Anyone else genuinely hate their country?

First of all lets clear some things. I'm white, Christian and living in a 99% middle class white town in rural England. But I just can't stand this shithole.
I can't stand anything about this place. I hate the culture. I hate the monarchy. I hate the flag, the anthem, the towns, and the majority of British people, especially the chav parasites but increasingly the rest as well. tl:dr, I feel this isn't the place I belong

I wanna leave because I know I but I can't imagine being truly welcome anywhere else...
Anyone else feel like this about their own country? I get some hate your countries for what they have become but anyone else hate the actual culture and your compatriots?

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I hate the US because of what it's become. I can tell you're a kike because you hate the same people being replaced in their own homeland.

>the majority of British people, especially the chav parasites but increasingly the rest as well
same. no advice for you.

i want nothing to do with our modern culture anymore. i just spend as much time in the countryside/forests as i can.

I wish, I'm native to this island unfortunately

>I can tell you're a kike because you hate the same people being replaced in their own homeland.
this island is full of scum. every class.

stopped caring about your plight right there
you're just as delusional as trannies are

I don't hate my country, but I sure do hate yours limey.

America is a kiked out shithole but nobody else in the western world would like white burgers coming in and settling down. At least when America collapses I'll have muh guns. We fucked up really bad by killing Hitler because now we're on the verge of collapse despite what people will say. Running away was never an option to begin with

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I love my country, cry all you want.

Kys Muslim cunt your day is coming

>I feel this isn't the place I belong
How could we when telling the truth is racist/sexist/*phobic/hate speech? I hate what this country has become

Good for you

Should I just say fuck it and leave for somewhere else?

I hate entitled cunts like (You) being in my country. Please leave.

Calm down abdul

I don't care. No one cares. Do what your heart tells you.

>I wish I was a kike
Take it from the quarter-kike Amerimutt, you don't.
The world is. "Perfidious Albion" memes aside, your situation would not get any better after being flooded with foreigners. It makes it worse for everyone, especially those precious few who aren't scum.

i love my country. im not german but I grew up here and before you ask, no i am not a shitskin. I am white and we came here from russia after the fall of the wall. This country used to be great but leftists are completely fucking it up by inviting shitskins. also fuck the state that is bleeding its citizens dry. Merkel and co should hang for what they did.

>quarter- kike Amerimmut

Fucking cant stand people like you. That country is where you were born and raised. You a reflection of your country and culture and you shit on it? Fucking traitors.

You have a problem with disliking ones birthplace then I guess?

>You a reflection of your country and culture
No. The entity of the UK hates people like me.

I got no country anymore.

It's over.

I hate this country. There's no culture, no heritage, and nothing to be proud of. We're nothing more an an economic zone.

You are always welcome in the land of burgers. I hate your gay ass Afro-Islamic Orwellian shithole of a country too.

I agree, but, at some point we will have to abandon our countries to form a ethnostate, ethnic cleansing is no longer possible on a global scale. I know you didnt mention it but still.


I hate people that shit on their home country and their culture. I really hate when Europeans do this, for their countries have the some of the richest and deepest cultures/histories on the planet.

I understand you want to move away from where you were born, but to shit on your entire country and people....


You country had the largest empire in history! Larger then the Mongol Empire, maybe not landmass wise but 100% more impressive.

No its not, finish school, get a job, move to a more stable part of the country, find a women and have GERMAN babies.

The difference between you and me come from our enviroment and our countries cultures, you cannot say that your country doesent have a culture, every country has one. Just because yours is fucked doesent mean it doesent exist.

I know, man.

But it's so fucking tiresome.

You know how brainfucked German women are?

> 99% middle class white town in rural England

And it's 1996.

I don't hate my country, but I've never had a real nationalist love for it. I don't feel connected to this place at all. I don't relate to any of the love the people have when they celebrate Independence Day or Memorial Day or remember 9/11. America as a concept was great, but once they opened the floodgates to all the bottom-of-the-barrel Europeans they could, it just slowly went down from there. America is now an easily manipulated ooze that doesn't know what the fuck it wants, and allows foreign countries to walk all over us for money or resources. Our leaders do nothing to protect the people's best interests and have no desire to keep a traditional country the way it is. All in the name of diversity and progress, despite going backwards every goddamn step.

