Why do so many /poltards hate crypto?

Its not perfect, but its a major step toward killing the banking jew. But so many act like crypto is aids.

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Literally just saw someone on reddit telling people to "wait until Google or Amazon release their own then buy that"

That's pretty much it right there. It's moving that direction and if you think you hate the fed wait until it's unelected pajeets controlling the money supply.

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no one accepts it as payment making it not viable

might as well just buy an amazon gift card if your amazon coins can only be spent at amazon

Bitcoin = nigger bits

Because they got burned on the last runup. All of them bought at 15k thinking they would have a million neet bucks but ended up selling at 4k because they wanted to give money to techno faggots in San Francisco.

> even with a futures market shitcoin swings in price by HUNDREDS of dollars ever hour
it's a meme retards

scaling problems make it inherently unusable.

>an asset class that has uncorrelated volatility in relation to every other asset class has no value goy.

it means no one knows what it's worth
if no one knows what it's worth it is by definition worthless

It's worth what someone is willing to pay for it you stupid wagecuck.

Money not directly controlled by (((Central Banks))). What's not to like?

Any good books on crypto and trading? And of course books in general about investing, stocks, futures, options, day trading, swing trading, etc.

Looking to get into it but there are like 100000000 books

I don't know about books. But the path to understanding crypto is to read up on public key infrastructure and SHA. the original bitcoin white paper that exists on bitcoin dot org. Bitcoin is a fancy implementation of asymmetric crytography so you won't be able to understand what's going on until you really get the public key + private key thing. Wikipedia can give a good high level explanation and tutorials on SSH and SSL implimentations gets into the weeds.

>buy my shit crypto scheme
>come on guys

people who think bitcoin will replace or is even competing with the banking system are delusional.
what bitcoin did that was revolutionary was opening up the black market to the masses via silkroad. that has been its one and only value since its inception. and since then, for over a decade, no one has yet to find another profitable or socially valuable use of blockchain tech.

oh you're a good goy

>Money controlled by (((whales)))

what doesnt a poltard hate

they hate everything, including themselves.

lmao this is how stupid the average crypto buyer is.

95% of crypto is owned by 3%. now that crypto is on the regulated exchanges, big financial institutions can manipulate price by shorting/longing it using USD so they can accumulate more of it.

Look, i have 29.667 bitcoin in my wallet and i am basically rich at this point.
>pulls plug
oh no, where is my money? buh huh
>bro, its not gone. blockchain is amazing.
>i am going to buy some fresh vegetables from my local farmer now
Buh huh, why does the farmer not accept my virtual and basically non-existant money? buh huh

Kys niggers

Buy gold instead

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You have no idea what you’re talking about. Blockchain is an immutable ledger. It means the “permanent record” they threatened you about is a child is now real. This is going to replace market exchanges and allow people to transact instantly across the globe, while also ensuring undeniable record for governments to tax. The Silk Road was merely a way to earn “street cred” while all the non-conforming types ultimately build up and buy into the ultimate conformance system.

Because it's a scam.

Your meme flag automatically invalidates everything you say, FYI

Cause most of them can't afford bitcoin to actually flip lmao.

If you don't own bitcoin by May 2020 you will forever be poor.

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Because it's a fucking scam you goddamned retard.

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>t so many act like crypto is aids.
We call them Jews.

Why is big queen better than gold? Gold is been around much longer. What happens when the power goes out?

>1 post by this id

cant sage with a pic faggot lmao

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you sound familiar.

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Because I didn't get in early.

i'll believe it when i see it. until then crypto ideologues will remain the most annoying group of people on the internets

> "wait until Google or Amazon release their own then buy that"
kek, normies are fucking retarded

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There's too many issues with it to list. The man issue is that unlike say the US dollar, there's no nation state, nor viable entity backing them up. There's no legal recourse should something go wrong. The majority of trading done on many such as BitCoin is done by bots. Too many rouge actors and rouge nations are in charge of them. They can and are regularly hacked. There's unexplained ownership, which has the potential of causing unrecouped losses.

In general, unless one controls it themselves, they have no control, and many of us have no interest in trying to redirect and active flood.

Real answer, is we don't, we do, and a little bit of both.

Go back to Jow Forums and shill your shitcoins there pajeet.

