Civil War 2 Analysis: Who would win?

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No-one would win. In the event of another civil war, we all lose.

No wonder we left you on that small Island when we sailed west.

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I would win.

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whichever side has the pentagon backing it, will have silicon valley and new york's financial power. that side will win.

>fantasizing about slaughtering your own countrymen en masse because they don't agree with your politics
This kind of dark fantasy is often embraced by those who'd be among the first to die. It's disgusting, pathological, and worst of all, unpatriotic.

>those who'd be among the first to die.
Maybe that's what they want.

3 you meam? Not you because your retarded

I don't think so.

>Who would win?

No one.

>This kind of dark fantasy is often embraced by those who'd be among the first to die. It's disgusting, pathological, and worst of all, unpatriotic.
Agreed. No more brother wars - not even against the Mongols!

I love how this idiot equates "Leftists" with the "establishment". Like right wingers aren't the epitome of "establishment". kek
It's in the fucking name.
Conserving what? The ESTABLISHED order.
This is another reason you'll lose. Your low fucking IQ and your bias that fogs your reason and common fucking sense.

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the jews

I wonder if John Mark realises he just made an hour-long video analysing an old Jow Forums meme?

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This. We are still living the nightmare shadow of 1861-65. I get the "heritage not hate" trope, but seriously...start waving the American flag instead. I feel bad for modern Germans who have their own shadows to overcome. Self Flagellation won't win points. It's considered suicide.

They aren't going to use nukes?

Whites are already losing.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Really think about it.

I don't want it but I actively realize it has become absolutely inevitable and it will likely ultimately result in genocides so brutal that it will make everything before it look like child's play.

When you're thinking about civil war, it's because your countrymen no longer seem like your countrymen.


Just like with every single conflict where people of European stock were forced to fight against foreign invader. Initial terrible loses and slaughter upon the unprepared and naive white population which suffers from natural tendencies towards altruism, then short organization and then total and utter destruction of the enemy, which will then continue to whine about it for centuries.

Anons saying "no one" and other who suffer from moral syphilis called pacifism are those who would go during that first tragedy. Reason why we have those here is because there wasn't a war for quite some time now.

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Also to explain - if anyone thinks that any civil war scenario in the United States wouldn't end up being inherently along the racial lines, he is wrong and there is no reason to listen to him.

>your own countrymen

There’s the rub: those fucks aren’t my countrymen and never will be. Our next civil war will be an ideological war of annihilation akin to the Russian or Chinese Civil War. Only one side will survive.

Did you forget about the Jews?

If we had not fought our civil war, we would have been a communist shithole. It was shitty, and neighbour killed neighbour, but it was necessary.

That is wrong but eventually, people will change. People have emotional connections that keep them rooted to this dying society ran by lies and deceit, propaganda and greed.

When they have those connections severed or damaged. Family raped or killed. They will accept what needs to be done and the world will change. There are not enough damaged families for true martyrs to arise from the white race. Heroes to stand against the Zionist force-fed a horde of unwashed masses. People with truly nothing left to lose.

They are the establishment. They're supported by every media and tech giant. Those are the establishment. Who could imagine someone with a meme flag would be intensely retarded.

They win no matter what

>ITT russian shills pretending to americans hating each other
I'm also sure there are some retards that don't understand that dividing america is how our enemies win. Americans agree on 80% of topics, the idea that we want to kill eachother over that last 20% is ridiculous

is there a site where you can do war gaming like this? Two teams making moves and the rest of /pol making judgments on who wins by voting.

for there to be a civil war the rigth needs to show up, but they never do

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>The "nat zees" control the bread-basket, food-growing areas of the country, and can feed themselves during food shortages
>The left is huddled in densely populated urban areas that will become meat-grinders in a economic collapse scenario, and the bread and circuses are cut off.
LAMOing at your life right now.

A modern day communist shithole as defined by present day right wing retards in the U.S. is something like moderate tax increases, environmental regulations and providing healthcare and education

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Begone Boomer. Your passive egalitarian brainwashing led to this.

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Government and lefties vs right wing. Makes you think.

>Government and lefties
Big think, indeed.

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>rural america

pick one, only one

>Who would win?

Arms manufacturers, extremists, criminals (smugglers, rapists, murderers, etc.), and sociopaths who enjoy killing.

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Hopefully the good guys

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Not if they’re all dead.