But fuck England kek it's even worse there. At least here I can have guns and a butter knife, and I don't need to be extorted for TV I don't watch or have.

Your character today has been very laregly influenced by what you were taught when you were younger and the place you lived at that time.

Try living with the fuckers.
You either get the upper class who are stuck right up their own ass with their bullshit royal traditions, the middle class who are soulless corporate rat racers and then the lower class who are getting more violent every single day.

It still exists you know, rural England is almost entirely white - the only areas full of shitskins are the ones that were shit to begin with - scum filled slum estates and factory towns not worth saving

I hate the construct of the UK. It's the prototypical globalist agreement., an economic union between two very different countries. The EU and the USA are inspired by the example of the UK.
The UK needs to die. It suppresses English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh national identities, forcing disparate peoples to adopt a stupid "British" identity that is now nothing more than ascribing to vague, universalist values of "tolerance" and "liberty". The sooner it goes, the sooner Scottish, English, Welsh and Irish people can embrace their distinct identities.
Fuck the UK.

>no heritage
UK has most of the worlds ancient stone circles, some of the oldest universities and schools in the world and one of oldest continually active army in the world. Plus Loads of castles.
Plus stuff like English Heritage and historic plays and folk music.

UK has loads of heritage.

What the actual fuck are you talking about, americans basically come from those bottom of the barrel Europeans you are talking about. People who made your country were immigrants who were looking for a better life. You live in one of the most diverse and fucked countries in the world and that hasnt changed in the last 300 years.

My country is irrelevant, I am not sure if it's our fault but whatever.

Fuck off and take your blind loyalty with you. The US is a vassal state to Israel. Our military fights their wars for them. Our politicians don't even try to hide their allegiance to Israel. This country is an embarrassment.

>I hate the culture. I hate the monarchy. I hate the flag, the anthem, the towns, and the majority of British people
Australia was created for people like you. Come home, cobber.

My country may not be the best but living here is for damn sure better than living in some fucked up country where your women fucking hates you for being white

>Use your brain, think for yourself
>'K then
>"Hey has anyone noticed how (despite making up 13 of the populations in English"
>Get breathing loicence revoked for hate speech

No. I love this fucking place. That's why I want to see the people harming it fucking hang.

>You know how brainfucked German women are?
I can imagine. I'm probably going to Germany this summer and I plan to drop some small red-pills on the relatives. Must be subtle, that Jewified indoctrination is hard to break through, but we must try.

>"British" identity that is now nothing more than ascribing to vague, universalist values of "tolerance" and "liberty"

Agreed, that stuff is all bullshit and meaningless.

I kinda like my country.

It's not the best.
It's not the biggest.
It's but the brightest.
It's not the richest.

A lot of the people are very normie.
A number of the people are fucking degenerate.

The politics are fucked.

But despite all of the issues my country has, it is the most beautiful corner of the world.

Would not change.

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I do.

The original Americans were the badass land settlers and conquerors. Bottom of the barrel I'm talking about greasy italians and sleazy slavs and shit. Maybe the fact it's always been diverse and fucked is even more evident to why I don't care about this place. They just let anyone in and do whatever. Nothing is grounded, there's no foundation for anything. It's just what people want to do. That's cool and all but it feels more like a hub or a gathering than a nation.

Self pitying little faggots like you will fail and feel unwelcome anywhere they go. It's not the country, it's you.

Never experienced that here, Pakis and niggers have no value to women except the chav ones who will fuck anything that moves

My dude, the problems you are talking about exist in pretty much every advandced country in Europe, its not different there either, and i doubt you want to go somwhere less advanced than the uk.

based Vlad

now didn't your mum say no more internet tonight? You know it just gets you all worked up and you wet the bed. So it's into your jimjams and off to bed with you.


I love my country. Warts and all. As should all Americans. Just because we have our issues that need tending doesn't mean you should hate it. My family is pretty dysfunctional, but I still love them.

Same here. I love the version of Germany that still exists in my heart but it fills me with utter disgust and resentment to see what my homeland has become.

I do

DUDE...i was right where you were at, there 15 years ago.

Hated canada.

