ITT: toll paid

ITT: toll paid

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Does this stupid bitch really honestly think any man other than some fat soi boy beta male will want to pick up the peices of a woman’s shitty mistakes that turned her into a single mom?
Jump on a cock and get pregnant while your single and unwed leads to single motherhood. Too bad you weren’t smart enough to have the man sign a legal contract to form a family unit with you before you jumped on his cock.
Go to twitch and dress up like a half cat half human woman so that soi boys will pay you to talk to them.

niglet thread

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Why is men having standards something worth writing an article about?

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>why don't the white men i'm pursuing now want the obvious albatross of my black baby telegraphing to anyone in public what a ho-saving cuckold he is?

Only a tough man willing to step up to the plate where Tyrone failed need apply for dating this white single strong independent momma!

They simply didn't think of the consequences of their actions. They also didn't have an immediate reflex of disgust at an approaching man who is not their race. This implies poor decision making and brokenness.

Any reasonable man would stay away. The fact they can't see this is proof of the blindness that led to the predicament in the first place.

The only justice for those who would abandon their heritage is isolation and starvation.

Actually kind of feel for the kid it did nothing wrong will have no father and its mother will eventually resent him. Just sad he has no chance.

Sorry sweetie, access to a white betabux boyfriend to help you raise your niglet isn't a universal human right. Once you go black, we don't want you back.

>did nothing wrong

He's a nigger

Am I reading this right, she's not dating niggers anymore is she? And she's complaining about racist white guys?

In 40-50 years, after civil war, there is no way whores will have right to vote, and yes I know what you're all thinking, there will be no voting after civil war, fair enough

what gets me the most is that this whore thinks that the men hate the kid because its a mutt, and not her for being a race traitor.

Thats what happens when you pay the toll. It doesnt just affect you personally. It creates a ripple that affects future generations.

>Actually kind of feel for the kid
Don't, it isn't human.

I think what bothers me the most about the whole post is the part at the end, "i want to find someone who will take care of me". What kind of bullshit is that? Doesn't matter how white or black she or her kid is, who the fuck would want some fucking worthless piece of garbage girl who can't even bother to try to take care of themself?

I once re-united with my ex, and we spent a few days basically in the bed. Everything was so romantic and heated, we planned marriage. Then I mentioned her ex, whom she picked after I rejected her years ago, and it turned out he was Chinese.

I burst into laughter and couldn't stop. That was it. If she would fuck the dog - I would understand. If she would fuck ten dogs in circus, I wouldn't think it's as dirty and disgraceful as fucking a Chinese. I gave myself a few days to think, but even now, five years after the event, I don't regard her as a woman or a human being. No way in hell we could stay together, because some wiring in her brain is just off.

She returned to him later on, and I guess she doesn't have much choice.

Probably wanted to be filled up with an enormous horse cock the whore.

Child is at least half human right?

They're taught their whole lives that pussy is power, a woman's burden is the greatest in the world, and that men should be honored to take care of such a special princess.

Am I THAT out of touch with men?
No, it's the men who are wrong.

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It's not about age.

Women don't like being held accountable for their actions.

>happily married

>newfound couple

>happy accident as oldies

>constant one nights out

>your nigger boyfriend left you and you don't want to make him pay, your father disowned you and forced you to drop out of college and find a job
>yeah you know what, I'm gonna keep it, he's my son Bently and I'm gonna do my best to protect him

No. There are no "half-humans", just like there are no "half-whites".

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>I'm getting rejected because I'm a mother of a biracial son
IIRC, she got anally annihilated in the comments because she's admitting that black men need not apply for the role of provider.

Why doesn't she try dating another black man?

>im not being rejected because of my looks, personality or status
No bitch, your status is COALBURNER.

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If anything she might be more likely to score at least a 6/10 male as her husband if she offers to take care of HIM. As in clean, cook, do dishes, stay at home and don’t work. Don’t go to the bar. If she stop being empowered and independent she would realize that she needs to submit to get taken care of and be a housewife. A beta cuck may also be willing to take the woman and her niglet in as family if she still has some fertility left too to bear HIS children and continue HIS lineage. But fuck no. No empowered strong independent coal burner is going to give up her ego to settle for a beta. She’s just going to have to stay single and be pummeled by BBC till she’s just an Arby’s roast beef sandwich the rest of her life. And probably get beat and her kid beat and abused by boyfriends too.

As a white person, I can have empathy as animals.

She’s subconsciously racist! She knows that a white man is more likely to be a good provider.

Lol... doesnt hold the nigger dad to account. Blames society (white men). Dont even care.

> They have no problem with me being a single mother
We do.
> I want to find someone who will love me and take care of me
That's literally the daddy's job. I'm doing exactly this right now for my own kids.

fucking kek. Race traitors, look at this, that's how your life will be

The best part is the basedness of her father

You mean the nigger father doesn't pay child support? Reap what you sow

>obama was bi racial
I thought he was a full nigger?

She should just kill her baby desu. Is it too late for sudden sudden infant death syndrome?


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Sounds like you’re fapping right now.

>They have no problem with me being a single mother
We do but we shrug it off because we're going to use you as a cum dumpster until we get bored. When we see the niglet we know it's going to be a shit show and not worth it.

lol, the moment you approach that women you will be registered as "father figure" and will pay child support for someone else's niglet for rest of your life. And she is surprised no one dates her

big angry this

you prevent the birth of children who would have race-traitor genes. Good decision.

