogadishu. 18 Americans KIA vs 1000 Somali niggers. That's a KDA to be proud of.

dumb whitoid, I'm saying that a brotha ruled your country already and ruled far better than your zion don, and the country keep working the same way, killing your racist theory that we don't know how to rule

and this kid is but one of our conqueror brothas who will destroy whitoids from their wumbs, but you are a indio, no need to worry yourself perez

I'm just here to laugh at you.

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That's a lot of thoughts to have running through your head at once, Slappy. Are you hungry, do you want to lie down?

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I'm only lying down inside white woman pussy

only thing niggers are good for is chopping sugarcanes and plowing fields

niggers couldnt hold a rifle it their life depended on it

In Brazil?

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Got tired of shilling, you shouldn't really worry on the US, niggers are no way near getting any majority in there, latinos will do it, and you may not realize, but latinos hate them even more than you as we see in latin america

What race? We're gonna draft you in a war against the Chinese if you keep flexing, Tariq.

What happened to the man and his wife? Like, do you determine right then and there, on the scene, that this was a self-defense thing? Does the couple sign some paperwork and then get to go home?

Or is it like, absolutely EVERYONE gets thrown in the back of a car, taken downtown, separated into rooms and has to tell a detective how it went down? Do you have to go sit in a holding cell for a few hours/days until it's "your turn" to tell your side of the story?

I won't conceal carry because I have no reason to believe the cops are going to believe me. I get jumped, pop a few rounds in a nig robber, call the cops, try to tell the cops "it was self defense, look, he has a gun right there" - I have no reason to believe the cops aren't going to say "yeah right you racist piece of shit, tell it to the judge, hope you have a good fucking lawyer, manslaughter for you asshole, you were just looking for trouble"

I’ve noticed that, they have absolutely no comprehension of ‘total war’ if they went up against a serious first world nation, they would be completely annihilated, they merely play at war, skirmishes, pillaging, rape, but never seriously going for a win or any kind of strategy, take the Liberian civil wars for example, Liberia is a tiny nation with a tiny population, but they killed each other for literally years, and neither side ever pushed, they just keep shooting each other from a distance, but never advancing. If Europe truly wanted to, we could seriously defeat, and kill every nog in Africa, and it wouldn’t even be that big of a challenge.

1. They did a great job in Zanzibar, but killing Arabs isn't difficult.

2. The whites only lost in Rhodesia because of all the embargoes, sanctions, and blockades. Their k/d ratio was absolutely insane.

3. Whites in South Africa, yeah that one has me worried.

Zimbabwe, yeah they chased and killed the white people, now they are one of the poorest country in the world, starving, and shitty economy. Victory!!

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I’m tired of this fucking British browncel spammer. Just kys already pls, imagine having such no life that you spam the same threads over and over. Go back to India

Dead arabs I don’t care
THe tiny white pop went to SA or The commonwealth nations. Kill yourself

> kangs
> muh dick
Both boxes ticked in one post.
This is nigger excellence

What? Every fucking story since the Bible has been tricking the fucking ape (Cyclops, David and Goliath, King Kong, etc.). All is fair in love and war.

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Hipoint --{ I literally chuckle every time someone even mentions that god awful shit tier brand.

I don't think I would accept a Hipoint unless someone gave it to me, and even then, I would use that shit with caution lol

cheap chinesium pot metal with a blowback design, what can possible go wrong?. theyre a tier better than nigger brands like jennings or jimenez (those actually blow up) but only because they are reliable, seen plenty with the slide cracking or just a chunk of the slide breaking off.

>Zimbabwe: all whites killed or chased off
They were taken down by other white people meaning the UN, America and Europe. Not blacks.

At what point do you think "Hey, a lot of my guys got shot going after these lads. Maybe I should do something else"?

okay, Achmed. Whatever you say. Ahahhaha

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that guy missed every single one of those shots
and the target was 10 feet away
seriously, black people can't fucking aim

Let's see it then nigger.

There are 7 years old girls in rural america capable of killing that nigger with a single shot at 300 meters

you see what you want to see, highest rate of homosex out of all the races.