White model for Marmot vs black

The white dude looks like rob lowe, the nigger looks like a dindu who just stole the jacket.. a white man this ugly would never be able to book a modeling gig, yet these monkeys can't stop screeching about "white privilege"..

Attached: 3749709-4-4x.jpg (1135x672, 115K)

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The white guy isn't ugly. The fuck are you talking about?

he is calling the black model ugly and saying a white man of equivalent attractiveness couldn't be a model

there's a coma in that sentence and comas are not periods. Also who in the world considers rob lowe ugly so that the sentence could possibly have the meaning you're implying?

They do not have the contrast or pristine features of white Europeans. What you are seeing is the maximum attractiveness that a Negro can reach.

...nor IQ to realize how fortunate they are their ancestors were sold to slaves. if it wasn't for whites they would be living in mud huts in africa eating mosquito-mud pies right now.. the level of ungratefulness is what gets me every single time..

Rob Lowe is based and redpilled

That white guy isn't ugly and Tyrone looks like he is about to pull a pistol and shoot you.

Is Marmot nog trash now? Pictures like these totally make me not want to buy their shit.

You've been too much on Jow Forums....

imagine semicolon after the word lowe. now the coma creates the same meaning it just signals continuation of the sentence.

The black dude would be considered Chad-tier in the looks department

Who buys that overpriced shit anyway.

you’re all lying to yourselves the black guy is better looking than the white one

I've noticed the same thing recently. Last time I tried to shop online for clothes I noticed pretty much all the models are niggers for most "mainstream" clothing stores. It used to be around 90% white with a few token blacks but now its up to around 90% niggers. I'm guessing most of these stores were bought up by jews who are now using them to push the white genocide agenda.

Literally have NEVER seen a black wear Marmot. Not once and i live in a town full of Marmot clothing wearers.

pretty much. the funniest thing is niggers don't even buy their clothes - they steal it.

Can you read, ching Chong?

i know right? that's why it irritates me this much, it's obviously so forced, even the "model" they found looks like a random ghetto dindu..

I've also noticed a lot of different clothing companies use the exact same models to display their merchandise. Its almost as if the entire advertising industry is centrally controlled to push this agenda. For what purpose? To demoralize and deracinate whites. You just know there's a hook nosed kike behind the curtain every single time.


yeah I noticed that too, the only white male models that get gigs are 9/10 uberchads while the majority of black models are wonky creaturas. It's probably to normalize mediocre black males and make them seem as "attractive" because they really can't catch up irl when it comes to attractiveness

Rent free

Its subversion. And they're not even subtle about it.


Arrrrggggghhhh, its infuriating. What do they want from us? I mean, besides us dying of course. What kind of freak show clown world do they envision for themselves once whites are erased?

picture on the left makes me want to go exercise
picture on right makes me want to steal

Black one look like he bout to steal something.

it's really good though. couple of things i own have no equal. there's this zip top that i had for years, similar to pic related only men's, that's incredibly light yet warmer than a parka. i don't know what materials and tech they're using, probably cashmere, i can't tell, but it's unreal how good their shit is. compared to them (similarly priced) columbia is a nigger-tier brand (own couple of windbreakers and a raincoat - literally shit, raincoat gets soaking wet after 5 minutes in the rain even though it basically says that it should be rain proof during a tsunami)

Attached: 10313950x1012905_zm.jpg (700x700, 55K)

it's just in their blood, i don't think they have or need a reason to do this shit user..

Attached: 33213132121.png (1158x1621, 409K)


Immersion broken.

Why is Trump's daughter married into the tribe then? Why is he siding with the jews against his own people? I can think of nothing worse than allying with an entity that seeks to consume the souls of young children by chopping off their foreskins and teaching them to treat all other races like animals.

It feels like invasion of the body snatchers.

Rumor has it Trump converted to Judaism two years ago and is now a Lubavitch Jew.

Attached: 0A951FB6-CD60-4BC3-B3C4-75EE29D02009.jpg (1393x1480, 565K)

Because the Black consumer of marmot gear is more likely to be going for a street wear look. Not a preppy ski weekend look.

Wow. Well it really is all over then.

I can't carry on living in a world run like this. Honestly I would rather die than give my soul over to this parasitical disease. As far as I'm concerned, Trump is throwing away his lineage. He might be the most powerful man in the world but its all for nothing if you've given over your soul over to the devil.

Reminds me of this quote:
>"We are in the middle of this great, and perhaps final, conflict between two worlds. Perhaps unintentionally, a half-Jew (Oskar Schmitz in Der Jude, 1926, special issue) discussed the conflict between German genius and the Jewish demon. He writes: “The evil demon of the Jews. . . is Phariseeism. He is both the bearer of the hope for a Messiah, but also the guardian who ensures that no Messiah comes.... That is the specific, and very dangerous, form of Jewish negation of the world. The Pharisee actively denies the world, he works to be sure that noting takes form, and is therefore driven by a daemonic force. This apparent denial is also a particularly forceful form of affirming the world, but with negative characteristics. The Buddhist would be happy if the world around him passed away, the Pharaisee would be finished if nothing around him took on living form, for then his life-denying function would no longer exist. They (the deniers) are the spirit that always denies, concealed by an ecstatic affirmation of a utopian goal that can never be realized — the coming of the Messiah. They would have to hang themselves like Judas if he really did come, since they are entirely incapable of affirmation.”


getting filthy rich is a jew's game so i expect anyone who plays it is get used to being surrounded by jews, so trump is not an exception. and even greater mystery is, why do other jews hate him so much since he's obviously their team-player. most of the politicians are jews and they all hate him with passion even after he moved embassy to israel.. i guess that's just jews being jews, they have no moral compass anyways..

life is a circle fren you just have to wait, things change constantly.