I have no doubt you will believe it when you see it. You’re a loser and that’s how losers live. You don’t take risks, and rightfully have no faith in your own ability to discern where the wind is blowing. That’s why you’ll stay poor. It don’t bother me none.

The shills are brigading hard today.

Currency is a good same as anything else, What bitcoin is doing is competing in the market for currency, something nothing but military backed institutions have been able to accomplish since before bloody Babylon.

I've thought a lot on monetary technology and its history. There is no one size fits all solution. Gold is too 'real', so that bad debt can only be reclaimed through force. Fiat is too 'unreal', so that while bad debt is washed through inflation instead of guns, that inflation makes it impossible to save for the future without buying risk, and bubbles become tools for elites to reap what they have not sown. Cryptocurrency is a technology where you can create any type of monetary system one really can imagine. But let the conclusion be clear, there is no one size fit all solution to money, as such the market for money should no longer be a state mandated monopoly.

t. economist turned blockchain dev

>I'll believe it when I see it
>mfw its already happening

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its fucking jewish

Incorrect, newfag.

What is wrong with the current system of money? We have every right to exchange for foreign currencies or physical goods.

Bitcoin does not need to "replace", it's merely an asset that people gamble with. Stop pretending its anything else.

Digital scamcoin is like a financial videogame. It will never become mainstream due to the lack of control one can have over it, it sucks when converting back to fiat (fees from DCE and banks) and it also acts as a sort of representative currency of the drug trade. When some financial crisis hits and drugs see a rise due to the resulting misery it might increase in value but one might as well invest in noble metals.

nah you are both idiots.

>muh i belieb btc will be 55k next year
>muh i never take any risks.

buy low sell high its simple.

buy low sell high.

>market for money should no longer be a state mandated monopoly.

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bro i was in the bitcoin game since it started because my local drug dealers were always getting busted or scamming me. i actually believe in it, but only as a vehicle to buy illegal shit online. in that sense it has value and i believe it will become more valuable over time as things get more miserable and more people discover online black markets. there will be no shortage of demand in getting high in the foreseeable future.
now i'm not filthy rich but i did make about 100k over time when i just let my bitcoins sit and sold during the bubbles. on the flipside i also lost many bitcoins to mtgox and SR shutdowns.

Because Satoshi is that Mt Gox jew. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Yeah. Fuck bills and coins. Let the digital illiterate starve. Also fuck inflation control. Who needs it?

at the moment crypto has no benefit over a credit card except to buy an 8ball and china white online.

A) money loses half its value every 20 years (3% inflation policy)
B) Monetary policy conducted by private entities (central banks) creating asset bubbles, just like 2000 and 2008.
C) Money is created through fractional reserve banking, the right to perform this is granted by the state. When you or i loan to someone we need to take our money and give it, banks simply print new bills from thin air and give them.
D) When considering large loans, debtors get the advantage of buying assets before inflation raises the prices, this creates a vortex effect where the richest people get the cheapest prices
E) considering these facts in parallel, growing wealth inequality is a mathematical certainty, philosophy aside we know what happens when you pay chimps unfairly

All paper money returns to its original value- nothing.

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Fair enough. But you realize that it is the opposite of “private,” right? Your fingerprints will forever live on the blockchain. In the future, that will be what’s used to tax you, and police transactions. Screen cap this

what fingerprints, an IP address? good luck associating that to a particular person. the only fingerprints would be selling through an exchange like coinbase, and i have already consulted with a CPA and paid taxes in those instances.

Your suggested policies are extreme. And gold is the best form of inflation control fyi

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Dedollarization is a political movement that strikes at right at the shekels (i mean shackles) of debt-slavery, I view this movement as very beneficial. In my area, houses are for sale in bitcoin, in the news i'm hearing of grocery chains beginning to accept- its there if you know where to look and will only grow.

When we're in hyperinflation, companies will insulate themselves from the devaluation of currencies by requiring all transactions to occur in crypto. You can't lose money holding cash, if you're not holding cash.

