>Magapedes claim this is a 'win'


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isnt' this what trump wanted? for mexico to take care of those that are running across their lands to america?

Trump wanted to convince people that that's what he wanted yes.
Do you actually believe Mexico is going to do anything?

You know illegal immigration has been at the highest level since the 90s under Trump, with his DHS flying immigrants into sanctuary cities even though he already won a 9th circuit case that says he can keep them in Mexico. Why on Earth do you think he 'wants' to do anything after this track record?

>for mexico to take care of those that are running across their lands to america?
You are dumb nigger if you believe for a second that Mexico is going to do that

>Do you actually believe Mexico is going to do anything?
Yes, because they were forced into action because of the tariffs threat.
>You know illegal immigration has been at the highest level since the 90s under Trump
because democrats are obstructing the progress Trump seeks to implement. Illegals see this and come in doves.
>his DHS flying immigrants into sanctuary cities
because those cities are better equipped to handle those illegals.
>Why on Earth do you think he 'wants' to do anything after this track record?
because what he wants and what he can do, especially considering he's opposition, are different

then tariffs it is.

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>then tariffs it is.
uh huh

Mexican National Guard racking up millions in overtime

Mexico Pays For It

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>because democrats are obstructing the progress
No they aren't, Trump won the 9th circuit case on this very issue.

>because those cities are better equipped to handle those illegals.
The illegals don't turn up to their court dates most of the time. Meaning once they're in America they're in forever...
That's why they're meant to be made to 'wait for their trial' in Mexico. To avoid them staying in the US.
Trump flying them into Sanctuary cities is a TERRIBLE thing. It's the opposite of what he campaigned on. How can you defend this?

We're gonna give them a one year warning!
And then something might happen :^)

Grow the hedge.

Mexico is paying for nothing.
Why do you believe the lies user?

Trump is playing 4D chess against his base, it's amazing to watch, he has them defending everything he does even when it goes against the things they want. He's a genius.

I’m glad I filtered meme flags. Everyone else should do the same.

republican had both houses for 2years and at the height of his popularity lmao but its all da Dems fault for obstructing Trump

It makes me want to join the globalists.
Their logic is that the majority of people are just stupid sheep who would get exploited anyway so it may as well be the NWO doing it.

They get proven to be right over and over again.
People get the Gubment they deserve.

Is applying to work for Soros the final memepill?

You should filter every thread that isn't ptg so you don't need to see any problematic opinions about le god emperor too.

How do I filter meme flags?

and how long did Democrats hold onto congress while Obama was in office? How much was done in that time? It's not a Republican-only problem when one party is in power.

>I dont want a wall
>I dont want a barrier
>I dont want a fence
>I dont want existing fences rebuilt
>All I ever waned was for the Mexican government to reduce the number of illegals coming through the border

If you're already posting with a memeflag, I'd say you're about ready to try to cash in.

Yeah that's literally all he was threatening with the tariffs. Mexico complies so he doesn't put on the tariffs.

It wouldn't even matter if Mexico gave Trump all the money he needed for the wall, that money still has to be distributed according to a budget passed by the Senate.

Are you guys really this stupid and out of touch with politics that you don't know how money allocation works?

lol that nigga isn't going to respond to this post
Trump fans are delusional

such an enlightened view thank u sensai 200iq

"build the wall" chanted every rally LOL

>b-b-but what about obama??!?!
why do you faggots think this is an argument? You've gone from "God Emperor" to "not particularly worse than Obama"

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>Illegals see this and come in doves.
is this a typo, or sensible chuckle mental image?

>he thinks the TARIFF is something desirable in itself

the absolute state of retards commenting on geopolitics
Holy shit sage memeflag retards

lurk moar faggot

Obama only wasn't allowed to outright destroy the country with liberal policies because Republicans still held office and you need more than a simple majority for votes. What's your point? Democracy doesn't work? That's a much bigger argument you should be having rather than pissing and moaning about one specific president.

Trump has out-gayed himself. I’m just so checked out now

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I'm saying the magapede rear guard are a bunch of deluded retards. feel free to read whatever you want into plainly worded statements though

Mexico promised to do something that they have proved unable and unwilling to do.

Ann just run already

Wow, it must be really nice to never have to have an alternative plan to what you're mocking while you sit around and accomplish even less.

Mexico agreed to this months ago LOL

"And over the past week, negotiators failed to persuade Mexico to accept a “safe third country” treaty that would have given the United States the legal ability to reject asylum seekers if they had not sought refuge in Mexico first."

art of da deal

You don't want a tariff, that's why it gets used as a threat. It's just a means to an end. You're as dumb as your flag implies.

