Political Memes

Only cerebral memes that reactionary rightists are unfortunately unable to understand.

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Not all rent seekers.

Based comrade

>communism is bad

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Jow Forums in a nutshell

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>Implying you ever see that except in rare occasions where they can slip it past Hollywood like in Cloud Atlas

>communism is good
The only redeeming quality it has is starving commies.

Attached: communism_whatigot.jpg (1257x517, 173K)

>Durr muh works only in theory shills
Our country is automated at 100x the level russia was when it revolted. The simple argument is that capitalism directs average persons value system to materialism and personal property accumulation. As well as the female hivemind toward status symbols. If were being real the wealthiest and richiest I would ever feel is reproducing a family that I was deprived of due to chasing "valuable" material success instead

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Make an argument next time, faggot jew

Stalin was the greatest leader in world history, now starve.

Wat? most of Jow Forums definitely calls themselves nazis. The only ones who dont are the /ptg/ "the democrats are the real racists" faggots.

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Stalin, Hitler and Mao did nothing wrong faggit. The advancement of the nation can and will always cost lives be it through starvation or getting rid of the undesired. Even capitalism costs lives even if there isnt a central planning of the killing, that doesnt make it less so.

Stalin was a kike and starved millions of white people either intentionally or unintentionally.
Mao did the same thing.

Hitler basically saved Germany from a Marxist revolution, he pulled it out of the Great Depression before most other Western countries.

And now your only claim to fame over capitalism is overruled once you happily acknowledge that death is acceptable, even more so "because the capitalists do it too"

Shut the fuck up red.

Fuck off you totalitarian tranny, next we talk try to get the government's cock out of your mouth, i hear it helps coherent speech. The goal of civilization is not to purely endure ad infinitum until inevitably something fucks up and there's no civilization to endure, it's to grow understanding throughout time, and perpetuating a totalitarian regime isn't helping this, this goes for you commies too.

Hitler killed the most white people if you consider botched offensives that he wanted to organize himself. Stalin hated the kikes as much as Addi did, thats why he got rid of cucks like trotsky. China can really always afford to have a hundred million people die just cause humans is the one resource they had and have so much of.
All three greatly advanced their (and my) nation and Im glad they did what they did.

>happily acknowledge that death is acceptable
Guess how every fuckin life ends, suomabro. Its not not-death thats for sure. Would you not give your life to advance your nation?
And the capitalists do it too is actually an argument. I dont deny that capitalism also advances countries, I just think that for different people, different cultures, different races and especially different times, there are different ways to best advance ones nation. Capitalism works for a lot of nations now, but you have to be complete and utterly retarded to think that russia and china would be where they are now on the world stage, if stalin and mao and the ones that followed had never existed.
Hitler is a bit different but still it was worth it, even just for the fact that we have so few jews living here now. And go ahead and tell me that our beautiful autobahns arent worth the 6 gorrillion...

arguments made
>russia was somewhat automated due to the industrial revolution in the early 20th century but not nearly enough to sustain a revolution
>pic related
What if I offered you the chance 1/1000000 chance to become an american A-list celebrity or billionaire with and endless supply of attention from starving, money-hungry (due to the effects of capitalism) women. Think Bieber or Pitt. Also thrown into the deal is that you're afraid to go outside in public forevermore.
Or... 4 years of temporary ownership with the woman you clicked with the most as a teenager in highschool to reproduce a family.
Capitalism changes the value system of the entire society to only value, pay attention to, or be nice to people who've been successful

Attached: wealth and property.jpg (412x155, 18K)

>Hitler killed the most people
As an English man with my family name in the doomsday book i officially remove the crime of killing Englishmen from Hitler as it was done in defence of the fatherland.

>Stalin hated kikes
He never purged them all, in fact he was almost certainly a kike himself.

Oh and imagine what might have happened if Lenin's NEP had continued, or the Tsar was never overthrown and Russia became developed without massive loss of life.
The Jews forced Marxism on Russia to wipe out any goyim who dare resist ZOG.

>Guess how every fuckin life ends, suomabro
Natural death is radically different from getting killed. And don't sweeten me up, sugartits. Although make no mistake, i do appreciate that.