Everyone is only “accepting” crypto that can be rapidly exchanged for dollars. They’re still reliant on the dollar. Crypto will mostly just compliment the dollar, not replace it.

but why would a normal person buy fucking top ramen with crypto rather than with a credit card, especially with a deflationary/volatile currency? i haven't heard a good reason for this in 10 years from the crypto koolaid drinkers

the only shill here is you "blockchain dev". you literally have a vested interest in fooling people to buy your shitcoin just like how boomers want millenials to keep buying houses to keep the scam going.

that being said, i have nothing for or against crypto. you are just a bullcuck who is trying to get the people to buy high or join in when the btc trend is already underway. you don't even understand how crypto markets work (protip: they work like any other market using the laws of supply/demand).

im not saying btc will not hit 55k. im saying buy low, sell high. if you didn't get in at 3k, don't fucking buy at 9k. you can buy at 5k and 3k again if it retraces. dont buy in the middle of the move thanks to FOMO (which is what you are encouraging). there are countless opportunities.

True, BTC and ETH are the only truly liquid cryptocurrencies. When my wage is calculated at the end of the month, they send me $x in crypto.

Complementing the dollar is my ultimate dream, i wish to see the state mandated private monopoly of the currency market, turn into at least an oligopoly.

Interestingly, Market making solutions like Bancor, and other autonomous liquidity solutions may have something to say in helping shitcoins get liquidity.

I've read Bancors github however, there's some strange things going on in there, i won't say its bogus, but i certainly difficult to audit.

how late can u possibly be lots of /pol tards invested at 1$ thats when i seen it on here more poltards became millionares than almost any other demographic on the planet

I won't disclose the company i work for in spirit of no-shill, and my TLDR here is to advocate for the end of governments giving monopoly rights to federal reserves to corner the market for currency. IDC if its gold, fiat or crypto or unicorn hair.

hey you fucking moron the FBI and Rothschild Family own 85% of all crypto currency. Did you seriously think it would be that easy to get away from the kike system? grow up and move out of your parents basement

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I got in at $3k. My DCA is $3.5k, and I own half a Bitcoin, as well as 50 Litecoin and $13k lumens. I’m up 30% across my portfolio, but over 100% on Bitcoin. Not selling until it feels right.

If you are talking about endless fiat printing and inflation, i agree. however, spot forex is not regulated as much as futures, and your spot broker will manipulate prices on lower (day-trading) timeframes to hit your stop. Regulations are a good thing when it comes to trading.

furthermore, 95% of BTC is owned by 3%, just who exactly owns that much BTC? They are able to manipulate the price as they see fit. Institutions have also been getting into crypto trading, manipulating prices as they see fit. you will never reach mainstream adoption of the currency drops 80% (to retrace) within only a single year

It’s still very early, bucko. How much of all the US dollars are held by the top 3%?

Not if you knew when to buy and sell.

Who the hell knows what's low and what's high with bitcoin though?
What is a potentially obsolescent crypto-coin even worth? The impression I get is that bitcoin is only big because it has name recognition.

>the richest decile (top 10 percent of adults) owns 85 percent of global wealth, and the top percentile alone accounts for almost half of all household wealth (47 percent)."

I'd agree on trading regulations, I'm talking about inside countries, though across them in foreign exchange is an important consideration. Instead of USD being legal tender, the concept legal tender ceases to exist.

I'm aware of the Whale game, given that BTC uses SHA, and satoshi was a god-tier c++ programmer, i wouldn't be surprised if Bitcoin was some compartmentalized NSA project that got out of control, and these whales were specifically chosen.

However, The whale game is nothing in comparison to the manipulation possible with an unauditable federal reserve. See Rumsfeld $2.3 Trillion Pentagon 9/11, or for a less conspiratorial example, quantitative easing

and the dollar isnt ?

>not selling until it feels right


did you use feelz to enter at 3k? probably not.

the lows were 3k. it was a very obvious on the weekly chart (and monthly chart), just look at the red candle basing in that area. the highs are at 19k, but the only real "Strong" resistance supply that i see on the weekly around 12k, i don't own any btc so i dont care to investigate further on lower time frames. Now if it breaks all-time highs, then i have no idea how far it can go.

so when i say buy low sell high:
buy: 3k.
sell: TP1: before 12k, TP2: 19k, TP3: follow it with a stoploss.

my friend bought 50 £s worth at 1$ ihe had like 100 bitcoins he went to jail he sold as soon as he got out guess how rich he is

coiners are dumb as bricks and chose to use an established term as their banner and are upset when no one takes them seriously. do your homework, crypto means cryptography.

buy low sell high friend. My friend literally buys shitcoins for pennies and waits for 1 of em to 100x.