Meh I've accepted that if the war I want happens I'll probably be exploded in some foxhole or die to disease in a prisoner camp or something.

muh financial and penagon power....

you know bullets kill rich people just as easy as anyone else right?

How hard can it be?

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the enemy

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>Who would win?
I'm betting on based Conservatives.

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This idiot can't even give accurate voting figures

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You guys could manage to get it against the leftist whites. If spikes and niggers show up, even half of then, thats goingo to be insane.

First off all, south states will need a good plan to exclude/exile/recruit all the niggers that live there. If they rise up, south states would stuck inside, unable the help states with less people interesting. Most midwest states would do great, mayba some troubles with loyal military forces based there.

The thing is: New england, Pacific coast and great lakes. Great lakes are the easier states to hold on in a military campaign. Nobody old care, spics would run, and niggers would think they can hold Detroit etc, but they cant.

New england is lost, they should build up a full liberal state there.
Pacific Coast... the hardness is all about the mountais. How do we take then to pass country troops? Reds would be isolated if you guys cant reach the mountains. Outside the great cities, pacific coast people is pretty red, and if they move first, they could isolate LA and shit. I dont think leftists could line up find along the state, they should focus on the urban areas. Wich are ungovernable along crises, taking a lot of people only to keep some internal order(while they could put that people in tha city walls).

Israel, we will sell weapons and "aid" to both sides. Then the victor will be able to get loans for reconstruction (Become a debt slave), we will be seen as g*d's chosen coming to save our greatest ally in their time of need.

You will be in our debt and servitude both monetarily, politically, and spiritually.

Hopefully while this is all going on we can build the 3rd temple and exterminate the Palestinians, Bedouins, and Druz.

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What I love is all the pie in the sky bullshit about the "Union." Lol what kind of Union has to hold itself together with bayonets and cannon balls? This place should be two countries, it basically already is two countries.

This. Everything boils down to Race

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We all lose.

The government. When this one fails another will take it's place.

I agree.
Historically the left has always been more violent with those the are "bad-think".
They will be the ones that step over the line.

checked, it will be CWIII

Me cause my daily job as a software engineer sucks.

Ideology will be a major factor.

You're hysterical if you actually think rich people will be fighting. Hell no. They'll have their immigrant army and drones. You'll be left killing your cousin who's still brainwashed, your high school sweetheart who wants to stop a theocracy from taking away the privileges feminists gave her, and the Mexicans we've been importing since 1965. There will be no Rothschilds for you to shoot at.

In the beginning yes. The moment suck arrive with full force, it won't.

you must not live around these antifa faggots. if they were all thrown in a trash compactor the world would be a better place.

>implying i wouldn't settle for mexicans and roasties

God i hope it wont be along racial lines like this board wants it to be. I'll have no idea who to fight for and will probably get killed by both sides.


don't make me laugh

La Raza Cosmica is going to win

This white boy things 1 state is enough for white people to live in

another white coward

>US destabilizes, explodes into >50-100 warring factions like in Syria with no clear alliances and international training, arms, and funding flowing in to keep the former superpower down as long as possible

>US Government appeals to Europe for help, gets UN peacekeepers from every nation on Earth lead by Russian and Chinese to crush and supress rebels more brutally than in both wars in Chechnya and Tiananmen Square while elites flee to New Zealand or elsewhere with all their capital in preparation for the extremists to be mowed down or imprisoned

>Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexican cartels, everybody else who the US has pissed off even once in theory send in money and guns to anyone who hates anyone CIA style so they can reorient the global economy around themselves

>The South turns permanently brown as Whites flee and spics/niggers reproduce or move in to the fragmented (minority White) nations which form in the wake of Balkanization

>For the next 100 years at least, almost nobody can get anything done in the US without being shot at driving along decaying highways or local roads because every month or so a new rebel force will pop up and slaughter dozens of random people while international troops engage in sex trafficking, mass murder, rape, graft, corruption, and robbery like they do in every other country ever

>Cyberpunk city-states built around billionaire individual or corporate fortunes with law enforcement technology that makes 1984 look like a mythical paradise will attract the majority of the population once they're tired of chaos like what happened with the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China and just want to be herded like sheep in the safety and comfort of a plastic cube

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The right would win, no question about it. It wouldn't even be a fair fight...

the military keeps getting more leftist by the day though. i think they'd cuck and blast jimbo with his ar from an ac130. sad but i don't trust the fuckers.