>art of the deal means getting literally everything you originally asked for

we'll just pay the mexicans to stop letting immigrants through and it will work as well as paying the mexicans for 5 decades to stop drugs coming through and luckily we have had nearly half a century of a drug free america.
soon the mexicans will have stopped all immigration
trump 2020

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>You can't call somebody retarded unless you support another zion-vetted candidate
you just hinted at the perils of democracy yourself and now you're suggesting I don't get a say unless I have a better democratic plan? Is this your first day on Jow Forums or are you just especially retarded

>No they aren't, Trump won the 9th circuit case on this very issue.
okay. it doesn't mean he's ONLY sending illegals to sanctuary cities.

>The illegals don't turn up to their court dates most of the time. Meaning once they're in America they're in forever...
and what happens to someone that doesn't show up for court? oh right, a warrant is issued, among other things. you speak as though 100% of those illegals remain in the US. That's not true in the slightest. Of course you know this, and yet still try to obfuscate the facts.
>That's why they're meant to be made to 'wait for their trial' in Mexico. To avoid them staying in the US.
What's the process for deportation? Can't be as simple as: load them on a bus, send them to mexico.
>Trump flying them into Sanctuary cities is a TERRIBLE thing. It's the opposite of what he campaigned on. How can you defend this?
He did it to troll sanctuary cities. you must have seen the reaction to that.

What did we get? Nothing interesting. It’s all cuck shit

>Yes, because they were forced into action because of the tariffs threat
50 years of paying the mexicans to stop drugs is proof it will work
we have lived in a drug free society for nearly a half a century thanks to mexicans keeping our borders safe.
50 years from now mexicans immigrants will be as hard to come by as the drugs.

tell me about it.dats what I voted him for.

mexico is the wall now

>please buy me a wall
Art of the Deal™

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You don't really get a say, because anything else is a retarded LARP. If you're opinion is "durr America should just become a fascist state!" you might as well have said nothing because it's completely useless. Especially since you haven't actually done anything towards that goal.

tell me about it.dats what I voted him for.

>not an argument

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They're not doing shit you retard.

Maybe part of the problem is people like you who can't accept incremental steps.
>Hurr nobody is getting shot or lynched, who cares zzzzz
You're a mental midget who has no business posting on a political imageboard.

would you prefer no action to be taken? I'm curious as to what you would do in Trump's place.

Amen. Jow Forums needs to go up 1 on the intelligence scale

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Don't worry, sweetie. You can always fuck off back to /ptg/ for your safe space.

Then you're just retarded and never even understood his platform to begin with. You probably clapped your hands at the meme frog on twitter and that was all it took to convince your reptile brain.

>I voted that means my opinion carries weight
>You don't believe in democracy that means yours doesn't
Is it comfy, being mentally handicapped, or does it cause you a lot of anxiety in life?

>When you think you are white but you're just a mutt

Please tell me which incremental steps Trump has made towards building a wall and making mexico pay for it. He sure fulfilled his AIPAC promises and then some promptly.

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Contrary to popular media propaganda, there's lots of wall going up. We already got what we wanted from Mexico and that's a signed agreement to stop migrants coming to the US, it's a great opportunity for a future cooperative effort between US troops and Mexican police to combat corruption. If they approve a base being built in Mexico, we can offer logistical support and extra hands, not to mention an influx American money being spent there to maintain it. There's no loss for the Mexican government or their people and it's a gain for us being able to lower the stresses on our southern border.

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Yes, someone who doesn't believe in democracy's opinion on the goings on inside a democracy, a democracy that will retain a democracy, has a functionally useless opinion. What part is hard to understand?

This, increasing funding for what he could through budget negotiations, and getting national emergency funding from where he could which he is currently fighting for in court. Here's a better question - why don't you tell me what he could've done differently? Oh wait, you don't want to talk about the democratic answer. So guess what? Your opinion is useless. See how that works?

>They're not doing shit
>just like the last administration
it's almost like the adversarial system we are using doesn't work.

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>You don't eat shit
>that means who can't criticize eating shit
this is you

>Trump: Mexico must do something about illegal immigration for face tariffs
>Mexico: we will stop the flow of immigrants
>Trump: ok no tariffs then

He has threatened similar several times and nothing gets done.

build a fucking wall like he said he would do a million times years ago you fucking kike.

hm. it's almost like he doesn't have all the power.

Wow, how did I know you wouldn't be able to answer my question? Maybe pay attention to politics instead of whining about why everyone hasn't done SS uniforms and you'll be able to accomplish something. Because let me tell you, with those debate skills you aren't going to be able to convince anyone to pick up arms on your behalf.

>ask for a reduction from 500k illegals a year under Obama
>gives us 1 million instead
h-heheh, I'm ok with this MAGApedes as long as it happens LEGALLY

Such as...?

Mexico is the wall

He has the power to enforce tariffs. It's basically the only power he has at this point since he's unwilling to take power for himself. Yet he still cucks out every time.