I don't operate that way though. i dont operate on feelz and beliebing. I do well for myself.

Crypto is a gilded cage for idiots and edge lords who think they can subvert or bypass central banking and escape scrutiny. Crypto is at it's heart one giant honeypot that allows large operations and suppliers to be interrupted, assets to be seized and money to be made by powers that be. You can larp about encryption and block chain tech but the bitcoin block chain is already compromised. Every bit and byte of data goes through multiple back bones and multiple levels of recording. Every modern processor has built in back doors. You will never defeat central banking with a ponzi scheme. Short of armed insurrection it's not going anywhere.

they probably already own most of the btc, and if they don't, they will accumulate it at low prices. They accumulated a great deal of it back when it was 3k for months.

i'm sure these same banks made record profits too, because the average crypto trader is dumber than the average forex/stocks trader due to lack of experience.

Butt coiners always have to tell you how much $ worth of bit coin the own.

Lmao irony

they think a week is long-term
don't understand their own power level to make it happen
it is a generational thing
oldfag signing out

i dont do well but i understand history and some of my feels friends are set for life

guess when it was 3k im sure u can tel me i think it was 5 years later

The movement to dedollarize is to...

say no to debt-slavery, to reject endless banker wars, to reject pillaging the 3rd world by capital flight, to enable the average person to save for retirement earlier than 50, to stop asset bubbles from preventing accessing to basic needs, to stop unbounded increases in wealth inequality

i can go on

because its owned by the Jews

Because it's retarded. You can't buy anything with it except like a pizza from 1 shop in Bratislava.

in b4 muh inflation!!

Inflation is predictable and necessary to keep the rich from hoarding wealth.

What's the USD inflation rate? About 2.0%. What's the inflation rate of Bitcoin? Completely unknowable, but also irrelevant since you can buy virtually nothing with it.

Because it's even more bottlenecked than regular currency.

>money to be made by powers that be
>powers that be
>the people that print money need a ruse like bitcoin to make money
you have no idea what you're talking about.

So which coin is best to buy atm?

The bankers bought it all up and manage it with supercomputers to conduct pump and dumps. It's garbage now.

Anyone who knows the answer to that is going to be indistinguishable to someone who is talking out of their ass or trying to fuck you over. The best thing you can do is to do is to do your own research.

>wait until it's unelected pajeets controlling the money supply

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The USA can keep a stable inflation policy due
> being the reserve currency
> being a nuclear backed currency
> forcing the world to trade in us dollars for key goods
This enables the export of any unwanted inflation

Yeah YOU, get a stable inflation rate, at the cost of everyone else.

too unreliable in the long term to base most transaction on
governments could end it in a heartbeat. even if it were permitted to flourish and we had a 'competitve' money supply managed by private firms free from government regulation, the odds of concentration and collusion increase dramatically. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_three_(economics)
Further, large firms could begin issuing their own currency...Amazon, Walmart, etc. And either refuse to honor competing currencies or collude with other issuers to limit competition. (i.e. Amazon, Walmart, and Google all agree to only honor each others currency and no other). This gives large firms tremendous power to affect the money supply in their favor.
In the end, vaporware is vaporware. Just like the stock market, what is profitable today can be gone tomorrow in a flash with no warning.

few Americans realize how precarious our economic situation is. If the major governments move off of the dollar as the reserve currency, the US economy will be utter shit for the 99%

Based stinkie

Yeah, it would be terrible to have our currency controlled by a private corporation.

That's right my sand brained friend. See we did naughty things like that throughout our history. You should familiarize yourself with a period of time in American history called Iran Contra. Long story short, American intelligence agencies moved massive amounts of drugs onto American streets and the money made in the process could never be accounted for. That's how black budgets operate. They gather money from whatever they can and use it for clandestine operations.

The fed is to the US as oil is to every oil rich third wold shit hole in the world. The banana Republic tier wealth disparity only exists because the US elites have access to reserve notes that can be exported to the rest of the world. You are correct that everything goes to shit for everyone if the USD loses reserve currency status, but it would allow for the US to return to a healthy economic system.

I wish Jow Forums would focus on crypto more. Could use the weaponedized autism on the current civil war raging within Bitcoin.

BSV is Bitcoin lads. BTC is run by Blockstream which is funded by bankers. They limited Bitcoin to make it useless. The rabbit hole runs deep on this one boyos.

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