Got a call from a head hunter. Got a choice of bermuda or cayman islands.
I asked "which one taxes less" head hunter said "cayman islands has no tax"
then i said "okay, i pick that place"

I am so fucking happy, i made that decision 15 years go. This is my home. I do not consider myself ever being canadian. I even word it when i talk to relatives "well you canadians" and they will pipe up "your canadian too" and i will quickly snap "no i am not"

I am ashamed of what canada was and has become.

the canada we know today is NOT the canada my grand father fought for.

We have MP's keeping their entire salary while imposing massive taxes on the masses. Oh....that particular tax hits us Members of parliment (example gas tax). We will just up our gas allowances. While the normal canadian cannot.

I was fed up, and had enough. I don't owe canaduh, shit.

I used to want to be american. But, the taxes have gotten so high there, they are almost canadian tier. And they still have to pay for their healthcare! Fuck that.

Im happy where im at. I get EVERYTHING i did in canada. And pay zero taxes. Life is awesome.

The ethno-masochist clown, made by decades of marxist and multiculturalist bashing on european nations history.

Good luck, user.

Slovakia does look nice ngl, wouldn't mind a visit

i hate this country and feel the same way you do but it's because i live in a shithole filled to the brim with niggers, pakis and street shitters. I live in a upper working class environment everyone seems like a blue pilled cuck and is increasing becoming non-white no one is saying a damn thing

Man, us is a complicated topic. On one hand, you guys have produced some of the best music, movies and books (and i dont think thats just because most of the world speaks there native language and english, i actually belive in this). On the other hand, everything else is pretty fucked up.

What good is a book? I'm talking about culture and heritage. If the only way to get them is through a book that's a pretty sorry excuse for either.

>You country had the largest empire in history!
Yours is larger, since it's the entire world. But our empire was just a way for Jews to enrich themselves at the detriment of Whites.

>Just because yours is fucked doesent mean it doesent exist.
Then it's probably for the best it doesn't, right? If I have to choose between no culture or a disgusting and shameful one, I'll pick no culture.

>UK has most of the worlds ancient stone circles,
So? What does that mean to me? How does that impact my 9-5 minimum wage service job?
>some of the oldest universities and schools in the world
You mean the places that teach that men and women are the same and that whites are evil? That's something to be proud of now?
> one of oldest continually active army in the world.
You mean the Army that wants more trannies and Muslims?
>historic plays
That no one performs, and speak an almost totally different language making them totally foreign.
>folk music.
Maybe if you're Irish, Welsh, or Scottish, but I'm English and we don't have a folk music.

I don't hate my country, and I tell Canadians who hate this country, they shouldn't. For example, a lot of Canadians will shit on their country for things, such as immigration. Sure, immigration isn't a good thing when there's mass amount of culturally different people pouring into here.

What I tell them is, you should be proud of the fact Canada has been able to bring in so many refugees and immigrants, and still to a certain degree, been able to maintain a well-functioning country.

Sure, there are some problems which are the result of immigration. But at the end of the day, we are a nation of immigrants. It has always been this way, and we should embrace it.

hey, just like your mother. You cannot help being born or where you were born. But if your mother treats you like shit.
Do you still have to love her?
there is a point that when enough shit is dished out, that you just have to let that relationship go.

It’s because you’re British scum. There’s a million British expats in every country of the world because you fucking miserable faggots can’t sit still in your own homelands for five fucking minutes. Get a fucking life and fix your native homeland, tea nigger. You belong nowhere but there.

Stay the fuck out. We’re full.

-sincerely, the whole planet.

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Thanks, edgelord. Very cool!

i agree OP. im done wih this piece of shit country.

like you, im white english, and the state has done absolutely nothing for me, only tried to control me and fuck my life over.

im leaving next week, as far as i'm concerned the boomers can rot here with their precious immigrants and the whole country can slowly die off. they can keep it.

its cold
its boring
its expensive
no natual resources
LOICENSE needed to breathe or take a shit
homos exhalted in the media
average white man denigrated in the media
shit schools
women are hoes
bad food
everything is quaint or a modernist nightmare
society is cliquy and snobbish in many layers
people are vain and uneducated

england is a declining piece of shit. all the good people left and so will I. the only people who stay here are bluepilled morons and their slave masters.

like i said the immigrants can fucking HAVE it. there is nothing for me here, i have no stake in this society and no democratic vote. (the constituency i live in has always voted tory by a large majority. this has not changed for 100 years and never will due to above mentioned bluepilled boomer morons)

>The sooner it goes, the sooner Scottish, English, Welsh and Irish people can embrace their distinct identities.
But the Sottish, Welsh, and Irish do that already. The English don't because they have no identity to embrace.