According to trends right will newer win elections after trump. Because minorities vote left and whites will lost majority status soon. And civil war is inevitable. Also he said that elite
can start 3rd world war like a distraction.

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Im not watching your crappy video

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wa state is the only state where white males vote dem. someone nuke that faggot state.

Oh look, Russians agitating for an American civil war

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are Communists conservative in a Soviet context then?

It's not a matter of "want" it's a matter of US has been divided on racial lines since the fucking 60s. Read American Civil War 2 for confirmation, or just check my sequential numbers.

Americans are faggots with no testicles, so it will never happen

If you look at US (and Anglo) history leftists have won every single round since 1688. No reason to expect anything different this time.

not sure if idiot or bait
even the gubbament disagrees with your statement, and all scenarios that the military constantly play out demonstrate that you are wrong

Yeah I know. It’s all pretty fucked. I live in New York too. I’m giving it till after the election and then if I get any scent of something going down I’m moving down south before shit hits the fan. I want to be as far away from this city as possible. I might even take bus down on Election Day just in case.

CRUSHING victory for the anti white anti freedom establishment
it wouldnt even be funny how little of a fight there would be

america would become a totalitarian socialist state before a a resistance is even formed on the white side

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What, me? Mad at the elite establishment?

It's fine. They don't love me like you do pol. I actually wish I was joking.

what kind rifle is on the pic?
looks like HK A3G3 but somewhat different

> I’m moving down south before shit hits the fan.

Your only hope would be to make friends in the Midwest, West or PNW.

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Assuming the RIGHT got off first and was able to nuke every major U.S. city, I would say the RIGHT would "win."

There will never be another civil war in america. The powers that be will never let it get to that point for the simple fact if it ever did other countries would get involved.

The authoritarian incels making up the bulk of both forces purity spiral and fracture into petty factions warring against eachother. The US becomes balkanized.

Nukes are not real.
The international Jew is real. The Jew will commit acts of savagery and bribe Goy in all sorts of ways.
Wildcard not discussed in the video.

nice b8 faggot

Depends on which states join the rebellion and which ones stay in the union.
And if by civil war you mean race war.. then the altrights will lose. You'll be wiped out. The only color that matters is green, you're not green and despite your pallor you aren't paper.

You'll resort to al-qaeda tier terrorism.

ps: Trump juiced our manpower and put in policies that will boost it into overdrive. Dude's on our side. That deal with mexico, kek that aint gonna change open borders. If you thought they didn't care before, they'll care even less if a race war is imminent. And another thing, white military gets their ass stomped overseas by goat farmers, rural folks.. the people hopping the border: goat farmers, rural folks. They're coming straight from the ranch. Their whole life is pseudo survivalism, they turn their yards into mini farms here, all of them. It's not even larping, it's second nature

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im three of those things, technically 4 if you count spreading banned literature as criminal activity

>No-one would win. In the event of another civil war, we all lose.
Which means we would all win.

>Americans agree on 80% of topics,

False Boomer bullshit. KYS

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Are you talking about the UK or USA

nigga if a civil war ensues the left is gonna crush the conservatards
>the left: lets go fucking kill them and rape their wives and children
>the right: huhhhh nice civil war mate but i have a job and can't go around shooting people ya know? i dont wanna have a record. have a nice day mkay

fucking loser faggots, you deserve what you get

It's not the "alt right" you have to worry about in the south, it's the run of the mill rural white trash. You have no idea how much more prepared the people are down here. Food wont be a problem. Guns wont be a problem. Even the fatasses grew up in the woods here. I really cant think of a population more designed or prepared for guerilla warfare except maybe some vietnamese that's been living in the jungle. There are alot more of them than you think becuase they dont piss and moan on social media. Niggers will cut and run to where the electricity is in the first two weeks. You arent going to have to worry about an organized offensive force from these people, but you could literally never root them out if they get holed up in the woods.

Us. Gott mit uns

Post better b8 pls

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This guy gets it.
>t. rural AR user that hates both sides and has a ton of guns

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the left has consistently and steadily crushed conservatards for the last few years

hell, remember that faggot leftist that went and shot literal senators at a baseball game?

that's how far they are willing to got at any given time

you keep thinking whatever you want

the truth is that when shit hits the fan, conservatards will be too busy asking for dialogue while the left will go full death squads from day zero