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Wait and see if illegal crossings go down.

What has happened here, as has happened in the past, is that Donald Trump made a demand, was basically told "no", and then negotiated a means to save face.

Mexico wasn't the one in this case to shut the president down. American industry was. Powerful groups like automotive industry went to Trump and explained to him that the shit he was proposing was stupid as fuck, that he shouldn't do it and that they'd fuck him up politically if he did.

So Trump backs down and declares victory anyway.

first we ended all drug importation and now we are going to end all illegal immigration and we only had to ask mexico to do it. everything is going great.
sometime i talk to my grandpa and ask him "what was it like living in an america where drugs were readily available anywhere"
what a strange world that must have been

drumpf drumpfity dilate drunmpft blumpft

It's not happening legally, they're illegals. You just called them illegals, and they are because they're illegally entering. That point probably sounded much better in your head.

the wall was a metaphor and sri lanka is paying for it with carburetor embargoes

Why doesn't he just declare a state of emergency like you pedes said he would in January? Why is he making increasingly less beneficial deals instead of playing hardball? You don't have an alternative either because you're incapable of acting like Trump is anything less than perfect and he dindu nuffin wrong its all the dems fault. well I guess you see how democracy doesn't work now eh?

Suck my big canadian cock you boomer faggot

Yes but shills don't want you to think

>build a fucking wall
With what?
Will you wave your presidential wand and prestidigitate a wall into existence?

I'm curious as to why you believe you will have better luck building a wall in the face of the same level of opposition as Trump has received.

He literally did. We are currently under a state of emergency. Just stop talking dude, this is embarrassing.

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you do understand that areas of the southern border aren't suited for walls? You do understand areas like the southern portion of Texas is a fucking river delta and would require a shit ton more money to dig to the bedrock? You understand that walls aren't transparent, which is why the switched?

I'm mocking Trump's retarded diversionary tactics. That you missed that proves your autism

that guys hasn't been the president for months dude

after bush and Obama the president of the united states has more power than at any other time in American history.
not only does trump have every right to build a wall on his say so alone, he could start droning illegals and even drone mexican us citizens if he deams them a national security threat, or he could have all illegals tortured and he would not be doing anything bush and obama did not do.

>We are currently under a state of emergency
And what ha that accomplished? I thought that was the big gambit?
>Just stop talking!!!! Shuddup!! leave trump alone!! stop making me experience cognitive dissonance REEEEEEEEEE STOP TALKING!!!11!! FUK U

Answer me this mutt: what has Trump done right so far and what could he have done better, in your opinion?

You must be thinking of the wrong post. You were before, and I asked you for an example.
And you never gave one.

Who is eager for the mass suicide by shills when Trump is re-elected?

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I thought Q hanged all the shills during the great awakening

All Trump has to do is claim it's part of the war on drugs. Take on the cartels with military force and in the meanwhile, barricade the border. But he lacks a spine so obviously it's not happening. (By contrast, HW Bush, the "Republicuck" had no problems declaring war on Panama.) Trump is just a coward

>Why doesn't he just declare a state of emergency
because Democrats have already begun raising the implication that they will go to the unprecedented length of blocking a presidential state of emergency.

Why even take the chance of undermining your own power like that?
It's far worse politically for him to declare a state of emergency and have the system ignore him, then for him not to do so.

wall work, that why every fucking civilization is history used them
> You understand that walls aren't transparent
please kill yourself very slowly and painfully you stupid kike.

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I'm not going to explain the news to you so you can play catch-up. You don't know what's going on and that's okay. This just might not be the board for you.

>"He did it to troll sanctuary cities. you must have seen the reaction to that. "

>Literally flying in tens of thousands of beaners who were disperse, never show for their court dates, and in a few years be voting Democrat to continue to shit on this country.,


>thinks Mexico would do anything at all

They just need to delay and wait for the Golden Goy to do something stupid enough that forces the military to remove him.

>what has Trump done right so far
Tipped the Supreme Court in our favor for the next thirty years.

>what could he have done better,
Why should we give you talking points?


stupid amerimutts

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>guys he can't do anything because the democrats will stop working so well with him and try and stop him instead.

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Do you think we're going to be moved by your mockery? Do you think your judgement matters to us?

I mean that guy is just wrong, Trump already declared a national emergency.

What do you know you fucking Lithuanian Rat?

A wall on Mexicos southern border would be far easier to build than on Americas southern border.

I've personally always wondered why we never opted to make a base in Mexico to rout out drug corruption or offered to aid them with deterring migrants in the past. Then I remember the Bush family was friends with the cartels and that Bush sr. took over Afghani poppy fields for export on their behalf.

So you admit the democrats are trying to stop him?
Why should we blame Trump for not accomplishing his goals then shill?

We don't want tariffs. We can't Mexico to cooperate.