Having no culture is disgusting and shameful, so i guess youre fucked from every direction. I dont fucking know, go ahead and move then.

So if I hate the culture and traditions I should try change them to something else?
Wow thanks for that advice, I wonder where I heard it before....

The US has created some of mankind's greatest innovations. Science, literature, art, entertainment, the country has been home to all of that. But at the same time, it's also the main shit root for a lot of atrocities in the world today. Sex trafficking, rampant pedophilia, genocide for earth resources, citizen manipulation. Bush was better than Hitler at propaganda (and without Hitler's charisma, too). Everyone hated muslims for the longest time until Obama told them not to anymore. All so nobody would question the things going on across the ocean.

ignore the yank.

>go ahead and move then.
But that doesn't help as I still wont be part of their culture, and should I have a child neither will they.

Where you going bru?

My dudes, just take my word for it, there are worse places in Europe to live in than the uk. Trust me on this one.

Thank you, based American. I really don't see why my countrymen are acting like such fags in this thread. I love my country.

I do but only because I'm in enemy occupied territory, and my culture was erased and replaced with shitty manufactured (((culture))) thanks to the tyrant king Lincoln. I love my nation, hate the government occupying it.

>and the state has done absolutely nothing for me,
Stopped reading there. Go to Africa, you will feel right at home among the niggers.

As I said, you don't want to be me.
It could be worse, I guess. The kike verbal IQ has helped me out at times.
This country is a soulless monstrosity, the world's most dangerous golem ever created.

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>we are a nation of like-minded immigrants with similar values and traditions, so we should embrace the third worlders that rape our children and murder our customs in the name of their beliefs that they refuse to change to integrate into our society
Get fucked.

>there are worse places in Europe to live in than the uk.
I doubt that very much. We're the only place in Europe without a culture, and without great works of art.

>retards like this want you to do what they say but not what they do.

Yeah, i see we agree here, i think its just because you guys have a big spectrum of people. Its only logical that through time a lot of good and bad things will happen/be created. The question is, is it worth it?

OP, dont be such a massive faggot. All of us would much rather not have to go through this shit and just be dead. But thats life, try to make the world a little bit less of a shithole and have some children.

fuck off gchq. if you want to know you'll have to do some WORK: read my messages or something it wont be that hard. you'll know next week when i buy my TICKETS. also, enjoy losing your job to some eastern european who can spy twice as hard for half the money.

Sounds like you just have a problem with assholes, OP, not your country. unless you're delusional enough to see the whole country as that...

>have some children.
The last thing the world needs is more Anglos. Haven't we done enough damage already?

lol fuck off. as if you can escape state control in england. they OWN all the schools and CREATE 50% of the jobs. if your life is fucked the people most firectky responsible are the STATE.

Oh, now I understand. You're just a larping try hard faggot.

>lawless government overlords
>socialist welfare state
>Talmudist control of media, entertainment, education, and government
what's not to love

If you're white feel free to come here. Do not bitch about it though if you choose to come.

>leaving the greatest nation on earth
Kindly leave, Juden.

I think you are focusing on the wrong things, you talk a lot about history and culture. You can have a culture of your own, who gives a fuck. You should focus on the cost of living, the unemployment percentage and how many jews do you have in the goverment. Motherfucker, you guys have actually debated leaving the EU. I think that by itself is a good enough reason to belive its not as bad as you think it is.

>The English don't because they have no identity to embrace.
Because we spread our identity across the face of the earth you brain-dead cunt. English cultural identity has reached almost every country on the planet and changed them fundamentally. We are the most influential country to ever exist, by far. You think the English don't have culture, because the world adopted our culture.

anyway, I AM taking responsibilityfor my own future, by leaving this godforsaken shithole. see ya dickhead! enjoy paying taxes for the millions of immigrants and dying boomers. they are no longer going to be MY problem


I feel like most people here dislike the majority of people in their country but that doesn't mean you have to hate the country's roots, history and culture.

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Better than letting the Kikes,Niggers and Sandniggers spread. They give all of us humans a bad name