>pummeled by BBC till she’s just an Arby’s roast beef sandwich
sex doesnt make the labia larger, dumbass.

that little nog must have an iq of 125

stupid nigger fucker


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It warms my heart to see that at least there still are some lows thirsty men wont go to get some used pussy.

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t. toasty roastie

>that little nog must have an iq of 125
no, its instinct in the american subspecies. it works with chicken, watermelon, cornbread, kool aid, pudding, corndogs, McDonalds fish sandwiches, collared greens and moon pies

Sad but true, I got hit on by my next door neighbour who was a pretty cute norfFC but she had a mixed race boy and even though the kid was ok and I was happy to help him and his mum out there was no way I was going to get tangled up in that, toll paid

>t. toasty roastie
who asked you what you wer? no one, wop.
Im merely explaining science to all you virgins that havent seen real pussy before, much less fucked one.

Mandatory posting in all toll paid threads.

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>no, its instinct in the american subspecies. it works with chicken, watermelon, cornbread, kool aid, pudding, corndogs, McDonalds fish sandwiches, collared greens and moon pies

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Advice for young women on what attract & repel guys.

> ### Attractants
> Things which will tend to attract men looking for a long term relationship and kids.
> * Body shape: Not overweight.
> * Beauty: Symmetrical features, clear skin, straight teeth, good hair
> * Age: Are between 20 - 25 years old. (aka youth)
> * Loyalty: Low single digit partner count.
> * Pleasant personality
> * Intelligence
> * Desire for children.

> ### Repellents
> Things which will tend to repel men looking for a long term relationship and kids.
> * Body shape: over weight.
> * Age: over 30
> * Loyalty: high double digit partner counts
> * STDs
> * Feminism or other religious fundamentalism
> * Career oriented
> * Already having children
> * Having been previously rejected
> * Desperation
Anything else?

this, I'm starting to believe they just want social points

Kind of like the guy fucking your wife right now

it's probably someone behind the niglet pushing the playpen on a carpet so it looks like the niglet is doing it

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Should’ve aborted that nigger, then killing her child would have been perfectly legal

It literally does not matter. Just like calling someone in here a “fag” doesn’t mean they are gay. It’s an insult, it does not need a solid base in reality, only a tenuous one.

killing a nigglet would be racist user

Right, and I'm sure the fact that all these whores riding the CC having blown out pussies is just a coincidence. Nothing to do with the relentless sex and constant STD swapping
go back

Lol this

Should have got an abortion once the father said he was not gonna help raise it and her father said he would disown her. Pure stupidity.

Dating outside your race, for repellants.

bwahahahahaha! because once you smear shit on white dress, it never goes away no matter how much you try to wash it. Her post should be shown to every high school classroom to teach a very valuable lesson. As long as you do it in secret and don't ever reveal, you can fuck different races, but NEVER EVER get preggo.

>love me
>produces a child not based on love
What a dumb bitch. He left her, because niggers don't love, she betrayed her race because being anti-own race means you aren't capable of basic love on organism levels, she didn't get rid of child shows her weakness and backstabbing nature.

There was a gif of nog on top of a truck doing the exact same thing while the rest were on the ground actually pushing the truck out of the mud or something.
Cant find it now.

>claiming victim status
>my son is black
>muh racist society
>all I want

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Ad this to the repellents
>bipolar, dysphoria, generally fucked in the head
user, he's making that list in general, not specific to Jow Forumstards, right as you may be

Love is trust, love is doing things together. You can't trust foreigner organism and also you didn't do this together. Women use word love but don't know the meaning.

its science, kid.
JFC...your moms labia are the same size they were before she fucked the moor and had you

>plastic surgery
>excessive make up
>poor hygiene
>poor domestic skills

Nigger detected

Fuck no. Just saying she fell for the BBC meme and now look what happened to her

Why is divorced a problem? If say, no kids.
I'll add mental illness.

"Take care of me". Uh huh. You make piss poor life choices, fucking a nigger, when the odds are stacked against you of him sticking around at all, and now it's OUR job to "take care of you".

Let's see how that works out for you.

Feel sorry for her dad. Imagine seeing your daughter come home with a nigger.

I got like 6 kids who cares
Let society burn

Piercings... but that could just be me.

> Low single digit partner count.
This is a selling point now? That you haven't seen a dozen different dicks?
Fuck this gay earth

You have previously rejected on the list, right? Divorce is similar
>She had a bad marriage and now you need to deal with his leftovers
>She fucked someone and then fucked him over
Either way, its bad. not something you want to put your dick in

coal burning roasties should be gassed.


>Why is divorced a problem?

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That's cute, americunt. Did you see your dad today? Did his melanin enriched ass come home from the cigarette store at last?

I'm a fat soiboi beta male and even I wouldn't settle for a single mum.

>being this new

spot on accurate name too

No. They should live a long life of this exactly treatment for the rest of their lives.

And her personality is "willing to fuck niggers"

Sounds like a dude wrote this. Nice try tho

Yeah... It's now unusual.

The pill normalized degeneracy and premarital sex. You cant make it go away overnight, just try to make the best of it and find the least used pussy in the market

I see it a bit like a failed relationship, but if you've explicitly made vows etc.

>isolation and starvation

you don't "refuse" child support. it's the fucking law. unless there is some black loophole I don't know about?