>Would you not give your life to advance your nation?
I would not give my life to perpetuate civilization, i would give my life to get closer to the answers about civilization i desire.

>Capitalism works for a lot of nations now, but you have to be complete and utterly retarded to think that russia and china would be where they are now on the world stage
Absolutely. Thanks to Mao and the commies, China has oppressive cencorship laws, the culture has gained a reputation of producing soulless worker ants, they needed to resort to capitalism because they realized that the obscenely cheap labor is extremely profitable to export and exploit (not to mention the famines that occurred not long after the commies got into power) and this list goes on and on.

>Hitler is a bit different but still it was worth it, even just for the fact that we have so few jews living here now.
I'll have to research the validity of accusing jews of anything, i have heard some interesting points from some friends, but i'd have to see from myself. Although i still disagree that a suppressive regime is in any way good.

>And go ahead and tell me that our beautiful autobahns arent worth the 6 gorrillion...
That's a tough choice, i do enjoy the subtle humor in the signage.

They made a new machine that can automaticaly test IQ.
They need people to reset the machine.
People ITT need to aply for a position so the machine can be set to zero for each new participant.
You are welcome!

Attached: whiteBlackIQ.png (795x448, 78K)

>russia was somewhat automated due to the industrial revolution in the early 20th century but not nearly enough to sustain a revolution
That's an opinion based on historical data. Not an argument in the strict sense. And if i for one second drop the charade, i haven't read jack shit on economics yet. I'll take recommendations, but i have several things i need to finish even now.

>Capitalism changes the value system of the entire society to only value, pay attention to, or be nice to people who've been successful
We can agree on this, at least until i read up on basic economics and sociology, but the answer cannot be a totalitarian regime of any sort. An alternative is preferable.

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Naziboos are pretty cringe, Hans. I can appreciate the aesthetic, but a lot of LARPers come off as edgy autists.

>>Hitler killed the most people
Hey I specifically said white people. Dont mix anglos in there. Still I appreciate it and am happy we could do you and everyone else a favor by a killing a bunch of you!

Tsar-booism is one of the weirdest fetishes some people on here have... He was a massive fuckin retard literally getting cucked and yet being advised by possibly the antichrist himself. No way in hell would he have just made a 360 and moonwalk away from corrupt monarchism in an empire larger than the moon where the masses of workers were genuinely oppressed and exploited with no modern advance whatsoever that helped the people. The revolution was in the end still mostly a peoples revolution against shitty standards of living, poor work conditions and no representation, and they at least replaced that with education, medical care and the illusion of political representation...

>China has oppressive cencorship laws, the culture has gained a reputation of producing soulless worker ants, they needed to resort to capitalism because they realized that the obscenely cheap labor is extremely profitable to export and exploit (not to mention the famines that occurred not long after the commies got into power) and this list goes on and on.
Thats what Im saying though. I dont want that shit here in the west, but if it works for the chinks, let them have more totalitarianism than we have here. And if they think that they need a bit more capitalism and less communism all the better for them. I dont have any illusions that we will ever find a political system that works for all humans and all groups of humans and some just work for some people or some time and then they evolve and change and mix...
Having global socialism is really the main problem that I have with marx, and I believe he and others like Che who tried to bring the revolution to the world were doomed from the start. Hence socialism, but national...

>Thats what Im saying though. I dont want that shit here in the west, but if it works for the chinks, let them have more totalitarianism than we have here. And if they think that they need a bit more capitalism and less communism all the better for them. I dont have any illusions that we will ever find a political system that works for all humans and all groups of humans and some just work for some people or some time and then they evolve and change and mix...
I failed to consider this. Thank you.

>Having global socialism is really the main problem that I have with marx, and I believe he and others like Che who tried to bring the revolution to the world were doomed from the start. Hence socialism, but national...
Anarcho-communism inherently requires no outside influence to exist in order to function even for the smalles amount of time, communism betrays the very ideas that they claim makes them better from capitalists, and national socialism is the self-sufficient shut-in neet of socialism. Not making much progress in the grand scale of things and suppressing the nature of the human condition to merely existsing for another day. Advancement of the nation should be secondary to advancement of the human, in all aspects.

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